Create Wire Transaction

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Use the Create Wire Transaction endpoint to initiate a wire transfer to a remote bank account. Prior to using this endpoint, you must create an account to receive the wire using Create Destination Account.

After successfully calling this endpoint, there is a 10-minute window during which you can cancel the wire using Cancel Wire Transaction. After that interval, Cancel Wire Transaction returns status_code: 27 Request cannot be completed, which means that the transaction is being processed and cannot be canceled.

Input parameters

NameReqData typeDescriptionPatternExample
apiLoginXstringWeb service username, as provided by Galileo.Max 50 characters"AbC123-9999"
apiTransKeyXstringWeb service password, as provided by Galileo.Max 15 characters"4sb62fh6w4h7w34g"
providerIdXint32Galileo-issued provider identifier.Max 10 digits9999
transactionIdXstringA unique provider-generated ID to identify this API call. A UUID is preferred. This value is used for idempotencyMax 60 characters"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
accountNoXstringThe PRN of the sending account.PRN"999101789123"
amountXfloatCurrency amount as a whole or decimal amount.Positive integer or decimal number100.00, 100, or 100.73
destinationAccountIdXstringDestination account ID as returned by Create Destination Account or Get Destination Accounts.UUID"123456abc-1234-abcd-1234-123456abcdef"
referencestringContent for Fedwire field tag 6000 (Originator to Beneficiary information) for an outgoing wire, as specified by the recipient.Max 140 alphanumeric, punctuation"text"

Example request

curl --location --request POST 'https://[URL]/createWireTransaction' \
--header 'response-content-type: json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'apiLogin=[redacted]' \
--data-urlencode 'apiTransKey=[redacted]' \
--data-urlencode 'providerId=19' \
--data-urlencode 'transactionId=cf2db102-400d-4190-9794-4c8b6028aec4' \
--data-urlencode 'accountNo=652101062469' \
--data-urlencode 'destinationAccountId=7b893612-9651-5c50-b6c6-c8095c3a8ac5' \
--data-urlencode 'amount=20' \
--data-urlencode 'reference=payment on loan'

Response fields

NameData typeReqDescription
adjustment_idintegerXID of the adjustment to the account.
balancefloatXBalance of the account after the transaction.
wire_transaction_idUUIDXUUID to identify the transaction.
expected_transfer_datestringXDate that the recipient should receive the transfer. Should be the same day the wire is sent, unless the bank sends the transaction after the Fedwire cutoff time, in which case the date is the next business day.

Example response

  "status_code": 0,
  "status": "Success",
  "processing_time": 0.298,
  "transaction_id": "UUID",
  "response_data": {
    "adjustment_id": 5000721233,
    "wire_transaction_id": "123456-1234-1234-123456",
    "balance": "123.34",
    "expected_transfer_date": "2023-11-03"
  "echo": {
"provider_transaction_id": "",
"provider_timestamp": null,
"transaction_id": "629d890a-d773-4615-9bc4-bbe12effcf94"
  "rtoken": "8cc16de0-5eda-4e2a-968e-3b08fce6f778",
  "system_timestamp": "2022-08-13 10:36:54"

Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.