Three-Step Sequence Simulation

A debit cardholder makes a $30 purchase at a retail establishment without inputting a PIN. The transaction is later settled for the full amount. This is the same transaction shown in Three-step sequence in Card Transaction Examples. Also see Scenario 1: Authorization with Settlement.


Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters:

accountNoPAN or PRN
associationmc_auth or visa
merchantNameCentral Market
transType1 or leave blank
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 1.681,
    "response_data": {
        "auth_response_code": "00",
        "auth_response_description": "Success",
        "auth_id": 2233
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "9f3aa0db-06f8-4e0d-a202-e31d349c77aa"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-10-10 08:32:14",
    "rtoken": "fb599ae2-b0ee-4255-b2f1-6fdef1266462"

Capture the auth_id for later use.

View the authorization

Call Get Authorization History to see the authorization:

"authorizations": [
                "auth_id": "2233",
                "details": "Central Market         LT LAKE CITY UTUS",
                "details_formatted": "CENTRAL MARKET, LT LAKE CITY, UT",
                "amount": "-30",
                "timestamp": "2022-10-10 08:32:14",
                "type": "A",
                "mcc": "5399",
                "merchant_id": "tqJWttRLcDH2xG8",
                "acq_id": "646235",
                "terminal_id": "84556025",
                "can_be_expired": "1",
                "original_auth_id": "0",
                "network_code": "V",
                "local_amt": "000000003000",
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null


Call Create Simulated Card Settlement with these parameters:

authIdauth_id from the authorization response
accountNoPAN or PRN
associationvisa or mc_auth
amount30 or leave blank
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 6.505,
    "response_data": {
        "settle_response_code": "00",
        "settle_response_description": "Success",
        "settle_dtl": 701
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "a811457f-e0a3-4485-abb5-ab09bd3aca35"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-10-10 08:38:59",
    "rtoken": "9f6f90f0-a85d-4594-86fd-bf1d1b3ec51c"

The settle_dtl (settlement detail) value can be used for troubleshooting with Galileo.

Transactions created

Call Get All Transaction History to see the three ledger entries, in reverse chronological order.

"transactions": [
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": true,
                "details": "Central Market, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "VS",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Settlement",
                "post_ts": "2022-10-10 08:38:57",
                "amt": -30,
                "source_id": "2233",
                "type": "A",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "VSA",
                "arn": "06462352283422745227458",
                "merchant_id": "tqJWttRLcDH2xG8",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 970,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-10-10 08:32:14",
                "prior_id": "0",
                "card_id": "5530",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "CENTRAL MARKET, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "2233",
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
                "mcc_code": "5399",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Central Market, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "BV",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Authorization Backout",
                "post_ts": "2022-10-10 08:38:57",
                "amt": 30,
                "source_id": "2233",
                "type": "A",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "BVA",
                "arn": "06462352283422745227458",
                "merchant_id": "tqJWttRLcDH2xG8",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 1000,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-10-10 08:32:14",
                "prior_id": "0",
                "card_id": "5530",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "CENTRAL MARKET, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "2233",
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
                "mcc_code": "5399",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Central Market, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "VI",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Authorization",
                "post_ts": "2022-10-10 08:32:14",
                "amt": -30,
                "source_id": "2233",
                "type": "A",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "VIA",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": "tqJWttRLcDH2xG8",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 970,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-10-10 08:32:14",
                "prior_id": "0",
                "card_id": "5530",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "CENTRAL MARKET, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "2233",
                "local_amt": 30,
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": 0,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
                "mcc_code": "5399",
                "credit_ind": "Y"

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.