
A billpay transaction violated a velocity limit. The adjustment was not posted to the account. The available balance has not changed.

  • CodeBLVF
  • Event trigger — An attempted bill payment violates the limit set in the LIMBP product parameter.
  • Processes — These processes contain the event trigger:


All fields are strings. Your field names may vary. Default fields are included in the default webhook template. See Default and optional fields for more information.

Field Default Description
amount X

Amount of the payment. Example: "376.50"


For debit accounts, the open_to_buy plus available overdraft. Example: "143.11"

balance_id X

The balance ID, also called the galileo_account_number. Example: "20211"

billername X

Name of the biller.

billpay_id X

Unique identifier for this billpay transaction. Example: "2436543"


Unique Galileo-generated identifier for this message. Example: "243693"


The four-letter code to identify this event. Example: "BLVF"

open_to_buy X

The available balance to spend. Example: "500.00"

pmt_ref_no X

Galileo 12-digit payment reference number (PRN) for the account. Example: "999101003022"

proc_time X

The time at which the payment was rejected. Example: "2025-03-24 23:23:22"

prod_id X

The product ID of the account. Example: "1701"

prog_id X

The program ID of the account. Example: "305"

timestamp X

Date-time when this event was created in Mountain Standard Time (GMT -0700). Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss MST Example: "2025-01-31 17:20:33 MST"

type X

The name of this event: "billpay_limit_violation"


# billpay_limit_violation example:
  "amount": "376.50",
  "avail_cash": "143.11",
  "balance_id": "20211",
  "billpay_id": "2436543",
  "msg_event_id": "243693",
  "msg_id": "BLVF",
  "open_to_buy": "500.00",
  "pmt_ref_no": "999101003022",
  "proc_time": "2025-03-24 23:23:22",
  "prod_id": "1701",
  "prog_id": "305",
  "timestamp": "2025-01-31 17:20:33 MST",
  "type": "billpay_limit_violation"