Get Federal Benefit Enrollments

Use the Get Federal Benefit Enrollments endpoint to retrieve information on the federal benefit enrollments of the specified account.

Form Data

Web service username, as provided by Galileo.
Pattern: Max 50 characters
Example: "AbC123-9999"


Web service password, as provided by Galileo.
Pattern: Max 15 characters
Example: "4sb62fh6w4h7w34g"


Galileo-issued provider identifier.
Pattern: Max 10 digits
Example: 9999

1 to 60

A unique provider-generated ID to identify this API call. A UUID is preferred.
Pattern: 60 characters or less
Example: "9845dk-39fdk3fj3-4483483478"


The PRN or PAN of the account.
Pattern: PRN or PAN
Example: "074103447228"

string | null
Defaults to null

The PRN of the federal benefits enrollment DDA.
Pattern: PRN
Example: "074103447228"

string | null
Defaults to null

The type of agency that is providing the benefit. See the Federal Benefit Enrollment Agency Types enumeration for valid values.
Pattern: String

string | null
Defaults to null

Specifies the state of the federal benefits enrollment. See the Federal Benefit Enrollment Statuses enumeration for valid values.
Pattern: One character
Example: "B"

string | null
Defaults to null

The Social Security number of the beneficiary of the disbursement.
Pattern: 9-digit Social Security number, no hyphens
Example: "123456789"

string | null
Defaults to null

Account holder's first name. Special character support.
Pattern: 1–40 characters: letters (A-Z, a-z), spaces, hyphens (-) and single quotes (')
Example: "Ed"

string | null
Defaults to null

Cardholder's last name
Account holder's last name. Special character support.
Pattern: 1–40 characters: letters (A-Z, a-z), spaces, hyphens (-) and single quotes (')
Example: "Harley"

string | null
Defaults to null

Date enrollment started.
Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2016-01-01"

string | null
Defaults to null

Date enrolled to.
Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2016-01-01"

string | null
Defaults to null

Date submitted from.
Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2016-01-01"

string | null
Defaults to null

Date submitted to.
Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2016-01-01"

string | null
Defaults to null

Date noted from.
Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2016-01-01"

string | null
Defaults to null

Date noted to.
Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2016-01-01"

Defaults to json

Use xml or json to specify the type of response. The default value is xml. Use this instead of the standard accept header.


Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.

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Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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