Create SMB Loan

Use the Create SMB Loan endpoint to create a small and midsize business (SMB) loan for a customer. Loan subproducts are configured for your installment loans product and are assigned a subproduct ID. Ensure you have the required customer data to create a loan.

The table below lists status codes that apply to this specific endpoint.
See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.

Status CodeCode Description
1208-01The subProductId is invalid or does not exist.
1208-02The loan amount exceeds the maximum allowed loan amount configured for this subproduct.
1208-03The loan amount is less than the minimum allowed loan amount configured for this subproduct.
1208-04The state is invalid.
1208-05The loan term is greater than the maximum configured.
1208-06The loan term is less than the minimum configured.
1208-07The loan term entered must be between 0 and 9999.
1208-08The total loan term is more than the maximum allowable limit, please validate the capital term or loan term values.
1208-09The total loan term is less than the minimum allowable limit, please validate the capital term or loan term values.
1208-10The simulationId is invalid or it does not exist.
1208-11Disbursement destination PRN cannot be used along with disbursement destination type as EXTERNAL
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