
Provisional credit was awarded for a dispute that has not been finalized. Available balance has changed.

  • CodeDSPC
  • Event trigger — Provisional credit is awarded for a dispute.


All fields are strings. Your field names may vary. Default fields are included in the default webhook template. See Default and optional fields for more information.

Field Default Description
case_no X

Identifier for the case this dispute belongs to. Example: "23082102254C"

dispute_amount X

The amount of the dispute. Example: "3245.22"

dispute_id X

Unique identifier for the dispute. Example: "12432"

dispute_notice_date X

Date on which the cardholder disputed the charge. Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Example: "2025-04-23 13:23:04"

dispute_pc_amount X

The amount of provisional credit awarded. Example: "34.65"

dispute_rege_date X

Due date for a Regulation E dispute. Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Example: "2025-05-13 14:03:23"

ext_dispute_id X

Dispute-system identifier for the disputed transaction. Example: "23082103202D"


Unique Galileo-generated identifier for this message. Example: "243693"


The four-letter code to identify this event. Example: "DSPC"

network X

See Dispute events network codes for possible values. Example: "VIS"

pmt_ref_no X

Galileo 12-digit payment reference number (PRN) for the account. Example: "999101003022"

prod_id X

The product ID of the account. Example: "1701"

prog_id X

The program ID of the account. Example: "305"

settle_detail_id X

ID that maps back to the settlement record for the transaction. Example: "13354855"

timestamp X

Date-time when this event was created in Mountain Standard Time (GMT -0700). Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss MST Example: "2025-01-31 17:20:33 MST"

type X

The name of this event: "dispute_pc"


# dispute_pc example:
  "case_no": "23082102254C",
  "dispute_amount": "3245.22",
  "dispute_id": "12432",
  "dispute_notice_date": "2025-04-23 13:23:04",
  "dispute_pc_amount": "34.65",
  "dispute_rege_date": "2025-05-13 14:03:23",
  "ext_dispute_id": "23082103202D",
  "msg_event_id": "243693",
  "msg_id": "DSPC",
  "network": "VIS",
  "pmt_ref_no": "999101003022",
  "prod_id": "1701",
  "prog_id": "305",
  "settle_detail_id": "13354855",
  "timestamp": "2025-01-31 17:20:33 MST",
  "type": "dispute_pc"