Account Statuses

An account status specifies the state of an account. Account statuses can be assigned by internal processes or they can be manually changed by the Program API, such as by using Modify Status. When changing an account status using the Modify Status endpoint, make sure the type changes the account status and not the card status only.

Account status is independent of card status. Both the account and card must be in status: N (normal, active) to perform card transactions. See Card Statuses for more information.

This table indicates whether an account status permits certain types of transactions or account updates. X means that the transaction is permitted, and other characters indicate that performing the transaction is contingent on settings and other factors.



Galileo is obligated to post every transaction in a settlement file for every PAN that exists in the system, regardless of card or account status, and regardless of account balance.


  • Columns
    • Network — Authorizations originating on the card network; an account that is not in status: N can still have its authorizations settled.
    • PmtCreate Payment endpoint or internal processes; payments using Create Account Transfer can be made only when the receiving account is in status: N.
    • AdjCreate Adjustment endpoint or internal processes, either credit or debit, including Mastercard merchant credits
    • ACH — Incoming ACH transactions, unless otherwise specified
    • Update — Status changes. For updates using Update Account, the account must be in status: N, or you can set UPDCZ to permit updates in statuses C and Z.



Mastercard considers status: C (canceled) and status: Z (canceled without refund) to be permanent statuses. As of 21 April 2025, issuers are required to return response_code: 46 for accounts or cards in those two statuses. If you reactivate a card or account that was closed, Mastercard could assess penalties for transactions attempted against that card. If you need to temporarily close an account or card to reopen later, use status: D (disabled).

  • Symbols
    • § — Merchant credits only.
    • * — Network loads controlled by BLKLD.
    • ** — Incoming ACH debits controlled by ACHCA.
    • §§ — Incoming ACH credits controlled by ACSTS.
    • ‡ — Cannot originate ACH debits.
    • ⬧ — Merchant credits permitted when IGACT is set.
    • ⁂ — Charged-off account status (R) can be changed only by the Recover Charged-Off Account endpoint.
StatusDescriptionNetworkPmtAdjACH debitACH creditUpdate
FFailed ID verificationXX§§
MMoved to new program. The cardholder has been migrated to a new program. This status is functionally identical to status: Z.XX§§
NActive (normal)XXX**§§X
PPassed ID verificationXX§§
RCharged off. The account has been negative for a number of days, as defined in the CODYS product parameter, or the account was charged off by the Charge Off Account endpoint.XX§§
TID verification in processXX§§X
VApplication submitted. The account setup process has not completed. The exact steps in the setup process vary according to the ACSET product parameter.XX§§X
WWaiting to be processedXXX§§X
ZCanceled without refund§*X§§X
dBankruptcy dischargedX
eBankruptcy dismissedX
fBankruptcy filedX

Related parameters

To change some properties of account statuses, you can set these parameters.

ACHCASpecifies whether an account must be in status: N to permit incoming ACH debits.
ACSTSContains a list of statuses that are allowed to receive an ACH credit.
BLKLDContains a list of account statuses that cannot receive card loads. Does not apply to ACH credits or API loads. Default: C,Z
IGACTBy default, the system allows merchant credits on cards in any status, but only allows merchant credits for account statuses N, C, D, and Z. Set this parameter to bypass account status checks for merchant credits. Keep in mind that "frozen" is not an account or card status. Furthermore, some of the account statuses above would not occur after a card's PAN has been given to a cardholder.
RISCSList of card statuses that permit card reissue. Default: N,C,Z
STPLDContains a list of statuses that do not permit transactions originated by Create Account Transfer (sending account only), Create Payment, Create Adjustment, and Create ACH Transaction

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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