Modify Status Types

This table contains values for the type parameter of the Modify Status endpoint.



A dash (โ€”) means no change in status.

typeDescriptionAccount or card affectedCard statusAccount status
1Initiate the activate-account process and set the account's start_date to the current date. If ACTYP is set to S, then any cards associated with the account that are in status: W are changed to status: X. Also see Reactivating accountsAccountโ€”N
2Cancel account. If ACTYP is set to R, all accounts belonging to the same account holder are also deactivated.Accountโ€”C
3Initiate lost-card process; issue replacement card. Galileo recommends using the Replace Lost/Stolen Card endpoint for lost physical cards.CardLโ€”
4Initiate stolen-card process; issue replacement card. Galileo recommends using the Replace Lost/Stolen Card endpoint for stolen physical cards.CardSโ€”
5Update card status to Canceled.CardCโ€”
6Initiate card-activation process. Galileo recommends using the Activate Card endpoint for physical cards.Account & CardNN
7Set or restore card status to Active. For activating virtual cards. Do not use to activate physical cards for the first time. See Card activation for more information.CardNโ€”
8Update card status to Lost; no replacement card.CardLโ€”
9Update card status to Stolen; no replacement card.CardSโ€”
10Update account status to Disabled.Accountโ€”D
11Update account status to Active. Also see Reactivating accountsAccountโ€”N
12Reissue card. Galileo recommends using the Reissue Card endpoint for card reissue.n/aโ€”โ€”
13Deactivate account and cancel card(s).Account & CardCC
14Freeze overdraft account. See Freezing the overdraft account for more information.n/aโ€”โ€”
15Unfreeze overdraft account.n/aโ€”โ€”
16Deactivate specified account and cancel card(s).Account & CardZZ
17Freeze card. Set startDate and endDate as desired. Default is 24 hours from current date-time. See Freezing cards for details.Cardโ€”โ€”
18Unfreeze card immediately. startDate and endDate are ignored.Cardโ€”โ€”
19Reissue with new PAN. The RECNP product parameter must be set to use this type. Galileo recommends using the Reissue Card endpoint for card replacement.Cardโ€”โ€”
20Cancel without refund all accounts and cards belonging to a customer. Use a PAN for accountNo if multiple cards are associated with the account.Account & CardZZ
21Update card status to Waiting for payment.CardWโ€”
22Update card status to Emboss.CardXโ€”
23Disable single card.CardDโ€”
24Suspend account.Accountโ€”K
25Customer filed for bankruptcy.Accountโ€”f
26Bankruptcy discharged.Accountโ€”d
27Bankruptcy dismissed.Accountโ€”e
28Update account and card status to delinquent.Account & CardQQ

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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