Create Provisioning Request

Use the Create Provisioning Request endpoint to push-provision a virtual card to a mobile wallet. This endpoint is part of a multiple-step integration that must be completed with each mobile wallet partner. Consult the Creating a Provisioning Request guide for instructions on using this endpoint.

Create Provisioning Request call: Apple Pay
Open Recipe
Create Provisioning Request response: Apple Pay
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Create Provisioning Request response: Samsung Pay
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Create Provisioning Request response: Google Pay
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Create Provisioning Request call: Visa + Samsung Pay
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Create Provisioning Request call: Visa + Google Pay
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Create Provisioning Request call: Mastercard + Google Pay
Open Recipe
Create Provisioning Request call: Mastercard + Samsung Pay
Open Recipe

Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.

The table below lists status codes that apply to this specific endpoint.

Status codeDescription
548-01Certificate chain validation failed. Verify that the certificate has not expired and that it is valid.
548-02Virtual Product ID not specified. Verify that PPUPC is set to Y for the product.
548-03Bad XID. Verify that the correct value is in accountNo.
548-04Error creating new PRN. Legacy setups only. Contact Galileo for troubleshooting.
548-05Account creation error. Legacy setups only. Contact Galileo for troubleshooting.
548-06Association not implemented. The card in accountNo belongs to a card network that Galileo does not support for mobile wallets. Verify that the PAN belongs to a card network that Galileo supports for mobile wallets.
548-07Apple encryption failure. There was an issue with the shared library or key generation. Verify that you are using the correct libraries or that the key was properly generated. Verify that the setting for PPALE is correct for legacy setups.
548-08Error getting provisioning data. There was a database connection issue, or an exception occurred while getting payment or activation data.
548-09Wallet provider not implemented. Verify that the integration work for the provider specified in walletProvider has been done. Contact Galileo for more information.
548-10Wallet provider not recognized. Verify that the value for walletProvider is 1, 2, or 3.
548-11VISA request data missing or incomplete. Samsung Pay and Google Pay only. Verify that the Visa request data is present and that it contains all required attributes.
548-12Active physical card to tokenize not found. Verify that the card account in accountNo is a physical card that is in status: N.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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