A transaction was settled. The amount has been posted to the specified account. Available balance has changed only if the settlement amount was different from the authorization amount or if the transaction was force-posted. For information on multi-clearing settlements, see Incremental clearing in the Settlement guide.
- Code —
- Event trigger — One of the following takes place:
- Galileo matches the transaction in the card network's batch file with a transaction in its database and posts the settlement.
- Galileo receives a clearing message for a transaction for which there is no matching authorization and posts the settlement.
- Process — This process contains the event trigger:
- Galileo receives a clearing batch file from a card network, and Galileo compares the transactions in the batch file with its own authorization records.
All fields are strings. Your field names may vary. Default fields are included in the default webhook template. See Default and optional fields for more information.
Field | Default | Description |
act_type | X | See Activity Type for possible values. Example: |
amount | X | Amount of the settlement. Example: |
atm_fee | Amount of the ATM fee when |
auth_id | X | Galileo-generated ID for the authorization request. This ID is unique per subnetwork. Example: |
avail_cash | For debit accounts, the |
avail_credit | For credit accounts, the available credit limit to spend. Example: |
balance_id | X | The balance ID, also called the |
billing_amt | Amount to be billed in the currency of the cardholder account (DE006). Example: |
billing_curr_code | Currency code for |
bookkeeping_auth_id | Incremental clearing only. The |
cad | X | Galileo-generated card ID. Example: |
ch_group_id | Corporate Hierarchy group identifier. Example: |
client_id | ID for the customer record. Example: |
credit_balance | For credit accounts, the total amount of unpaid purchases and advances. Example: |
currency | Currency code for |
de022 | Raw contents of DE022, POS entry mode. See DE022 Codes for possible values. Example: |
de063 | Additional network information. Example: |
de39 | See Authorization Response Codes for possible values. Example: |
driver_number | Fleet cards only. Driver ID. Example: |
expired_auth_id | The |
fund_pastotb_adj | The available balance of the RTF or Corporate Credit funding account after this transaction takes place. Example: |
fund_pmt_ref_no | The PRN of the RTF or Corporate Credit funding account that is associated with this spending account. Example: |
interchange_fee | Interchange fee from the network in the currency of the account. Example: |
local_currency | Currency code for |
local_currency_amount | Amount of the transaction in the currency at the point of sale (DE004). No fees or upcharges included. Example: |
mc_installment_detail | Contents of PDS0663. See MSI Installments data to interpret the code. Example: |
mcc | X | Merchant category code (DE018). Example: |
merchant | Concatenation of |
merchant_country_code | Mastercard credit only. The 3-letter code of the country where the merchant is officially located (ISO 3166-1). Example: |
merchant_location | X | Merchant city and state (from remaining part of ISO DE043). Example: |
merchant_name | X | Merchant name (first 22 characters of DE043). Should not be used for matching; instead, use |
merchant_number | X | Merchant number (DE042). Example: |
merchant_postal_code | The postal code for the merchant. Example: |
msg_event_id | Unique Galileo-generated identifier for this message. Example: |
msg_id | The four-letter code to identify this event. Example: |
multi_count | Total number of settlements in the sequence. Example: |
multi_number | Number in the sequence for this settlement. Example: |
network | X | See Events Network Codes for possible values. Example: |
open_to_buy | X | The available balance to spend. Example: |
opentobuy_ts | The exact date-time at which |
original_auth_id | The |
original_incremental_id | The |
original_multiclearing_auth_id | Incremental clearing only. The |
otype | X | See Transaction Types for possible values. Example: |
pds0180 | The tax ID associated with the transaction. This is also known as the Domestic Card Acceptor Tax ID. Required for clients operating in LATAM. Example: |
pmt_ref_no | X | Galileo 12-digit payment reference number (PRN) for the account. Example: |
post_date | Date that the transaction posted to the cardholder account. Format: |
prod_id | X | The product ID of the account. Example: |
prog_id | X | The program ID of the account. Example: |
rate_date | Mexico domestic only. The date/time at which |
rate_id | Mexico domestic only. Identifier for |
rate_value | Mexico domestic only. Rate from Banco de México. Formula: USD x |
remaining_amount | Incremental clearing only. The amount of the preauthorization that has not been cleared yet. Example: |
response_code | See Authorization Response Codes for possible values. Example: |
rrn | Mastercard only. Retrieval reference number (DE037). Format: Julian date |
settle_currency | Currency code for |
settle_currency_amount | Amount of the settlement in the settlement currency. Example: |
settle_detail_id | X | ID that maps back to the settlement record for the transaction. Example: |
signed_amount | The amount of the settlement plus a negative sign ( |
timestamp | X | Date-time when this event was created in Mountain Standard Time (GMT -0700). Format: |
type | X | The name of this event: |
usd_amt | Mexico domestic only. The amount of the transaction in U.S. dollars, according to the Banco de México rate in |
user_data | Populated according to your use case and needs by arrangement with Galileo. |
vehicle_number | Fleet cards only. Vehicle ID. Example: |
# setl example:
"act_type": "SE",
"amount": "25.33",
"auth_id": "12303090",
"avail_cash": "143.11",
"balance_id": "20211",
"billing_amt": "24.35",
"billing_curr_code": "840",
"bookkeeping_auth_id": "108932",
"cad": "12534",
"client_id": "264539",
"credit_balance": "325.00",
"currency": "840",
"de022": "071",
"de063": "MS0337870429",
"de39": "00",
"driver_number": "06123456",
"interchange_fee": "0.10059836",
"local_currency": "124",
"local_currency_amount": "1245.20",
"mc_installment_detail": "030600484",
"mcc": "5712",
"merchant_country_code": "USA",
"merchant_location": "NEW YORK, NY",
"merchant_name": "Widgets Incorporated",
"merchant_number": "L4DIV6D5LM4X7LF",
"merchant_postal_code": "10021",
"msg_event_id": "243693",
"msg_id": "SETL",
"multi_count": "3",
"multi_number": "2",
"network": "M",
"open_to_buy": "500.00",
"opentobuy_ts": "2025-03-17 14:06:50.243654",
"original_auth_id": "12303085",
"original_incremental_id": "12302001",
"original_multiclearing_auth_id": "456012",
"otype": "5",
"pds0180": "MEX1234567",
"pmt_ref_no": "999101003022",
"post_date": "03/18/2025",
"prod_id": "1701",
"prog_id": "305",
"remaining_amount": "6.45",
"response_code": "00",
"settle_currency": "840",
"settle_currency_amount": "35.44",
"settle_detail_id": "13354855",
"timestamp": "2025-01-31 17:20:33 MST",
"type": "setl",
"vehicle_number": "03123"