Transaction Types

The transaction type, also called the otype, is a code that is combined with the activity type (act_type) to create a complete transaction code (trans_code). Transaction codes identify where a transaction originated and what kind of transaction it is.

The first two characters of a transaction code are the Activity Type and the remaining characters are the otype. For example:

  • SE5 — Mastercard Banknet retail settlement
    • activity type SE (Mastercard Banknet settlement)
    • otype 5 (retail sale)
  • VIL — Visa preauthorization
    • activity type VI (Visa authorization)
    • otype L (preauthorization)

See Classifying transactions in the About Transactions guide for more information.



Most payment (PM), adjustment (AD) and fee (FE) otypes are in the Funds Flow document that Galileo provides you. However, some payments and adjustments are triggered by card transactions; those universal otypes are included in the tables below.

To see where these codes are visible, go to Activity type and transaction type in the Galileo system in the About Transactions guide. Additionally, a list of Galileo system fees can be found in About Fees.

Transaction type (otype) lookup

This table provides a quick reference for standalone otypes that are related to card transactions. To see how the otypes combine with the activity types, see Transaction codes. These codes are case-sensitive.

Type (otype)Description
5*Mastercard retail purchase
7*Mastercard cash disbursement
8*Mastercard mobile wallet or cash-transfer app settlement
11*Mastercard completion without preauthorization
AAuthorization, or purchase with PIN
adAllpoint chargeback
AOAllpoint card load
aoAllpoint card load reversal
apAllpoint second presentment
asAllpoint exception
BBalance inquiry
DMastercard merchant credit reversal
DCDiscover chargeback
DEDiscover exception
dhMaestro chargeback
djMaestro second presentment
dkMaestro exception
dsDiscover second presentment
FFee collection
HMastercard chargeback
hVisa chargeback
IMastercard second presentment, ATM fee inquiry
JAdjustment, Mastercard arbitration
KPrepaid load and prepaid load reversal (Allpoint, Mastercard)
kVisa exception
LPreauthorization not fully completed
LCDiscover load
lcDiscover load reversal
MForce post
MLMastercard load
MXMaestro card load or reversal
PPreauthorization fully completed
pdPulse chargeback
pePulse second presentment
pzPulse exception
QTokenization request
qMastercard load reversal
RAuth reversal
RWVisa cash reversal
SCSTAR second presentment
SSSTAR exception
seSTAR chargeback
TTransfer or card load
tcTemporary credit
UPrepaid load reversal (Visa, Pulse, STAR)
VReversal debiting balance
VDVisa Plus ATM cash load
vdVisa Plus ATM cash load reversal
VHVisa Money Transfer load
VLVisa ReadyLink load
VTVisa Money Transfer load
WATM withdrawal, cash, or in-person cash withdrawal (Mastercard credit)
YATM withdrawal, credit
yVisa ReadyLink load reversal
ytVisa Direct OTC load reversal
ZMerchant credit

* When this otype is present in the type field of the Get All Transaction History response, it is a string. Other numerical otypes (such as for fees) are returned as integers without leading zeros.

Transaction codes

The tables below show how the activity type combines with the otype to create a transaction code (trans_code). Your program may not use all of the codes shown here. Use the curated list that Galileo gave you to see all of the otypes for your program.

Authorization and settlement

These tables show transaction codes for transactions over card networks. The first table contains the codes associated with transactions that arrive through the authorization stream, and the second contains codes associated with transactions from the settlement batch files.

Authorization stream

See Authorization for more information.

In Program API responses, denied authorizations are DDA for Maestro and DAA for all other networks. DAA can also mean "non-financial transaction."

NetworkAuthPreauthCompletionReversalATM authMerchant credit authBalance inquiryExpired authProvisioning request
Banknet (MC credit)AUAAUL

§In-person cash withdrawals, not ATMs

Settlement file

See Settlement for more information.

NetworkSettle*Settle of reversalMerchant credit settleForce postATM settle
Banknet (MC credit)SEADC§
Maestro (MC debit)SDA

* Includes settlements of both standard auths and completions.
§ Mastercard merchant credits are processed as adjustments, and ADD is the merchant credit reversal.
Mastercard settlements (SE) have different codes depending on the type of transaction being settled:

  • SE5 — Retail settlement or settled completion
  • SE7 — Cash disbursement settlement
  • SE8 — Mobile wallet or cash-transfer app settlement

Mastercard force-posts use SE5, which is the same code as a normal settlement. To differentiate, call Get All Transaction History or open the All Transactions screen in the CST and find the authorization that corresponds to the SE5 transaction. If the authorization (AUA) and backout (BO5) have the same timestamp as the SE5, then the SE5 is a force post. See Unmatched settlements in the ledger for more information.

Other transaction codes

You may also encounter some of these network-related transaction codes:

  • SDV — Maestro reversal debiting balance
  • VSV — Visa reversal debiting balance
  • VSRW — Visa cash reversal
  • VSF, ISF — Visa and Interlink fee collection
  • VSJ, ISJ, PLJ — Visa, Interlink and Plus adjustments
  • AUM, VIM, STMUnmatched reversal or completion (AU11 for Mastercard unmatched completion)

Card loads

Card loads that take place on network rails first arrive at Galileo in the auth stream, where they get an authorization table entry, and then they are converted into payments (PM) to post to the cardholder account. Reversals are converted to adjustments (AD).

In the RDFs you will see the Card load auth codes in the AUTH TRANSACTION CODE field and the Card load posted and Card load reversal posted codes in the TRANSACTION CODE/TYPE field.

All of these transaction codes are case-sensitive. See Card loads for more information.

NetworkCard load authCard load postedCard load reversal posted
Green Dot load§PMGTADgd
Green Dot direct deposit§PMGOADGO
Banknet (MC credit)AUKPMMLADq
Maestro (MC debit)DBTPMMXADMX
Western Union§PMSPADwu
Visa Plus ATM cash loadVITPMVDADvd
Visa ReadyLinkVITPMVLADy
Visa MoneyTransfer*VITPMVT

§ These loads do not arrive at Galileo over card-network rails but rather via special APIs. Do not include these transactions with settlement totals when doing reconciliation.
For some programs, ADq also means ACH Debit Adjustment. To differentiate between the two transaction types, identify a field that is always populated for ACH transactions only, such as SOURCE TRACE in the Posted Transactions RDF.
* The Visa Money Transfer types are differentiated by the BAI. See the Business Application Identifier enumeration for the definitions.

  • VHAA ,BP, CP, FD, GD, GP, LO, MD, OG, PD
  • VT — All other BAIs


The dispute-related codes (chargeback, second presentment, exception, arbitration) are valid only when using Galileo's disputes process. All of these transaction codes are case-sensitive. See Transaction codes for disputes in the Disputes at Galileo guide for definitions of the table columns.

These transaction codes apply to all networks:

  • ADfd — Final dispute
  • ADtc — Temporary credit
NetworkChargebackSecond presentmentExceptionArbitration
Banknet (MC credit)ADHADIADJ
Maestro (MC debit)ADdhADdjADdk

Authorization types

These authorization types are derived from DE003 and may be present in the following data sources:

These values are not available from the Program API.

4Convenience check
5Purchase, debit adjustment, cashback, balance transfer, debit funds transfer
6Merchant credit, refund, cash deposit, credit funds transfer
7Cash disbursement, ATM withdrawal (Allpoint, Maestro, STAR)
8Unique transaction, AVS
9ATM withdrawal (Pulse, Mastercard credit, Discover, Visa credit)
10Balance inquiry
26Visa Direct OCT
28Card load, including Visa ReadyLink
30Account funding transaction
50Bill pay

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.