Set Account Feature

Use the Set Account Feature endpoint to set or modify specified attributes of a customer account.

  • When enabling and disabling fraud rules (featureType: 14), keep in mind that if you pass featureValue: Y and do not pass endDate, the end date is set to 3000-01-01, meaning that fraud rules are suspended indefinitely. To update the timespan for fraud-rule suspension, pass featureValue: Y and the new start and/or end date-times. To immediately re-enable fraud rules, pass featureValue: N. When featureValue: N, the date fields are ignored.
  • When you change account features 20, 21 or 22, you can arrange with Galileo to receive the ACFC: account_feature_change event message.



Feature types 20, 21, and 22 are mutually exclusive. Only one can be set to Y at a time.

Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.

The table below lists status codes that apply to this specific endpoint.

Status codeDescription
426-01Invalid feature type
426-02Feature not allowed for account product
426-03Feature value does not match the configured format for the feature type
426-04Product cannot be switched to the same product
426-05Product cannot be switched to an unauthorized product
426-06Features cannot be set simultaneously. Unset all the others to set this one.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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