Customer profile information changed in the Customer Service Tool. Changed values are included in the event message.
If the customer address is changed via the Program API or Galileo-hosted cardholder website, the ADRC: addr_chg
event is sent instead.
- Code —
- Event trigger — One or more of these fields change in the Customer Service Tool:
- first name, middle name, last name
- date of birth
- city, state, zip
- Process — This process contains the event trigger:
- Customer Service Tool
All fields are strings. Your field names may vary. Default fields are included in the default webhook template. See Default and optional fields for more information.
Field | Default | Description |
addr1 | X | Current first address line. Example: |
addr2 | X | Current second address line. Example: |
balance_id | X | The balance ID, also called the |
ch_group_id | Corporate Hierarchy group identifier. Example: |
city | X | Current city. Example: |
country | X | Current country code. Example: |
dob | X | Account holder's date of birth. Format: |
X | New email address. Example: |
fname | X | Cardholder's first name. Example: |
home_phone | X | New home phone number. Example: |
lname | X | Cardholder's last name. Example: |
mname | X | Cardholder's middle name. Example: |
mobile_phone | X | New mobile phone number. Example: |
msg_event_id | X | Unique Galileo-generated identifier for this message. Example: |
msg_id | The four-letter code to identify this event. Example: |
other_phone | X | New other (secondary) phone number. Example: |
pmt_ref_no | X | Galileo 12-digit payment reference number (PRN) for the account. Example: |
prod_id | X | The product ID of the account. Example: |
prog_id | X | The program ID of the account. Example: |
state | X | Current state abbreviation. Example: |
timestamp | X | Date-time when this event was created in Mountain Standard Time (GMT -0700). Format: |
type | X | The name of this event: |
zip | X | New postal code. Example: |
# cardholder_info_changed example:
"addr1": "564 Elm St.",
"addr2": "Apt 41",
"balance_id": "20211",
"city": "Eden Prairie",
"country": "840",
"dob": "03/16/1981",
"email": "",
"fname": "Mirela",
"home_phone": "8015553234",
"lname": "Arroyo",
"mname": "W",
"mobile_phone": "8015553768",
"msg_event_id": "243693",
"msg_id": "CHPC",
"other_phone": "8015553222",
"pmt_ref_no": "999101003022",
"prod_id": "1701",
"prog_id": "305",
"state": "MN",
"timestamp": "2025-01-31 17:20:33 MST",
"type": "cardholder_info_changed",
"zip": "84101"