Transfer Types



The Public Config API documentation is currently under development. The information on this page is therefore preliminary and is subject to change without notice.

This table contains the valid values for trans_type in the response from the Get Product Config endpoint when the request contained section: trans_limits. These are also called transfer "otypes."

MCard-to-card, customer initiatedAdjustment taken from the customer's card and sent as a payment to another card in the same program.
mCard-to-card, service initiatedAdjustment taken from the customer's card by a customer service agent and sent as a payment to another card in the same program.
MSTransfer from savingsAdjustment taken from the customer's savings and sent as a payment to the customer's card.
MCTransfer from cardAdjustment taken from the customer's card and sent as payment to the customer's savings account.
RBill payment, electronicAdjustment taken from the customer's card to pay a bill electronically (via RPPS).
SMoney transferAdjustment taken from the customer's card and sent as a payment to the customer's bank account.
WCard-to-card, IVR initiatedAdjustment taken from the customer's card over the IVR phone system and sent as a payment to another card in the same program.
wCard-to-Card, web service initiatedAdjustment taken from the customer's card via the cardholder website and sent as a payment to another card in the same program.
ZBill payment checkAdjustment taken from the customer's card to pay a bill by paper check.