Galileo Analytics Report Index

This guide is a list of all of the reports for Galileo Analytics (gAnalytics), which is Galileo's data-reporting tool, and provides a brief summary of each report. If you are currently signed up with gAnalytics and need more information, reach out to your Relationship Manager or Business Development Rep.

Landing page

The landing page/dashboard shows several key monthly metrics for the selected month range. It also provides quick access to the recently run reports, your favorites reports and recently added or shared notes.

Portfolio management

Portfolio OverviewMonthlyProvides insight into various strategic key performance indicators. The summary section shows the average monthly active account counts for the selected month range.
Key Performance IndicatorsMonthlyAllows you to view several important KPIs within a selected month range for your portfolio. Sample KPIs include: Active Account Counts, Applications/ Emboss/ FailedID Counts, Activation & Funding %, Load/ Fee/ Revenue/ Interchange amount, and several other metrics such as IVR & Customer service calls.
Product ComparisonMonthlyCompare the performance of various products. Select a KPI/metric to see the value for each of the top 5 products. You have the option to view the total values and a monthly trend chart, and compare the monthly load trend across products.
Active Attrition AnalysisMonthlyProvides the number of active customers, insight into whether you are adding or losing customers, and the average number of closing and active accounts for each month in the selected month range.
Account Status OverviewMonthlyA snapshot report that shows the historical totals of accounts in various statuses for a selected date.
Account Status DetailDailyShows details of all accounts that are in a particular status and an export link to export account level details.
Account Status Change SummaryDailyProvides count data of accounts that were changed to a particular status for a specific date range. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Account StatusDailyProvides count data of accounts that changed from a particular status to another particular status and an Export link to download the complete list to Excel. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Cards Status OverviewMonthlyShows the total count of cards in various statues. Example card statuses include: Active, Blocked, Canceled, Disabled, Lost Card, Set to Emboss, Shipped Ready to Activate, Stolen, etc. This report can only be run for a single date at a time.
Card Status DetailDailySelect a particular card status and view the details of individual cards in that status. Export the data to view more than 10 records. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Card Status Change DetailDailyView cards that changed from a particular status to another particular status during a given date range. The From or To parameter is required to run the report. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
OverdraftDailyView the KPI section to see various overdraft related metrics, including the total OD fee. View the power list to display the same information at individual product level, and the power chart to trend the metrics over a period of time. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels, and is relevant to overdraft products only.


Applications OverviewDailyProvides a quick overview of applications received during a selected time period, sorted by the application date. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
ID VerificationDailyDisplays ID verification summary data, including: application count, failed ID verification count, and percentage for the selected application date range. Data is refreshed once a day and includes full historical data; available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Application Quality ScoreDailyAn innovative measure of the quality of applications you receive. The score is a dollar amount that represents the average net income generated per application, which can be used to compare application quality across multiple months, products, or stores. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.


Emboss OverviewDailyShows various metrics related to embossed cards and the counts of various emboss types. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
ActivationsDailyShows various metrics related to card activations. Some of the important metrics are the count of first card activations and average number of days to activate (from emboss data). Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Activation detailDailyShows data for the list of cards (along with cardholder info) that were activated during a 30 day date range. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.


Financial OverviewDailyProvides a high-level view of various financial metrics, as well as the total number of accounts with a positive balance, per the end of the selected date range and the Average Balance Per Active Account. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
RollforwardDailyProvides summaries (amounts and counts) of various types of financial activities including: Adjustment, Fee, Settlement, and Payments/Loads, sorted by date, or by product/program. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Settlements - Bin SummaryDailyShows all settlement activity related to card-network transactions, broken down into categories such as loads, sales, fees, credits, chargebacks and ATM withdrawals. This report also shows you what you owe the network (or what it owes you) according to Galileo's records.
Loads OverviewDailyShows various load amount related numbers, including the Total Load amount along with Load Count and Average Load Size, Total Direct Deposit Load amount, Total Non-Direct Deposit Load amount, along with their respective Average Load Size. View data at program or product level, as well as by day/week/month, load types, and stores where the card was purchased.
Loads Monthly SummaryMonthlyProvides a monthly overview of Direct Deposit loads, that gives you insight into the Average Monthly Loads per Active Account for various types of active accounts, so you get a completely different perspective of loads, respective to active card holders/accounts. Only accounts with more than 10 direct deposit loads are considered for DD counts.
Direct Deposit AnalysisMonthlyProvides a monthly overview of Direct Deposit loads, where you can see KPI trends and chart two metrics to compare the numbers on a monthly basis.
Fee OverviewDailyShows the total amounts for various types of fees for the selected data range. The various types of fees include: monthly fee, transaction fee, transaction decline fee, ATM fee, ATM decline fee, and other fees. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Fee Monthly SummaryMonthlyThe goal with this report is to check the fee trend, average fee per card holder, and how many active accounts were not charged a fee.
Authorization OverviewDailyDisplays all authorizations received during a given time period. The power chart at the top allows the user to chart metrics to see the trend over a period of time, which can also be used to compare two similar metrics. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Authorization DetailDailyShows a detailed view of authorizations received during a given time period. Click the Export link to download the complete dataset to Excel. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Settled Transactions OverviewDailyGives insight into various settlement metrics, including the trend of Settlement Amount and Count and trends of specific settlement types, like POS PIN, POS Signature, ATM, Domestic, and International settlements. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Settled Transactions DetailDailyShows details of the settlements that happened in a particular date range, including the PRN, Settle amount and date, and merchant details of where the settlement happened. Details are available only for the last 30 days. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Merchant CreditDailyShows the details of Merchant Credits and funds held and released, if any. Click the Export link to download the complete list to Excel. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Money In OutDailyShows the overall opening balance, total transactions (money-in and money-out), and the net closing balance for the selected date range. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels. Note: The selected date range cannot include today’s date.
Store / Agent Sales PerformanceDailyCompare store and agent-level sales performance. View data at Agent or Store level, as well as by day/week/month, and Program/Product/Date. Note: the report shows only retail loads and unloads (load description must have “Retail” keyword). All other load types can be viewed in the Financial Activity > Loads > Overview report.


Non-Financial OverviewDailyProvides insight into various card holder activities, including the count of IVR calls, customer service calls, average time spent on call, average speed of answer, card holder web usage counts, alert and campaign counts. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
IVR Call OverviewDailyProvides insight into IVR calls received from cardholders to determine the top reasons for use. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
IVR Actions OverviewDailyShows only those cardholders that successfully entered their account credentials. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
CS Calls OverviewDailyShows various metrics around customer service calls, which can be used to determine top reasons why cardholders are talking to a CS agent. This data can uncover ways to improve your IVR design or CS training to reduce transfer rates and improve case management. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Survey OverviewDailyShows data from completed surveys, available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Mobile AppDailyProvides a quick overview of mobile app downloads/registrations and mobile logins during a selected time period. Data is refreshed once a day with full historical data, available at daily, weekly, and monthly levels.
Activity By HourDailyShows various activities at each hour of the day, for a limited period of time (select a month or a single date within this time period only). Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.

Other modules

HomeDailyDashboards are a quick way to glance at a lot of information around one or two key performance indicators, which shows data for a 6 or 12 month period. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Big PictureDailyGet a 30,000 foot view of your programs in a single report. It highlights all the important metrics and trends over a 12 month period, so it’s easy to identify top performing products. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
BalanceMonthlyShows the total balance amounts (Total Negative Balance, Total Positive Balance, Accounts with Positive Balance, etc) for accounts in various statuses, and sorted by various programs, products, and product types.
Fraud Authorization VelocityDailyThe goal is to be able to perform velocity analysis at both individual and cumulative transaction level (large single transactions and smaller frequent transactions totaling to larger total amounts). View up to 20 records, or click the Export link to download the entire dataset in Excel. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
KPI StrategicMonthlyView several important key performance indicators (KPIs) for your portfolio within a selected month range. Click the Export link to download KPI data into Excel.
KPI OperationsDailyShows various key metrics for the business within the selected date range and has full historical data refreshed once a day. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
TimelineDailyProvides a quick overview of portfolio performance over a period of time. Performance is displayed for each individual year and compared with the prior year. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Fraud Cash In Cash OutDailyReview accounts that are relatively new (active months) and are withdrawing money within 1-7 days of loading it to help identify potentially fraudulent accounts. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Negative Balance AgingDailyReview cardholder accounts with a negative balance for risk analysis, collections, and charge off purposes. Click the Export link to download the entire dataset into Excel. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Fraud - Foreign TransactionsDailyDisplays all successful foreign transactions during a selected time period. Click the Export link to download the entire dataset into Excel. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
MilestoneDailyProvides a quick preview of all the major achievements during the history of your program. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Fraud Load VelocityDailyPerform velocity analysis at both individual, and cumulative load level. View 10 records at a time, or click Export to download the entire dataset in Excel.
Client ScorecardDailyMonthly scorecard that provides some important KPI's related to Call Center Statistics and Disputes. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
ACH ReportsDailyShows the summary of ACHs for the selected program(s) by status. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Dispute SummaryDailyShows the total amount and number of transactions for three dispute types: Chargebacks, 2nd Presentments, Arbitration & Pre-Arbitration, for the selected time period and programs. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Visa LoadsDailyShows a summary of Visa lad payments over the selected date range grouped by date, and how many of the total posted Visa leads were force posted. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Fraud Lost/StolenDailyDisplays all transactions received for cards that have been marked lost/stolen. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Active AccountsDailyCurrent active account trend, counts, percentage acquired within a date range, products with highest active accounts. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
ACH Real-TimeDailyShows details of the ACHs received for the selected file dates. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
IVR Events OverviewDailyShows only the cardholders that successfully entered their account credentials. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Web UsageDailyShows the web usage summary for the selected week, including the number of cardholders that logged in to the website in the last 7, 14, or 30 days from the selected week's end date. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Pending LoadDailyProvides a summary of pending payments in the system, including the pending portion of split payments and any incoming ACH payments that are pending due to a future date. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Call ReasonDailyTop reasons why customers are calling. Identify operational issues with specific products. Isolate training opportunities and solve operational bottlenecks. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Cards SoldDailyShows cards sold by month and product, and the percentage of cards that have reloads, that are still active, and that have been personalized. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Customer Lifetime ValueDailyThis report helps answer the following questions: How much revenue do you make per customer over the lifetime of the account? Which products are the most profitable? How much revenue do they generate per account each month? Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Split LoadDailyProvides a summary of payments that have been split due to load velocity limits. If the load amount is higher than a certain limit, it is split into smaller amounts and posted over a period of time. The report shows what portion of such split payments is still pending and what portion has posted. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Spend AnalysisDailyProvides high-level and detailed insight into cardholder spending behavior. There are four reports available to export in this module: Transactions by Category, Transactions by Geographic Location, Cardholder by Transaction Category, and Cardholders by Merchant. Data is updated at the beginning of each month.
Customer ServiceDailyView call center metrics for yesterday and a 7 day or 30 day period. Metrics include the total calls, speed of answer, and call duration. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
HistogramsMonthlyProvides insight into how long it takes for cardholders to activate, fund, or direct deposit during a selected time period and product/program.
Fee Reversal SummaryDailyShows a summary of all fee reversals for the selected date range and programs/products. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Fraud Case Manager DashboardDailyProvides a glance of: Number of New Cases Created, Number of Cases Closed, and Number of Cases Closed by Users. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Fraud Case ManagerDailyUsed by the manager to assign cases to their team to complete. Each case is an account that violated the compliance criteria specified by the bank or the client. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Bank ACH SummaryMonthlyShows three different ACH summary reports for a given file date. The Schedule tab shows a summary of all the ACHs received for the bank partner, the Processed tab shows a summary of all processed ACHs, (along with their processed date), and the Pre/Post tab shows a summary of all ACHs that posted before or after the post date in the file. Click the Export link to download the complete dataset to Excel. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Bank ACH Schedule DetailMonthlyShows the posted date, scheduled post date, ACH amount, and type for each of the ACHs received. Click the Export link to download the complete dataset to Excel.
Bank ActivityDailyShows money movement activity for banks, including the transaction time, description, and amount of the transaction. Click the Export link to download the complete dataset to Excel. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Bank ACH Posted DetailMonthlyShows the details of the ACH credits and debits received for the selected date. Click the Export link to download the complete dataset to Excel.
Spend Analysis Transactions by Category/ MerchantMonthlyProvides insight into the spending distribution for a set of programs. It shows the distribution of spending by mcc category and sub-category, as well as the top 10 merchants with the maximum number of transactions. The displayed data is for the last 12 calendar months for the selected programs.
Spend Analysis - Transactions by Geographical LocationMonthlyGives an overview of total spending based on state and city, including the top 20 states and cities based on the total number/amount of transactions. Click on a state to view data for the cities in that state. The displayed data is for the last 12 calendar months for the selected programs.
Spend Analysis - Cardholder by Transaction CategoryMonthlyGives an overview of customer spending based on transaction category and sub-category, including the top 10 transaction categories and sub- categories (based on the number of distinct customers that transacted in each category or sub-category). Click on a category to view data for all sub-categories in the list. The displayed data is for the last 3 calendar months for the selected programs. Click the Export link to download the full list of customers to Excel.
Spend Analysis Cardholder by MerchantMonthlyGives an overview of customer spending based on merchants, including the top 20 merchants (based on the number of distinct customers that transacted at each merchant). Click on a merchant’s Number of Accounts value to view a sample of the customers that transacted. The displayed data is for the last 3 calendar months for the selected programs. Click the Export link to download the full list of customers to Excel.
Product InformationDailyLists the product IDs along with their short descriptions for the selected programs. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Calls AnsweredDailyProvides a summary of answered calls for the selected date range and program/product list. Answered calls are grouped into buckets based on the amount of time the calls sat in the call queue before being answered. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Call StatisticsDailyGives a summary of call counts and other important metrics for the selected date range. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Calls AbandonedDailyProvides a summary of abandoned calls for the selected date range and program/product list. The calls are grouped into buckets based on the amount of time the calls sat in the call queue before being abandoned. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
ACH Transfer (1Debit)DailyACH Debit item report used as a reconciliation report. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
IVRDailyView the IVR call totals, including the transfer rate, hangup rate, abandon rate, and average speed of answer for a 7, 14, or 30 day period, and compare these metrics across products. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Savings InterestMonthlyShows interest accrued on savings accounts for the selected month, interest accrued in the current quarter, interest amount paid in the prior quarter, and the interest rate. Shows data at summary level for the month and also at individual balance level.
Custom Card ImageDailyShows all of the custom card image requests by card holders and the status of each request. Select a date range to view the card image requests during that time period. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Monthly PerformanceDailyShows the performance of the most important KPIs and comparison across the top 10 products. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
RevenueDailyShows the total revenue generated by products during the past 12 months. View revenue by fee type, revenue from customers acquired during different years, and revenue by customer segment. Data is available at daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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