Create Account Transfer

Use the Create Account Transfer endpoint to move funds between accounts in the same program. You can combine a fee with the payment or adjustment, depending on what transaction types you have set up with Galileo. The accounts can belong to the same customer or different customers. If the accounts are in different programs, verify that the program parameters permit transferring funds between the programs.

Pass the sending account in the accountNo parameter and the receiving account in the transferToAccountNo parameter. The receiving account should be in status: N (active) and the active flag set to Y.

To permit this endpoint to drive the sending account negative, set the ALWNB parameter on the sending product.

Consult the Creating an Internal Transfer guide for instructions on using this endpoint.

Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.

The table below lists status codes that apply to this specific endpoint.

Status codeDescription
445-01The transfer-to account could not be found. Retry with a valid account number in transferToAccountNo or inform the customer that the receiving account does not exist.
445-02Invalid transfer-to account. Verify that the receiving account is status: N, or inform the customer that the receiving account is ineligible to receive funds.
445-03The transfer-to account product is not authorized. Inform the customer that the receiving account is not eligible to receive funds.
445-04Sender velocity check failure. Moving funds out of this account violates its velocity limits. Inform the customer that they cannot make this transfer.
445-05Recipient velocity check failure. Moving funds into this account violates its velocity limits. Inform the customer that they cannot make this transfer.
445-06Sender insufficient balance. The value in amount is higher than the sending account's available funds. Inform the customer that they do not have sufficient funds to make this transfer.
445-07Invalid/unconfigured cross program transfer. The sending and receiving accounts have different program_ids, and settings do not permit transfers between these programs. Verify that your program settings permit transfers between the two programs, or inform the customer that they cannot transfer funds between those two accounts.
445-08Previous attempt found in process. Did not process current request. Do not retry.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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