post https://api-{corename}.{env}
Use the Activate Card endpoint to activate a physical card that has an emboss record in status: Y
. Do not use this endpoint to activate a virtual card; instead, use the Modify Status endpoint with type: 7
Consult the Activating a Card procedure for more information.
Status codes
See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.
The table below lists status codes that apply to this specific endpoint.
Status code | Description |
467-01 | No unactivated cards found that match all parameters . No cards with an emboss status: Y match the cardholder-provided input. Cardholder must supply correct card data. |
467-02 | No unactivated cards found . No cards with an emboss status: Y match the PRN or customer ID. Retry with valid PRN or customer ID. Your product settings determine which value the system searches on. |
467-03 | Card successfully activated - However, there were were errors deactivating temporary cards . Verify that your product parameters are correct, or send a Modify Status call with type: 2 for the temporary cards. |
467-04 | Invalid account - account is in charged off status and cannot be modified . Account is in status: R . Inform the cardholder that the card cannot be activated. |
467-05 | Invalid account - account is in fraud status and cannot be modified . Account is in status: F . Inform the cardholder that the card cannot be activated. |
467-06 | Card not activated - card in blocked status . Account is in a status that is specified in the CRDBL parameter. Inform the cardholder that the card cannot be activated. |