Product Types



The Public Config API documentation is currently under development. The information on this page is therefore preliminary and is subject to change without notice.

This table contains the valid values for product_type in the response from the Get Product Config endpoint when the request contained section: info. These values are also called "product otypes."

0Virtual (non-card) account
1Personalized Cirrus Mastercard
2Personalized Mastercard
3Personalized Visa
4Instant-issue Mastercard
5Instant-issue Visa
6Instant-issue Cirrus Maestro
7Payroll Mastercard
8Payroll Cirrus Maestro
9MoneyShield Mastercard
10MoneyShield Visa
11Payroll Visa
15HSA Mastercard
17Secured Visa card
18Credit card
19Closed loop
20Instant-issue Chit
21Instant-issue Discover
22Personalized Discover
24Semi-virtual account
25Virtual card