Mastercard Card Load Simulation

A cardholder receives $500 transferred from a cryptocurrency account.

This a similar transaction to Scenario 17: Card Load (Maestro). However, the transaction in Scenario 17 is a Maestro Load with trans_code: PMMX, whereas this is a Mastercard Load with trans_code: PMML.


Before performing this simulation, you must have the MCLD product parameter enabled.


Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters:

accountNoPAN or PRN
	"echo": {
    		"provider_timestamp": null,
    		"provider_transaction_id": "",
    		"transaction_id": "510b35b7-d1c8-40a8-a5e7-b90b54f7f6f6"
	"processing_time": 5.317,
	"response_data": {
    		"auth_id": 61573,
    		"auth_response_code": "00",
    		"auth_response_description": "Success"
	"rtoken": "8b53e2d9-356b-471b-8036-53e61fcfb3af",
	"status": "Success",
	"status_code": 0,
	"system_timestamp": "2025-03-04 11:32:21"

View the authorization

Call Get Authorization History to see the authorization:

	"status_code": 0,
	"status": "Success",
	"processing_time": 0.464,
	"response_data": {
    		"authorizations": []
	"echo": {
    		"provider_transaction_id": "",
    		"provider_timestamp": null,
    		"transaction_id": "5ff52998-c4e7-4e0d-94f4-99640088b4b1"
	"system_timestamp": "2025-03-04 11:34:41",
	"rtoken": "29fcfe7b-cac5-4687-a8c6-d885dac5aa2f"

Card loads in the authorizations table are created in status: T, and Get Authorization History does not return entries in this status, neither in CV nor in Production. If the endpoint returns your transaction in the authorizations object, it means that the endpoint ignored the value in transType and created a conventional authorization instead of a card load, which debits the account instead of credits it. Verify that you have IOANV enabled for your product ID so that the endpoint will respond properly to the value in transType.


If you call Create Simulated Card Settlement with the auth_id from the simulated auth, the endpoint will return this error: 544-03: Authorization is already settled or in the wrong status.

Because the card load is in status: T, the simulator cannot settle it. This is different from how card loads operate in Production. In Production, the settlement batch file, which arrives a day or two after the card load authorization, settles the card load. Galileo does not send the SETL: setl event message for Mastercard loads.

Transaction created

Call Get All Transaction History to see the ledger entry.

"transactions": [
         "is_savings": false,
         "deny_code": null,
         "disputable": false,
         "details": "MasterCard Load",
         "act_type": "PM",
         "act_type_description": "Payment",
         "post_ts": "2025-03-04 11:32:21",
         "amt": 300,
         "source_id": "1209",
         "type": "ML",
         "type_description": "MasterCard Load",
         "trans_code": "PMML",
         "arn": "",
         "merchant_id": null,
         "external_trans_id": "",
         "calculated_balance": 350,
         "ach_trans_id": null,
         "auth_ts": "2025-03-04 11:32:21",
         "prior_id": "0",
         "card_id": "1547",
         "formatted_merchant_desc": null,
         "network_code": "?",
         "auth_id": "61573",
         "local_amt": null,
         "local_curr_code": null,
         "settle_amt": null,
         "settle_curr_code": null,
         "billing_amt": null,
         "billing_curr_code": null,
         "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
         "credit_ind": null,
         "mcc_code": null

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.