Instant Verification Reason Codes

These are the values for the reason_cd response field of the Get Instant Verification endpoint.

BVOVThe bank account is open and valid. This is derived using the routing number and account number.
BVCIThe bank account is either closed, invalid, or in a negative status. This is derived using the routing number and account number.
BVDRLThe bank account is either ineligible for a debit activity or deemed to have a high probability of return. This is derived using the routing number and account number.
BVONINo information was found for the given bank account based on routing number and account number.
BVSNIThe bank account requested for verification has not been contributed by the participant bank. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BVSCUThe bank account has been closed as a result of unacceptable use by the customer. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BVSCRThe bank account has been removed from the Contributor's source. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BVERRBank data provider error. The bank data provider returned an error while trying to retrieve the bank account information.
BVSDAThe bank account will not accept any debit activity. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BVSCCThe bank account has been closed and removed from the Contributor's source. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BVSCPThe bank account is closed in the last processing cycle. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BVSDBThe bank account has a history of available balance being less than zero. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BVSIAThe bank account provided is not a demand deposit account. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BVSHRThe bank account has a high probability of return. This is supplementary information by a third party bank data provider.
BLIARInvalid account number/routing number provided. This is derived using the routing number and account number.
BVEDPTThe bank data provider timed out while trying to retrieve the bank account information.
BVEIBSThe bank data provider returned invalid length for account number and routing number error. This can be due to incorrect account number or routing number or user entered incorrect account number or routing number.
BAOMThe bank account owner's information matches the information provided. This is compared using the first name and last name/business name.
BAONMThe bank account owner's information does not match with the information provided. This is compared using first name and last name/business name.
BANINo information was found for the given bank account authentication.
BOBAONMThe bank account owner information does not match the information provided. This is compared using first name and last name provided through the open banking data provider.
BVEDIOThe bank data provider returned invalid owner information error, typically involving data quality errors where the input cannot be processed. This can be due to incorrect first name or last name for personal bank accounts or incorrect business name for business bank accounts.
BAOMPThe bank account owner's information is partially matched. This is compared using first name and last name/business name.
BANEWThe bank account is open valid and it has been open less than the first billing cycle.
BALOWTThe bank account is open valid and it was opened recently.
BAMEDTThe bank account is open valid and it has a medium tenure.
BALNGTThe bank account is open valid and has a long tenure.
BACVSTThe bank account is closed invalid and it was closed less than 30 days ago.
BACSTThe bank account is closed invalid and it was closed between D-30 and D-60.
BACMTThe bank account is closed invalid and it was closed between D-60 and D-180.
BACLTThe bank account is closed invalid and it was closed more than 180 days ago.
BPHNOMThe bank account owner's phone number mismatch. If no phone number is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BPHMThe bank account owner's phone number matches.
BDOBMThe bank account owner's date of birth information matches the information provided. If no DoB is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BDOBNOMThe bank account owner's date of birth information does not match the information provided. If no DoB is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BTAXMThe bank account owner's SSN or Tax ID information matches the information provided. If no SSN or Tax ID is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BTAXNOMThe bank account owner's SSN or Tax ID information does not match the information provided. If no SSN or Tax ID is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BADDRMThe bank account owner's address information matches the information provided. If no Address is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BADDRNOMThe bank account owner's address information does not match the information provided. If no Address is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BEMAILMThe bank account owner's email information matches the information provided. If no Email is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BEMAILNOMThe bank account owner's email information does not match the information provided. If no Email is provided, then null instead of NoMatch.
BENIBank information not found by our provider when we expect data coverage for the given bank routing number.
BNIFNo bank information found by our data provider. This could be because our provider doesn't have data for the given bank.
BVSUCBank Data Provider performed account verification. This doesn't mean verification was successful - it just means we receives some data from data provider. Please refer to other reason codes for the results of the verification.

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2024

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