Incremental Authorization Simulation

A debit cardholder calls a ride-share service through its app, and the cost of the proposed destination is $25. After arriving at the first destination the cardholder requests a second destination for $15, and then after arriving at the second destination requests a third, for $10. The network is Visa, because the Mastercard simulator does not have incremental authorization capability. The starting balance is $1000.

This example is similar to Scenario 3: Incremental authorizations but with some differences:

  • Scenario 3 was derived from live data in Production, where the incremented transactions were authorizations that were later settled. Because of the way the simulator is set up in CV, this simulation has preauthorizations for the incremented transactions, which are completed and then later settled.
  • The card product in this example has a 15% upcharge for MCC 4121 (taxicabs and limousines) that rounds up to the next whole number.

First preauthorization

Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters:

accountNoPAN or PRN
merchantNameEastern Rideshare
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 1.052,
    "response_data": {
        "auth_response_code": "00",
        "auth_response_description": "Success",
        "auth_id": 3333
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "a6fa4617-a71e-40b7-bf72-70dc1242d517"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:02:18",
    "rtoken": "8993e8d9-f236-4a9e-9f19-2c317e03f542"

Capture the auth_id for later use.

View the preauthorization

Call Get Authorization History to see the preauthorization. Notice that the amount includes the upcharge whereas local_amt does not.

    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 0.385,
    "response_data": {
        "authorizations": [
                "auth_id": "3333",
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare      LT LAKE CITY UTUS",
                "details_formatted": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UT",
                "amount": "-30",
                "timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:00:22",
                "type": "L",
                "mcc": "4121",
                "merchant_id": "xUuamfF2K9m2vrH",
                "acq_id": "417101",
                "terminal_id": "88121702",
                "can_be_expired": "1",
                "original_auth_id": "0",
                "network_code": "V",
                "local_amt": "000000002500",
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "f2e57001-6fa7-432a-8bef-cb7a9473d80b"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:05:00",
    "rtoken": "6f20af30-d5d6-4c3b-9229-c3404269486d"

Second preauthorization

Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters:

accountNoPAN or PRN
merchantNameEastern Rideshare
originalAuthIdauth_id from the previous response
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 1.743,
    "response_data": {
        "auth_response_code": "00",
        "auth_response_description": "Success",
        "auth_id": 6666
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "7e481adb-1354-42b8-8d6c-1b5daab7e911"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:04:09",
    "rtoken": "d167057c-5f53-4084-96dd-fa60f096f83f"

Capture the auth_id for later use.

View the preauthorization

Call Get Authorization History to see the preauthorization. When Galileo received this incremental preauthorization, it backed out the previous preauthorization and replaced it with this one. The amount field shows the cumulative amount of the two requests plus upcharges, whereas local_amt shows only the amount from this second preauthorization, without upcharges. The original_auth_id contains the auth_id of the previous preauthorization.

    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 0.385,
    "response_data": {
        "authorizations": [
                "auth_id": "6666",
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare      LT LAKE CITY UTUS",
                "details_formatted": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UT",
                "amount": "-48",
                "timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:04:09",
                "type": "L",
                "mcc": "4121",
                "merchant_id": "xUuamfF2K9m2vrH",
                "acq_id": "417101",
                "terminal_id": "88121702",
                "can_be_expired": "1",
                "original_auth_id": "3333",
                "network_code": "V",
                "local_amt": "000000001500",
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "f2e57001-6fa7-432a-8bef-cb7a9473d80b"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:05:00",
    "rtoken": "6f20af30-d5d6-4c3b-9229-c3404269486d"

Third preauthorization

Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters:

accountNoPAN or PRN
merchantNameEastern Rideshare
originalAuthIdauth_id from the previous response
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 1.746,
    "response_data": {
        "auth_response_code": "00",
        "auth_response_description": "Success",
        "auth_id": 9999
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "d0ef973c-bd22-46c9-a1d0-0321d5fd61dc"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:06:49",
    "rtoken": "47c10810-0130-4b72-b0d6-66c4a2231534"

Capture the auth_id for later use.

View the preauthorization

Call Get Authorization History to see the preauthorization. When Galileo received this second incremental preauthorization, it backed out the previous preauthorization and replaced it with this one. The amount field shows the cumulative amount of the three requests plus upcharges, whereas local_amt shows only the amount from this third preauthorization without upcharges. The original_auth_id contains the auth_id of the previous preauthorization.

    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 0.48,
    "response_data": {
        "authorizations": [
                "auth_id": "9999",
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare      LT LAKE CITY UTUS",
                "details_formatted": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UT",
                "amount": "-60",
                "timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:06:49",
                "type": "L",
                "mcc": "4121",
                "merchant_id": "8dTUYluaYwf9mtY",
                "acq_id": "417101",
                "terminal_id": "82323231",
                "can_be_expired": "1",
                "original_auth_id": "6666",
                "network_code": "V",
                "local_amt": "000000001000",
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "0edb3dd4-8769-4739-8ada-5666d38ec2ac"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:07:46",
    "rtoken": "30984952-a77f-4db5-b22b-7f8712d0a4b4"


Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters to simulate the completion, because a completion comes to Galileo through the authorization stream. The amount is the cumulative amount shown in the third preauthorization.

accountNoPAN or PRN
merchantNameEastern Rideshare
originalAuthIdauth_id from the previous response
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 1.533,
    "response_data": {
        "auth_response_code": "00",
        "auth_response_description": "Success",
        "auth_id": 1212
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "265048e1-e8e7-490d-bc14-a08753c346fb"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:14:49",
    "rtoken": "799fa6ed-6322-42d6-8abf-6236d32b9f8f"

View the completion

Call Get Authorization History to see the completion. The amount and local_amt are the same value. In Production, it is possible that the completion would be for less than this amount, for example, if a tip were not included in the total. The original_auth_id contains the auth_id of the previous preauthorization.

    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 0.056,
    "response_data": {
        "authorizations": [
                "auth_id": "1212",
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare      LT LAKE CITY UTUS",
                "details_formatted": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UT",
                "amount": "-60",
                "timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:14:49",
                "type": "C",
                "mcc": "4121",
                "merchant_id": "8dTUYluaYwf9mtY",
                "acq_id": "417101",
                "terminal_id": "82323231",
                "can_be_expired": "1",
                "original_auth_id": "9999",
                "network_code": "V",
                "local_amt": "000000006000",
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "ffc6c434-a7c5-4be5-80f4-ef8564c4c9b1"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:15:48",
    "rtoken": "e93a0e6b-746f-47d8-8418-cb009292e543"


Call Create Simulated Card Settlement with these parameters:

authIdauth_id of the completion
accountNoPAN or PRN
amount60 or leave blank
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 5.847,
    "response_data": {
        "settle_response_code": "00",
        "settle_response_description": "Success",
        "settle_dtl": 1502
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "36de8069-7442-477c-8578-0c2f3ad25daf"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-11-17 17:17:24",
    "rtoken": "198d5809-be6f-4e40-8ad5-bdcfc47c7ef7"

The settle_dtl (settlement detail) value can be used for troubleshooting with Galileo.

Transactions created

Call Get All Transaction History to see the ledger entries, in reverse chronological order. For this endpoint response, the prior_id contains the auth_id of the previous transaction in the sequence.

"transactions": [
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": true,
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "VS",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Settlement",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:17:22",
                "amt": -60,
                "source_id": "1212",
                "type": "C",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "VSC",
                "arn": "14171012321929362293627",
                "merchant_id": "8dTUYluaYwf9mtY",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 940,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-11-17 17:06:49",
                "prior_id": "9999",
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "1212",
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": "4121",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "BV",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Authorization Backout",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:17:22",
                "amt": 60,
                "source_id": "1212",
                "type": "C",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "BVC",
                "arn": "14171012321929362293627",
                "merchant_id": "8dTUYluaYwf9mtY",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 1000,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-11-17 17:06:49",
                "prior_id": "9999",
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "1212",
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": "4121",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "VI",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Authorization",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:14:49",
                "amt": -60,
                "source_id": "1212",
                "type": "C",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "VIC",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": "8dTUYluaYwf9mtY",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 940,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-11-17 17:06:49",
                "prior_id": "9999",
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "1212",
                "local_amt": 60,
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": 0,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": "4121",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "",
                "act_type": "PV",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Pre-auth Backout",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:14:48",
                "amt": 60,
                "source_id": "9999",
                "type": "PV",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "PVPV",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": null,
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 1000,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": null,
                "prior_id": null,
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "",
                "network_code": null,
                "auth_id": null,
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": null,
                "credit_ind": null
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "VI",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Authorization",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:06:49",
                "amt": -60,
                "source_id": "9999",
                "type": "L",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "VIL",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": "8dTUYluaYwf9mtY",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 940,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-11-17 17:04:09",
                "prior_id": "6666",
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "9999",
                "local_amt": 10,
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": 0,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": "4121",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "",
                "act_type": "PV",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Pre-auth Backout",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:06:49",
                "amt": 48,
                "source_id": "6666",
                "type": "PV",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "PVPV",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": null,
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 1000,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": null,
                "prior_id": null,
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "",
                "network_code": null,
                "auth_id": null,
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": null,
                "credit_ind": null
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "VI",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Authorization",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:04:09",
                "amt": -48,
                "source_id": "6666",
                "type": "L",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "VIL",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": "xUuamfF2K9m2vrH",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 952,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-11-17 17:02:18",
                "prior_id": "3333",
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "6666",
                "local_amt": 15,
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": 0,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": "4121",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "",
                "act_type": "PV",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Pre-auth Backout",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:04:09",
                "amt": 30,
                "source_id": "3333",
                "type": "PV",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "PVPV",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": null,
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 1000,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": null,
                "prior_id": null,
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "",
                "network_code": null,
                "auth_id": null,
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": null,
                "credit_ind": null
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Eastern Rideshare, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "act_type": "VI",
                "act_type_description": "Visa Authorization",
                "post_ts": "2022-11-17 17:02:18",
                "amt": -30,
                "source_id": "3333",
                "type": "L",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "VIL",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": "ZUFgglkEhRtnUER",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 970,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-11-17 17:02:18",
                "prior_id": "0",
                "card_id": "5670",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "EASTERN RIDESHARE, LT LAKE CITY, UTUS",
                "network_code": "V",
                "auth_id": "3333",
                "local_amt": 25,
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": 0,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102207137",
                "mcc_code": "4121",
                "credit_ind": "Y"

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.