Event Testing and Triggers
This guide describes testing events, events that are triggered by automated processes, and events that are triggered by actions taken in the CST.
Testing events
Most event messages that are available in the Production environment can also be tested in the CV environment. You can request to enable different events in CV and Production, allowing you to test functionality in your own system before you go live in Production.
The following events are not available for testing in the CV environment.
Mobile wallet events
AACN, GACN, SACN: mobile_activation ACN
ARDP, GRDP, SRDP: mobile_activation RDP
ATKC, GTKC, STKC, VTKC: mobile_activation TKC
ATVD, GTVD, STVD: mobile_activation TVD
ATVN, GTVN, STVN: mobile_activation TVN
ATVR, GTVR, STVR: mobile_activation TVR
AYLP, GYLP, SYLP: mobile_activation YLP
VAPI: mobile_activation VAPI
ACH events
ACHC: ach_credit_fail
ACHR: ach_debit_fail
ACRT: ach_return
FACH: ach_credit_return
Although ACH transactions can be tested in the CV environment, the ACH-specific event messages are triggered in Production only. However, you can receive the
BPMT: pmt
andBADJ: adj
events in CV that the simulated transaction generates.
Events triggered by automated processes
Some event messages in the Events API are triggered by automated processes outside of your system rather than directly as a result of your action or your customer’s action. The following tables describe events that are triggered by automated processes.
Account events
Event | Description | Automated trigger |
BBAL: bal | An account has a positive balance. | Process that detects accounts with a positive balance. BBAL is triggered daily, or if PDBAL is set, BBAL is triggered only after the first deposit made to the account. |
BNEG: neg_bal | An account has a negative balance. | Process that detects accounts with a negative balance. BNEG is sent only when MPNEG is set. |
CSNT: card_status_change | A card status has changed. | Internal process that changes the card status. |
LBLC: low_balance_notify | A balance has dropped below the amount specified in LOBTH. | Automated process that checks for balances lower than LOBTH. |
ODCL: overdraft_credit_limit_change | An overdraft credit limit was adjusted based on the available core balance that the account holder maintained over a period. | Automated process that determines overdraft account activity and core account eligibility for a credit limit adjustment. |
ODOT: overdraft_opt_out | A core account lost overdraft functionality. | Automated process that deactivates overdraft accounts. |
ODSC: overdraft_status_change | An overdraft account status has changed. | Automated process that changes the overdraft status. |
ODSK: overdraft_suspended | An overdraft account was suspended or frozen. | Internal process that detects whether the monthly fee cap has been exceeded. |
ODSN: overdraft_limit_change | An overdraft account has become active, usually because it was unfrozen after the account holder paid off the overdraft. | Automated process that unfreezes qualifying accounts |
PSUC: card_returned | The shipping department received a card that was returned by a cardholder. | Internal reporting process. |
RBEX: card_expiring | A card is going to expire in the specified number of days. | Internal process that detects which cards will expire. |
SHIP: card_shipped | Galileo sent a create-card request to a third-party embosser. | An internal process that gathers embossing data. |
Authorization events
Event | Description | Automated trigger |
BEXP: auth_exp | An authorized transaction expired before it was cleared. | Internal Galileo process that detects authorization expiry. |
Transaction events
Event | Description | Automated trigger |
BPAR: billpay_retry | The bill-pay process retried a transaction after the previous attempt was unsuccessful because of insufficient funds. | Internal bill-pay process. |
BPAY: billpay | A bill-pay transaction was posted to the specified account. | Internal bill-pay process. |
BPCC: billpay_check_cleared | A paper bill-pay check was cashed and the payment has cleared. | Internal bill-pay process. |
BPCM: billpay_check_mailed | A paper bill-pay check order was created. | Internal paper-check process. |
BPEX: billpay_expired | A bill-pay check has not cleared six months after the check's date, and the check is no longer valid. | Internal process that monitors bill-pay check cashing. |
BPMT: pmt | A payment (deposit) was posted. | Internal processes that move funds into customer accounts. |
BSPF: sched_billpay_fail | A scheduled bill payment has failed because of insufficient funds. | Scheduled bill-pay process. |
CRHD: create_hold | A hold has been placed on all or part of the specified account. | Automated processes. |
EXHD: expire_hold | A hold that was placed on a customer account has expired. | Internal process that expires holds. |
Events triggered via CST
Some Events API messages are triggered when you perform an action in the CST. The tables below list events triggered by CST processes. Most of these events can be triggered outside of the CST as well.
Account events
Event | CST page | CST trigger |
ACCL: account_closed | Account > Account Info | An account was closed on the Account Info page. Some charge-offs result in this event. |
BACT: card_activated | Account > Card Info > Activate Card | A card was activated. |
BFID: failed_id | Account > Miscellaneous > Enroll/Register Customer | A customer failed Galileo’s integrated ID verification. |
CAPP: app_completed | Account > Miscellaneous > Enroll/Register Customer | A cardholder’s application for a new product was successful. |
CHPC: cardholder_info_changed | Account > Client Info | Customer profile information was changed in the CST. |
CSNT: card_status_change | Account > Card Info | A card status was changed with the Change Card Status control. CDMSG controls which new card statuses trigger this event. |
FRZN: frozen | Account > Card Info > Freeze Control | A card was frozen. |
FTID: fail_id | Account > Miscellaneous > Enroll/Register Customer | A customer failed Galileo’s integrated ID verification and the account status has changed to the value specified in TIDST. |
LSCN: lost/stolen card no replacement | Account > Card Info | A card was marked lost or stolen with the Change Card Status control and no replacement will be issued. |
LSCR: lost/stolen card with replacement | Account > Card Info | A card was marked lost or stolen with the Change Card Status control and a replacement card will be issued. |
NOTE: note | Account > Enter Notes | A note was added to the account. |
ODIN: overdraft_opt_in | Account > Miscellaneous > Enroll/Register Customer Account > Account Info > Overdraft Protection | An account became eligible to use overdraft or an overdraft account was created. |
ODNB: overdraft_negative_balance | Any process that moves funds out of the account | A core account has drawn on its overdraft account. |
ODOT: overdraft_opt_out | Account > Account Info > Overdraft Protection | A customer service representative clicked the Opt Out button on the Overdraft Protection page. |
ODSC: overdraft_status_change | Account > Account Info > Overdraft Protection | An overdraft account status has changed. |
ODSK: overdraft_suspended | Account > Account Info > Overdraft Protection | An overdraft account was suspended. |
ODSN: overdraft_limit_change | Account > Account Info > Overdraft Protection | An overdraft account limit has changed. |
PCHG: profile_changed | Account > Client Info | Customer profile information was changed and the change is not covered by a more specific event. |
PHCH: phone_changed | Account > Client Info | A customer phone number was changed. If this event is not configured, PCHG is sent instead. |
PSWC: product_switched | Account > Miscellaneous > Enroll/Register Customer | An account changed from one product to another. |
PTID: pass_id | Account > Miscellaneous > Enroll/Register Customer | A customer passed Galileo's integrated ID verification process. |
UFRZ: unfrozen | Account > Card Info > Freeze Control | A card was unfrozen. |
Transaction events
Event | CST page | CST trigger |
BADJ: adj | Account > Finance Bar Any process that makes an adjustment for the account | The available balance has been adjusted. |
BDPM: pmt_delayed | Account > Account History > Payment History Any process that moves funds into the account | An attempt to move funds into a customer account has been delayed because of a load limit violation. |
BFEE: fee | Account > Account Info > Fee History Any process that posts a fee to the account | A fee was posted to an account. |
BPCQ: billpay_request_made | Account > Account Info > Bill Payments | A bill pay request was initiated and the funds have been removed from the account. |
BPMT: pmt | Account > Account History > Payment History Any process that deposits funds into a customer account | A payment (deposit) was posted. |
BSPM: pmt_split | Account > Account History > Payment History Any process that moves funds into the account | A transaction to move funds into an account was only partially completed because of load limit violations. |
CRHD: create_hold | Account > Account Info | A hold has been placed on all or part of a customer account. |
EXHD: expire_hold | Account > Account Info | A hold that was placed on a customer account has expired. |
FREV: fee_reversal | Account > Account Info > Fee History Any process that reverses a fee previously posted to an account | A fee that was posted to the specified account has been reversed. |
Updated 11 months ago