ATM Withdrawal, Visa Simulation
A cardholder withdraws $60 from a domestic ATM. The ATM operator charges a $3 fee and the issuer charges $2.50.
When simulating ATM fees, you must first set up the fee in your product settings: ATD for domestic and ATI for international. In the authorization request, add the operator fee to amount
but do not include your own fee—the simulator will add it automatically. You must also include the PIN for the card.
This example is similar to ATM withdrawal in Card Transaction Examples, except that these network codes correspond to the Visa credit network. In Production, an ATM transaction is almost never routed over credit (signature) rails but instead goes over interbank (PIN) or dedicated ATM rails. See Scenario 11: ATM Withdrawal and Scenario 12: ATM Reversal for examples from Production.
Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters.
Parameter | Value |
accountNo | PAN or PRN |
amount | 63 |
association | visa |
merchantName | Northern ATM |
mcc | 6011 |
specialFunctions | add_pin |
pin | Optional. If you pass a value, it uses this value in the request and changes the card's PIN to this value. If you do not pass a value here but specialFunctions: add_pin is present, then the request will use the existing PIN. |
transType | 11 |
"status_code": 0,
"status": "Success",
"processing_time": 1.887,
"response_data": {
"auth_response_code": "00",
"auth_response_description": "Success",
"auth_id": 2222
"echo": {
"provider_transaction_id": "",
"provider_timestamp": null,
"transaction_id": "dac933fb-4ef2-4996-9cb1-78e46b5964c5"
"system_timestamp": "2022-10-21 08:02:34",
"rtoken": "2157bc33-9f08-49c4-9e65-47dc195b0c60"
Capture the auth_id
for later use.
View the authorization
Call Get Authorization History to view the authorization. The amount
field contains the original $63 plus the issuer's $2.50 domestic ATM fee, whereas local_amt
does not include issuer fees.
"status_code": 0,
"status": "Success",
"processing_time": 0.427,
"response_data": {
"authorizations": [
"auth_id": "2222",
"details_formatted": "Northern ATM, LT LAKE CITY, UT",
"amount": "-65.5",
"timestamp": "2022-10-21 08:02:33",
"type": "W",
"mcc": "6011",
"merchant_id": "XqLDWeYStQw65dQ",
"acq_id": "826081",
"terminal_id": "11294228",
"can_be_expired": "1",
"original_auth_id": "0",
"network_code": "V",
"local_amt": "000000006300",
"local_curr_code": "840",
"settle_amt": null,
"settle_curr_code": null,
"billing_amt": null,
"billing_curr_code": null
"echo": {
"provider_transaction_id": "",
"provider_timestamp": null,
"transaction_id": "a841449a-04ec-41a4-a035-b55dc7eedcaf"
"system_timestamp": "2022-10-21 08:04:08",
"rtoken": "443c00e4-3053-48c4-b871-70df19991709"
Call Create Simulated Card Settlement with these parameters:
Parameter | Value |
authId | auth_id from the authorization response |
accountNo | PRN or PAN |
association | visa |
amount | blank |
"status_code": 0,
"status": "Success",
"processing_time": 5.546,
"response_data": {
"settle_response_code": "00",
"settle_response_description": "Success",
"settle_dtl": 1004
"echo": {
"provider_transaction_id": "",
"provider_timestamp": null,
"transaction_id": "032f41dd-677e-41dd-8a2e-0674045ee1e9"
"system_timestamp": "2022-10-21 08:07:06",
"rtoken": "b1c26b71-1d81-4731-8891-2351be6a2651"
Transactions created
Call Get All Transaction History to see the ledger entries in reverse chronological order. When the settlement is posted, the issuer fee is posted separately as an FE
(fee) transaction.
"transactions": [
"is_savings": false,
"deny_code": null,
"disputable": true,
"details": "Northern ATM, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
"act_type": "VS",
"act_type_description": "Visa Settlement",
"post_ts": "2022-10-21 08:07:04",
"amt": -63,
"source_id": "2222",
"type": "W",
"type_description": "",
"trans_code": "VSW",
"arn": "08260812294771103711038",
"merchant_id": "XqLDWeYStQw65dQ",
"external_trans_id": "",
"calculated_balance": 934.50,
"ach_trans_id": null,
"auth_ts": "2022-10-21 08:02:33",
"prior_id": "0",
"card_id": "5530",
"formatted_merchant_desc": "NORTHERN ATM, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
"network_code": "V",
"auth_id": "2222",
"local_amt": null,
"local_curr_code": null,
"settle_amt": null,
"settle_curr_code": null,
"billing_amt": null,
"billing_curr_code": null,
"pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
"mcc_code": "6011",
"credit_ind": "N"
"is_savings": false,
"deny_code": null,
"disputable": false,
"details": "ATM Domestic Fee",
"act_type": "FE",
"act_type_description": "Fee",
"post_ts": "2022-10-21 08:07:04",
"amt": -2.5,
"source_id": "8888",
"type": "0013",
"type_description": "ATM Domestic Fee",
"trans_code": "FE0013",
"arn": "",
"merchant_id": null,
"external_trans_id": "",
"calculated_balance": 997.50,
"ach_trans_id": null,
"auth_ts": "2022-10-21 08:07:04",
"prior_id": "0",
"card_id": "5530",
"formatted_merchant_desc": null,
"network_code": "?",
"auth_id": "2222",
"local_amt": null,
"local_curr_code": null,
"settle_amt": null,
"settle_curr_code": null,
"billing_amt": null,
"billing_curr_code": null,
"pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
"mcc_code": null,
"credit_ind": null
"is_savings": false,
"deny_code": null,
"disputable": false,
"details": "Northern ATM, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
"act_type": "BV",
"act_type_description": "Visa Authorization Backout",
"post_ts": "2022-10-21 08:07:04",
"amt": 65.5,
"source_id": "2222",
"type": "W",
"type_description": "",
"trans_code": "BVW",
"arn": "08260812294771103711038",
"merchant_id": "XqLDWeYStQw65dQ",
"external_trans_id": "",
"calculated_balance": 1000,
"ach_trans_id": null,
"auth_ts": "2022-10-21 08:02:33",
"prior_id": "0",
"card_id": "5530",
"formatted_merchant_desc": "NORTHERN ATM, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
"network_code": "V",
"auth_id": "2222",
"local_amt": null,
"local_curr_code": null,
"settle_amt": null,
"settle_curr_code": null,
"billing_amt": null,
"billing_curr_code": null,
"pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
"mcc_code": "6011",
"credit_ind": "N"
"is_savings": false,
"deny_code": null,
"disputable": false,
"details": "Northern ATM, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
"act_type": "VI",
"act_type_description": "Visa Authorization",
"post_ts": "2022-10-21 08:02:33",
"amt": -65.5,
"source_id": "2222",
"type": "W",
"type_description": "",
"trans_code": "VIW",
"arn": "",
"merchant_id": "XqLDWeYStQw65dQ",
"external_trans_id": "",
"calculated_balance": 934.50,
"ach_trans_id": null,
"auth_ts": "2022-10-21 08:02:33",
"prior_id": "0",
"card_id": "5530",
"formatted_merchant_desc": "NORTHERN ATM, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
"network_code": "V",
"auth_id": "2222",
"local_amt": 63,
"local_curr_code": "840",
"settle_amt": 0,
"settle_curr_code": null,
"billing_amt": null,
"billing_curr_code": null,
"pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
"mcc_code": "6011",
"credit_ind": "N"
Updated 10 months ago