Business Application Identifier

The business application identifier (BAI) is a value provided by Visa to identify the type of Visa Money Transfer that is being performed. The bai field is available in the Auth API webhook payload and in the RDFs. The otype column indicates which otype corresponds to the BAI value: VH or VT.

CodeApplication typeotype
AAAccount to accountVH
BBBusiness to businessVT
BIMoney transfer (bank-initiated)VT
BPNon-card bill paymentVH
CDCash depositVT
CICash inVT
COCash outVT
CPCard bill paymentVH
FDFunds disbursement (general)VH
FTFunds transferVT
GDGovernment disbursementVH
GPGambling payment (other than online gambling)VH
LOLoyalty and offersVH
MDMerchant disbursementVH
MIMerchant-initiated Money TransferVT
MPFace-to-face merchant paymentVT
OGOnline gambling payoutVH
PDPayroll/pension disbursementVH
PPPerson to personVT
PSPayment for goods and servicesVT
TUPrepaid reload / top-upVT
WTWallet transferVT

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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