About the Dispute API



The Dispute API is under development and will be generally available in 2025.

The Dispute API is an cloud-based, conversational API that creates and submits disputes to Galileo's dispute platform. For instructions on using this API see these guides:

The Dispute API is not part of the Program API. For this API you use a different URL, and the status codes have a four-digit prefix (1502-01).

Base URL

For this API use the tenanted URL that Galileo assigns you: https://dispute-api-{corename}.{env}.gpsrv.com/endpointName, where

  • corename is the name of your core, as assigned by Galileo.
  • env is the environment: cv for client validation and pd for production.


Follow the authentication steps for the Program API.


To test connectivity to the Dispute API, use the Ping endpoint.

Endpoint responses

Unlike the responses of the Program API endpoints, the field names in Dispute API responses are in camelCase instead of snake_case.

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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