Incoming ACH Simulation Payload Values

There are two different templates that can be used with the Create Simulated Incoming ACH Transaction endpoint. The CreditsAndDebits template supports many different values for incoming ACH transactions. Below is a list of values that must be provided to use this template. This template allows for simulated scenarios like ACH Bill Payment and ACH Direct Deposit where businesses debit funds from the cardholder account.

All fields are strings.

transactionTypeXType of ACH transaction: credit or debit."credit" or "debit""credit"
companyNameXName of the company that owns the sending account.Max 16 characters"ABC Company"
referenceCodeXA user-provided string to uniquely identify the transaction.Alphanumeric and punctuation"22355678"
identificationNumberXInternal identification (alphanumeric) that you use to uniquely identify this entry detail record.Max 22 characters"#789654"
effectiveEntryDateXDate that the transaction is scheduled to be processed.YYMMDD"231215"
destinationBankNameXThe name of receiving bank.Alphanumeric and punctuation"Chase"
destinationRoutingNumberXRouting number for receiving bank.Max 9 digits"124001545"
destinationAccountNumberXReceiver account number.Max 16 digits"4483434234348"
originBankNameXThe name of sending bank.Alphanumeric and punctuation"Bank of America"
originRoutingNumberXRouting number for the sending bank.Max 9 digits"124001545"
amountXCurrency amount as a whole or decimal amount.Positive integer or decimal number100 or 100.73
companyEntryDescriptionXDescription for the company entry.Max 10 characters"Payroll"
receiverNameXName of the receiving account.Alphanumeric and punctuation"Harry Potter"
standardEntryClassCodeXTypes of standard entry class code: PPD, WEB, CCD.PPD, WEB, or CCD"CCD"
accountTypeXType of the receiving account: checking or savings.checking or savings"savings"
paymentRelatedInformationString to describe the transaction.Alphanumeric and punctuation"Gas utility payment"
discretionaryDataContains codes that are significant to the ODFI to enable specialized handling of the entry. There is no standardized interpretation for the value of this field. It can either be a single two-character code, or two distinct one-character codes, according to the needs of the ODFI or Originator involved.Alphanumeric and punctuation"S"

The ManualReviewNameMatching template is for the ACH manual review use case for creating different combinations of individual names.

All fields are strings.

transactionTypeXType of ACH transaction: credit or debit."credit" or "debit""credit"
standardEntryClassCodeXTypes of standard entry class code: PPD, WEB, CCD.PPD, WEB, or CCD"CCD"
companyEntryDescriptionXDescription for the company entry.Max 10 characters"Payroll"
companyNameXName of the company that owns the sending account.Max 16 characters"ABC Company"
destinationAccountNumberXReceiver account number.Max 16 digits"4483434234348"
amountXCurrency amount as a whole or decimal amount.Positive integer or decimal number100 or 100.73
accountTypeXType of the receiving account: checking or savings.checking or savings"savings"
receiverNameXName of the receiving account.Alphanumeric and punctuation"Harry Potter"
identificationNumberXInternal identification (alphanumeric) that you use to uniquely identify this entry detail record.Max 22 characters"#789654"