Get Wire Details

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Use the Get Wire Details endpoint to retrieve information about a specific wire transaction that was initiated by Create Wire Transaction or retrieved by Get Wire History.

Input parameters

NameReqData typeDescriptionPatternExample
apiLoginXstringWeb service username, as provided by Galileo.Max 50 characters"AbC123-9999"
apiTransKeyXstringWeb service password, as provided by Galileo.Max 15 characters"4sb62fh6w4h7w34g"
providerIdXint32Galileo-issued provider identifier.Max 10 digits9999
transactionIdXstringA unique provider-generated ID to identify this API call. A UUID is preferred. This value is used for idempotencyMax 60 characters"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
accountNostringXThe PRN of the sending account.PRN"999101789123"
wireTransactionIdUUIDXUUID as returned by Create Wire Transaction or Get Wire History.UUID"123456abc-1234-abcd-1234-123456abcdef"

Example request

curl --location --request POST 'https://[URL]/getWireDetails' \
--header 'response-content-type: json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'apiLogin=[redacted]' \
--data-urlencode 'apiTransKey=[redacted]' \
--data-urlencode 'providerId=19' \
--data-urlencode 'transactionId=487dc63a-dfc2-4086-b056-3ceee9d5c5e6' \
--data-urlencode 'accountNo=652101062469' \
--data-urlencode 'wireTransactionId=d0ad8041-a3eb-429c-8baf-c0772425c4ae'

Response fields

The endpoint returns only those fields that contain data. Empty fields are not returned.

NameData typeReqDescription
wire_transaction_idUUIDXUUID to identify the transaction
statusstringXStatus of the transaction. See the Transaction statuses table for valid values.
reasonstringXThe cause of the status.
imadstringXInput message accountability data, a 22-character string that is the universally unique identifier that Fedwire assigns to each wire transfer. The first eight characters are the date of the transfer: YYYYMMDD. Present only for incoming wires.
amountfloatXAmount of the transaction
receive_datestringDate the transaction was received by file or API
directionstringXDirection of transaction (in/out)
descriptionstringXDescription of transaction
deb_cred_indstringXWhether the transaction was a credit or debit.
payment_trans_idstringIncoming only. ID of the payment in the payments table
adjustment_idstringOutgoing only. ID of the adjustment in the adjustments table.
senderdictIncoming only. Information about who sent the transaction
receiverdictOutgoing only. Information about who received the transaction
sender.accountstringSender’s account number
sender.addressstringSender’s physical address
sender.bankstringSender’s bank name
sender.bank_idstringSenders bank identifier
sender.countrystringSender’s country code, for international wires
sender.namestringSender’s name
receiver.accountstringReceiver’s account number
receiver.addressstringReceiver’s physical address
receiver.bankstringReceiver bank name
receiver.countrystringReceiver’s country code, for international wires
receiver.namestringReceiver’s name

Example response

	"status_code": 0,
	"status": "Success",
	"processing_time": 1.374,
	"response_data": {
    	"amount": 20.0,
    	"deb_cred_ind": "credit",
    	"description": "Outgoing wire",
    	"direction": "out",
    	"reason": "post_transaction call",
    	"receive_date": "2023-08-23 08:46:43",
    	"receiver": {
        	"account": "99987654321",
        	"address": "555 Green St. Verdantville NY 10034",
        	"bank": "Wells Fargo",
        	"name": "Bailey Savings & Loan"
    	"status": "POSTED",
    	"wire_transaction_id": "3345df62-3f19-4c21-8b54-f12a3f4f6d3a"
	"echo": {
    	"provider_transaction_id": "",
    	"provider_timestamp": null,
    	"transaction_id": "4b431dcb-a366-4986-9a90-9516b031e79d"
	"system_timestamp": "2023-08-23 08:49:11",
	"rtoken": "ac230dd3-09b6-4ddb-8e1b-1d17a2aa3dd0"

Transaction statuses

RECEIVEDThe incoming transaction is awaiting processing.
POSTEDThe transaction has been successfully posted to the account, either deposited or debited.
PENDING_RETURNThe transaction will be returned to the sending bank; see reason for details.
RETURNEDThe transaction was returned to the partner bank.
FAILEDThe transaction was not processed.
CANCELEDThe transaction was canceled.
SENTThe transaction has been sent to the partner bank.

Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.