
Your response to an outbound API timed out. Galileo was able to contact your server, as specified in the AUAPI product parameter, but your response to an Events API, Auth API, or External Trans API webhook did not arrive within the timeout period.

  • CodeOATO
  • Event trigger — Galileo does not receive a response to an outbound API.
  • Processes — These processes contain the event trigger:
    • Events API message sent
    • Auth API webhook sent
    • External Trans API webhook sent


The data elements (DEs) in the field descriptions may vary by network. All fields are strings. Your field names may vary. Default fields are included in the default webhook template. See Default and optional fields for more information.

Field Default Description
act_type X

See Activity Type for possible values. Example: "VI"

amount X

The amount of the authorization request. Includes fees and upcharges. DE004 times the conversion rate in DE009. The amount is signed: - to debit the account and + to credit the account. Example: "10.25"

auth_id X

Galileo-generated ID for the authorization request. This ID is unique per subnetwork. Example: "12303090"


For debit accounts, the open_to_buy plus available overdraft. Example: "143.11"


For credit accounts, the available credit limit to spend. Example: "432.00"

balance_id X

The balance ID, also called the galileo_account_number. Example: "20211"

cad X

Galileo-generated card ID. Example: "12534"


Corporate Hierarchy group identifier. Example: "2544"


For credit accounts, the total amount of unpaid purchases and advances. Example: "325.00"


The auth_id of the previous authorization in an incremental sequence. May contain the same value as original_auth_id. Example: "12303085"

mcc X

Merchant category code (DE018). Example: "5712"

merchant_location X

Merchant city and state (from remaining part of ISO DE043). Example: "NEW YORK, NY"

merchant_name X

Merchant name (first 22 characters of DE043). Should not be used for matching; instead, use merchant_number. Example: "Widgets Incorporated"

merchant_number X

Merchant number (DE042). Example: "L4DIV6D5LM4X7LF"


Unique Galileo-generated identifier for this message. Example: "243693"


The four-letter code to identify this event. Example: "OATO"

network X

See Events Network Codes for possible values. Example: "V"

open_to_buy X

The available balance to spend. Example: "500.00"

original_auth_id X

The auth_id of the previous authorization in a sequence. For a completion, this is the auth_id of the preauthorization. For a reversal, this is the auth_id of the transaction that is being reversed. For an incremental sequence, this is the auth_id of the previous authorization in the sequence. Example: "12303085"


The auth_id of the first authorization in an incremental sequence. Example: "12302001"

otype X

See Transaction Types for possible values. Example: "A"

pmt_ref_no X

Galileo 12-digit payment reference number (PRN) for the account. Example: "999101003022"

prod_id X

The product ID of the account. Example: "1701"

prog_id X

The program ID of the account. Example: "305"

response_code X

See Authorization Response Codes for possible values. Example: "05"


Pipe-delimited list of factors that were calculated for response_code. Example: "Acquiring merchant blocked by product|Suspected fraud"

timestamp X

Date-time when this event was created in Mountain Standard Time (GMT -0700). Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss MST Example: "2025-01-31 17:20:33 MST"


Mastercard only. Transaction link identifier. An identifier that Mastercard generates for every original transaction. DE105SF1. Example: "f3a54c321e634e9b"

type X

The name of this event: "Auth_API_timeout"


Contents of Field 62.2: Transaction Identifier (bitmap format). This Visa-generated transaction ID is unique for each original authorization and financial request. Example: "141037867734271"


# Auth_API_timeout example:
  "act_type": "VI",
  "amount": "10.25",
  "auth_id": "12303090",
  "avail_cash": "143.11",
  "avail_credit": "432.00",
  "balance_id": "20211",
  "cad": "12534",
  "credit_balance": "325.00",
  "latest_incremental_id": "12303085",
  "mcc": "5712",
  "merchant_location": "NEW YORK, NY",
  "merchant_name": "Widgets Incorporated",
  "merchant_number": "L4DIV6D5LM4X7LF",
  "msg_event_id": "243693",
  "msg_id": "OATO",
  "network": "V",
  "open_to_buy": "500.00",
  "original_auth_id": "12303085",
  "original_incremental_id": "12302001",
  "otype": "A",
  "pmt_ref_no": "999101003022",
  "prod_id": "1701",
  "prog_id": "305",
  "response_code": "05",
  "response_reasons": "Acquiring merchant blocked by product|Suspected fraud",
  "timestamp": "2025-01-31 17:20:33 MST",
  "tlid": "f3a54c321e634e9b",
  "type": "Auth_API_timeout",
  "visa_trans_id": "141037867734271"

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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