Modify Paper Biller

Use the Modify Paper Biller endpoint to update a paper biller. All non-required fields are nullifiable. To cancel a scheduled series, either set endDate to the current date or pass Null for frequencyType, nextDate and endDate. The account must be active (status: N) to use this endpoint.

Form Data

Web service username, as provided by Galileo.
Pattern: Max 50 characters
Example: "AbC123-9999"


Web service password, as provided by Galileo.
Pattern: Max 15 characters
Example: "4sb62fh6w4h7w34g"


Galileo-issued provider identifier.
Pattern: Max 10 digits
Example: 9999

1 to 60

A unique provider-generated ID to identify this API call. A UUID is preferred.
Pattern: 60 characters or less
Example: "9845dk-39fdk3fj3-4483483478"


The PRN or PAN of the account.
Pattern: PAN or PRN
Example: "074103447228"


Identifier for the biller (biller_id) as returned by the Add Paper Biller or Get Billers endpoint.
Pattern: Integer
Example: 2982

string | null
Defaults to null

Frequency of the bill payment:

  • O — One time
  • W — Weekly
  • M — Monthly
  • Q — Quarterly
  • Y — Yearly

If this value is not O then nextDate and endDate are required.
Pattern: One letter
Example: "W"

date-time | null
Defaults to null

The next date that the payment is scheduled.
Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2015-02-04"

date-time | null
Defaults to null

The last date that the payment is scheduled. Can be up to five years in the future, so if today is 20 Jan 2020, this parameter can be no later than 20 Jan 2025. However, if today's date is a leap day, such as 29 Feb 2020, the latest date can be 1 Mar 2025.
Pattern: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2015-02-04"

float | null
0.01 to 999999999999.99
Defaults to null

Currency amount as a whole or decimal amount.
Pattern: Positive integer or decimal number
Example: 100.00, 100, or 100.73

string | null
Defaults to null

First line of the biller address.
Pattern: Max 80 alphanumeric characters
Example: "33 Maple Street"

string | null
Defaults to null

Second line of biller address.
Pattern: Max 30 alphanumeric characters
Example: "#4B"

string | null
Defaults to null

Biller city.
Pattern: Max 30 letters and spaces
Example: "Salt Lake City"

string | null
Defaults to null

Biller state or province.
Pattern: 2-character state or provincial abbreviation
Example: "UT"

string | null
Defaults to null

Biller postal code.
Pattern: 12345, 12345-1234, or K1A-1A1
Example: "84121"

string | null
Defaults to null

Biller phone number or "null".
Pattern: Exactly 10 digits, no hyphens or other characters or "null"
Example: "8013656060"

Defaults to json

Use xml or json to specify the type of response. The default value is xml. Use this instead of the standard accept header.


Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.

The table below lists status codes that apply to this specific endpoint.

Status codeDescription
582-01amount, nextDate, and endDate are required for scheduled bill payment
582-02Biller not associated to account
582-03Biller not found
582-04All the address fields are mandatory for updating the biller address
582-05Account not active

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.