Limit Response Codes

These are the values for the limit_response_code field in the Create Payment endpoint response and the limit_code field in the GDFA: greendot_auth_fail and GDFC: greendot_auth_commit_fail event messages.

Return codeDescription
L101Load amount is at maximum allowed amount, but is less than amount requested.
L201Load amount is 0.0. Maximum load amount violated.
L301Load amount is 0.0. No load can be done. Amount loaded for given period already equals or exceeds maximum amount.
L302Load amount and previous load amount for given period will equal maximum amount but is less than total amount within time period.
L401Load amount is 0.0. No load can be done. The maximum number of transactions are exceeded.
L501Load amount is 0.0. No load can be done. Maximum balance has already been reached.
L502Load amount and previous load amount will equal maximum balance but is less than amount requested.
L601Load amount is 0.0. No load can be done. Maximum balance has already been reached.
L602Load amount and previous load amount will equal maximum balance but is less than amount requested.
L603This is an excluded account balance.
L701Usage count has already been exceeded.

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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