Set Account Feature Values

This table contains values for the featureType and featureValue parameters of the Set Account Feature endpoint.

Default date values

If you do not populate the startDate and endDate input parameters, these are the defaults:

Exception: Feature types 3 and 5 do not set default values for the date parameters.

featureTypeFeature descriptionfeatureValue
1Enable bill-payment reporting.Y or N
2Enable paper statements.Y or N
3Change product ID. Alternatively, use the Switch Product endpoint for granular control.New product ID (integer)
5Enable express shipping. Use the values supported by your emboss vendor.Y or N or 0-9
6Allow card-not-present transactions.Y or N
7Enable ACH early access.Y or N
8Allow international transactions.Y or N
9Disable ATM withdrawals.Y or N
10Disable cash advances.Y or N
11Enable savings round-up.Y or N
13Mark customer as high risk.Y or N
  • Pass featureValue: Y to disable Galileo PRP fraud rules.
  • When featureValue: Y you can optionally set startDate and endDate; otherwise, the default for endDate is the year 3000.
  • When featureValue: N (enable rules), the date fields are ignored and the rules are re-enabled immediately.
  • To disable only your selected fraud rules, use featureType: 26 instead.
  • Y or N
    16Custom card art ID. Must include pipe A (|A) at the end of the ID.Example: Ca9ykshiu|A
    17Overdraft eligibility or participation
  • E (eligible)
  • I (ineligible)
  • P (participating)
  • E, I, P
    19Opt in to E-sign.Y or N
    20Block card-present and card-not-present transactions. Allow only those with a token (mobile wallet and AVS). Does not block card loads. Use this setting to ensure that only mobile wallet transactions are authorized until the cardholder receives the physical card and activates it.Y or N
    21Block card-present transactions. Allow card-not-present, AVS and token (mobile wallet) transactions. Does not block card loads. Use this feature to permit cardholders to use a digital version of a card online.Y or N
    22Block all token transactions. Use this feature to block mobile-wallet transactions when a cardholder reports a mobile wallet as lost or stolen. This feature permits AVS, card-present and card-not-present transactions.Y or N
    23First delinquency date. To remove the delinquency date, call Set Account Feature again and set endDate to the current date, which expires the delinquency date.YYYY-MM-DD
    24Delinquency amountDecimal amount
    25Emboss line 2String
  • Pass featureValue: Y to disable only your selected PRP fraud rules, while leaving safety fraud rules enabled.
  • When featureValue: Y you can optionally set startDate and endDate or accept the defaults.
  • When featureValue: N (enable rules), the date fields are ignored and the rules are re-enabled immediately.
  • To disable all fraud rules, use featureType: 14 instead.
  • Y or N
    29Update the contents of the CRMSG parameter (carrier message). 150 characters max. You must set up the CRMSG parameter with Galileo before using this featureType.String
    30Cancel or pause emboss for this card. Set startDate and endDate or accept the defaults.Y or N

    Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

    All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.