DE022 Codes

DE022 contains the POS entry mode (positions 1–2) and the PIN entry capability (position 3).

Positions 1–2

Subfield 1: POS entry mode

These codes are present as follows:

00Merchant terminal PAN-entry mode unknown.
01Merchant terminal PAN manual entry.
02Merchant terminal PAN auto-entry via magnetic stripe.
03Merchant terminal PAN auto-entry via barcode reader.
04Merchant terminal PAN auto-entry via OCR (optical character reader).
05Merchant terminal PAN auto-entry via integrated circuit card.
06PAN auto-entry via chip Contactless Mapping Service applied.
07Merchant terminal PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip.
09PAN/token entry via electronic commerce containing DSRP (digital secure remote payments) cryptogram in DE055 (integrated circuit card system-related data).
10Electronic commerce credential on file.
51Integrated circuit card (ICC) chip capable plus PIN at ATM
71Contactless chip plus PIN at ATM
79A hybrid terminal with an online connection to the acquirer failed in sending a chip fallback transaction (in which DE022, subfield 1 = 80) to the issuer, or a hybrid terminal with no online connection to the acquirer failed to read the chip card.
80Chip card at a chip-capable terminal was unable to process the transaction using data on the chip; therefore, the terminal defaulted to the magnetic stripe-read PAN.
81PAN/token entry via electronic commerce with optional Identity Check-AAV or DSRP cryptogram in UCAF (universal cardholder authentication field).
82Auto PAN entry via server (issuer, acquirer, or third-party vendor system).
90PAN auto-entry via magnetic stripe—the full track data has been read from the data encoded on the card and transmitted within the authorization request in DE035 (track 2 data) or DE045 (track 1 data) without alteration or truncation.
91PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe—the full track data has been transmitted by the acquirer within the authorization request in DE035 (Track 2 data) or DE045 (track 1 data) and forwarded to the issuer without alteration or truncation.
95Visa only. Chip card with unreliable card verification value (CVV) data.

entry_type mapping

This table displays the data elements and subfield values that correspond with the entry_type values in the Auth API.

entry_type valueMastercard DE022SF1 valueVisa Field 22.1 value
Card Not PresentDE061SF4 — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
DE061SF5 — 1
01, 10
Card On File1010
E-Commerce09, 81, 82
EMV Chip0505
EMV Contactless0707
EMV Fallback80, 79
Magnetic Stripe02, 9002, 90

Position 3

Subfield 2: POS Terminal PIN Entry Mode

These codes are present as follows:

CodeDescriptionpin_entry_capability value
0Unspecified or unknown.Other
1Terminal has PIN-entry capability.Capable
2Terminal does not have PIN-entry capability.Incapable
3mPOS software-based PIN-entry capability.Other
8Terminal has PIN-entry capability but the PIN pad is not currently operative.Inoperative

The contents of this page are derived from Mastercard Customer Interface Specification, 6 February 2024 and VisaNet Authorization-Only Online Messages 15 October 2023

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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