Service RDFs
The Service RDFs contain data related to basic program functionality, in addition to the Base RDFs.
See About the Raw Data Files (RDFs) for general information about these files.
- Expired Authorizations — Data on authorizations that expired the previous day. (The time elapsed between authorization and expiry is based on your program's settings.)
- Settlement — A BIN-summary report that is the equivalent of the Settlement Bin - Summary report in gAnalytics. It includes all of the settled transactions per BIN.
- Dispute and Chargeback — Dispute information for the prior day. It is similar to the Dispute Tracker Log report in gAnalytics. Includes all current (open) disputes, so an open dispute will be included every day until it is closed.
- Reg E — Disputes that fall under Regulation E
- MC SAFE report — The SAFE report that was sent to Mastercard over the last seven days, which is a BIN settlement summary report (similar to gAnalytics).
Expired Authorizations RDF
The Expired Authorizations RDF provides data on authorizations that expired the previous day. (The time elapsed before expiry is based on your program's authorization expiry settings.) This RDF helps you reconcile and clear authorized transactions that affected the available balance but that did not settle before expiry. This allows you to return funds that were reserved by an authorization, which gives your cardholders more spending power.
Insights for you:
- Determine the steady state of unsettled funds and capital allocation
- Determine the likelihood of an authorization expiring based on its characteristics
This table contains default fields for the Expired Authorizations RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
Program ID
+Transaction ID
+Network Code
. - The filename format is
. - To reconcile the entries in this file with the Authorized Transactions RDF, match
Transaction ID
in this file withAUTHORIZATION CODE
in the Authorized Transactions RDF.
The Expired Authorizations RDF contains data from these networks only: Mastercard debit, Mastercard credit, Visa, STAR.
Field name | Data type | Description |
Account Number | NUMBER | Galileo account ID, balance ID |
Card ID | NUMBER | Sometimes called the CAD or card_id , this identifier is given to each unique card that is issued to an account. There is a 1:1 relationship between a card ID and a PAN. If you are not PCI compliant, you can use this identifier instead of the PAN. |
PRN | CHAR (12) | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
Program ID | NUMBER (18) | The identifier that Galileo has assigned to your program |
Product | NUMBER | Identifier for the account's product in the Galileo system. |
Transaction ID | NUMBER (18) | A Galileo-generated identifier (auth_id ). See Transaction IDs for information about unique identifiers and ID collisions. |
Authorization TS | DATE | Datetime when the transaction was authorized |
Expired TS | DATE | Datetime when the authorization expired |
Amount | NUMBER | Authorization amount |
Trans Currency Code | CHAR (3) | DE049. Currency code for auth_amt |
Merchant Number | CHAR (15) | DE032. Merchant ID |
Merchant Description | CHAR (40) | DE043. Merchant description |
Network Code | CHAR (1) | Network code: M (Mastercard credit), P (Maestro), V /I (Visa), S (STAR) |
Retrieval Reference Number | VARCHAR (12) | DE037. Retrieval reference number |
Settlement RDF
The Settlement RDF provides a BIN-summary report that is the equivalent of the Settlement Bin - Summary report in gAnalytics. It includes all of the settled transactions per BIN. The RDF emphasizes all of the key components of the settlement amount.
This RDF looks back one day for Visa, Mastercard, and Discover; two days for Pulse, Allpoint and STAR; and three days for Maestro/Cirrus. In comparison, the gAnalytics report looks back one day for all.
Because this RDF summarizes the final settled transactions for a period of time, this RDF can be used for reconciliation purposes—either at the summary total level or to find specific settled transactions.
Key values that are represented in this RDF are:
- Load — Card loads that come in on Visa, Interlink, or Maestro rails but not ACH or other methods. Card loads credit cardholder accounts.
- Cash Disb — Cash disbursement as cash back at a POS or bank. They debit cardholder accounts.
- Credits — Merchant credits, which credit cardholder accounts.
- ATM Disb — ATM withdrawals, which debit cardholder accounts
- Interchange Fee — Fees that are paid by the card network to your program
- Chargeback — Part of the dispute process, a chargeback is not posted to the cardholder account until the dispute is resolved.
- Net Settle — The amount owed to the card network. It is the amount of the drawdown that the card network removes from your account.
Insights for you
- Foundational data to reconcile with networks on a periodic basis at a BIN level.
This table contains default fields for the Settlement RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
Basebin | CHAR (8) | Base BIN |
Date | DATE | Date |
Network | VARCHAR2 (255) | Card network |
Load | NUMBER | Load amount |
Load Reversal | NUMBER | Load reversal amount |
Cash Disb | NUMBER | Cash disbursement amount |
Cash Disb Fee | NUMBER | Cash disbursement fee amount |
Retail Sales | NUMBER | Retail sales amount |
Credits | NUMBER | Credits amount |
Unique Trans | NUMBER | Unique transaction amount |
ATM Disb | NUMBER | ATM disbursement amount |
ATM Disb Fee | NUMBER | ATM disbursement fee amount |
Interchange Fee | NUMBER | Interchange fee amount |
Special Trans | NUMBER | Special transaction amount |
Misc Trans | NUMBER | Miscellaneous transaction amount |
Chargebacks | NUMBER | Chargebacks amount |
Sec Present | NUMBER | Second presentments amount |
Arbitration | NUMBER | Arbitration amount |
Switch Fee | NUMBER | Switch fee amount |
Net Settle | NUMBER | Net settlement amount |
Net Trans | NUMBER | Net transaction amount |
Settle Total | NUMBER | Settlement total amount |
Net Interchange Fee | NUMBER | Network interchange fee amount |
The MC SAFE Report provides a BIN settlement summary RDF (similar to gAnalytics).
This table contains default fields for the MC SAFE Report.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Feld name | Data type | Description |
RECORD_TYPE | CHAR (3) | Record type |
ISSUER_CUSTOMER_NUMBER | CHAR (6) | Issuer customer number |
AUDIT_CONTROL_NUMBER | NUMBER | Audit control number |
ACQ_ID | CHAR (11) | Acquirer ID |
ARN | CHAR (23) | Acquirer reference number |
FRAUD_POSTED_DT | DATE | Fraud posted date |
ENP | VARCHAR2 (53) | Encrypted PAN |
TRANS_DATE | VARCHAR2 (8) | Date when the transaction was authorized |
TRANS_AMT | VARCHAR2 (10) | Amount of the authorization |
TRANS_CRNCY_CD | NUMBER | Currency code for TRANS_AMT |
TRANS_AMT_CH_BILL_CRNCY | VARCHAR2 (9) | Billing amount of the transaction |
CARD_PROD_CODE | CHAR (3) | Card product code |
MERCHANT_NAME | VARCHAR2 (22) | Name of the merchant from DE043 |
MERCHANT_ID | VARCHAR2 (15) | Merchant ID from DE042 |
MERCHANT_CITY | VARCHAR2 (50) | Merchant city from DE043 |
MERCHANT_STATE_CD | VARCHAR2 (3) | Merchant state or province, two-character abbreviation |
MERCHANT_COUNTRY | VARCHAR2 (3) | ISO 3166-1 three-digit merchant country code |
MERCHANT_POSTAL_CODE | VARCHAR2 (5) | Merchant postal code from DE043 |
MCC | NUMBER | Merchant category code |
POS_CARD_PRES_IND | VARCHAR2 (1) | Point-of-sale card-present indicator |
CAT_LEVEL_IND | VARCHAR2 (1) | Category level indicator |
ELEC_COM_IND | CHAR (1) | E-commerce indicator (3-D Secure) |
POS_ENTRY_MODE | VARCHAR2 (1) | Point-of-sale entry mode, first two characters of DE022 |
TERMINAL_ID | VARCHAR2 (8) | ID for the card-reading device |
FRAUD_TYPE_CODE | VARCHAR2 (8) | Fraud type |
SUB_FRAUD_TYPE_CODE | CHAR (1) | Sub-fraud type code |
CHARGEBACK_IND | NUMBER | Whether the transaction has been charged back |
SETTLE_DATE | VARCHAR2 (8) | Date when the transaction was settled |
AUTH_RESP_CD | CHAR (2) | Response code for the authorization request |
CVC_IND | VARCHAR2 (1) | CVC indicator |
ACCT_DEVICE_TYPE | CHAR (1) | Account device type |
SECURE_CD | CHAR (1) | Secure code |
AVS_RESP_CD | CHAR (1) | Address verification service response code |
CARD_PRESENT_IND | NUMBER | Card-present indicator |
Dispute and Chargeback RDF
The Dispute and Chargeback RDF provides dispute information for the previous day. It is similar to the Dispute Tracker Log in gAnalytics.
Insights for you:
This comprehensive RDF can be used instead for 2 separate reports. It provides important information like Dispute/chargeback status, reason, resolution and card holder notice date etc.
This table contains default fields for the Dispute and Chargeback RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
. - To link the transactions in this file to the original transactions in the Posted Transactions RDF, match the
in this file with theAUTHORIZATION CODE
of the posted transactions.
Field name | Data type | Description |
PROG_ID | NUMBER (18) | The identifier that Galileo has assigned to your program |
PROGRAM | VARCHAR2 (250) | Program name |
AGENT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Dispute agent name |
DISPUTE_CASE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Case number for all disputes files |
SYSTEM_CASE_NO | VARCHAR2 (250) | Not used |
DISPUTE_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | ID assigned to each disputed transaction |
BAL_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | The balance ID or Galileo account ID, which is different from the PRN. It is possible for multiple PRNs to share the same balance ID. |
XID | VARCHAR2 (250) | Galileo-generated internal account ID; has a 1:1 relationship with the PRN |
BASE_BIN | VARCHAR2 (250) | Base BIN (6-8 digits) |
CH_NOTICE_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Cardholder notification date |
LTR_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the written confirmation letter was received |
DATE_LOGGED | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the dispute was logged in the system |
WRITTEN_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the written confirmation was requested |
LOST_STOLEN | VARCHAR2 (250) | Whether the dispute is for a card after it was lost or stolen |
CH_DISCOVERY_DT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the cardholder noticed the erroneous transaction |
ERROR_DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR2 (250) | Description of dispute reason |
TRANSACTION_TYPE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Transaction type: NEW (account <30 days from first load), FOR (foreign-initiated), ATM , POS , OTH (other) |
FOLLOWUP_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Follow-up date |
reg_e | VARCHAR2 (250) | Whether the dispute falls under Regulation E |
REGE_RESOLUTION | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the Regulation E dispute should be resolved: 45 or 90 days |
MERCHANT_NAME | VARCHAR2 (250) | Merchant where the transaction took place |
SETTLE_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date on which the disputed transaction settled |
DISPUTE_AMOUNT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Amount disputed |
PC_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when provisional credit was issued |
PC_AMT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Amount of provisional credit issued |
PC_LETTER_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when a provisional credit letter was sent |
PC_REVERSAL_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when a provisional credit was reversed |
CH_LIABILITY_AMT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Amount for which the cardholder is liable |
RESOLUTION | VARCHAR2 (250) | How the dispute was resolved |
DATE_COMPLETE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date the dispute was resolved |
CURRENT_STATUS | VARCHAR2 (250) | Current status of the dispute |
MCC | VARCHAR2 (250) | Merchant category code for the transaction under dispute |
CB_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Chargeback date |
CB_AMT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Chargeback amount |
CB_REASON_CODE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Chargeback reason code |
SEC_PRESENTMENT_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date of the second presentment |
PRE_ARB_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Arbitration chargeback date |
ENDING_STATUS | VARCHAR2 (250) | Final status of dispute |
FINAL_STATUS_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when ENDING_STATUS was input |
CRED_RESOLUTION | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when provisional credit was finalized |
AUTH_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when disputed transaction was authorized |
AUTHORIZATION_CODE | VARCHAR2 (250) | A Galileo-generated identifier (auth_id ). See Transaction IDs for information about unique identifiers and ID collisions. |
SETTLE_DTL_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | Settlement detail ID |
ASSOCIATION | VARCHAR2 (250) | Card network |
PRN | VARCHAR2 (250) | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
The Reg E RDF includes both disputes and chargebacks and Sutton bank’s required data fields so that you can understand the dispute/chargeback status/details and the Reg E data for reporting to banks.
This table contains default fields for the Reg E RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
. - To link the transactions in this file to the original transactions in the Posted Transactions RDF, match the
in this file with theAUTHORIZATION CODE
of the posted transactions.
Field name | Data type | Description |
PROG_ID | NUMBER (18) | The identifier that Galileo has assigned to your program |
PROGRAM | VARCHAR2 (250) | Program name |
AGENT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Dispute agent name |
DISPUTE_CASE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Case number for all disputes files |
SYSTEM_CASE_NUMBER | VARCHAR2 (250) | Not used |
DISPUTE_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | ID assigned to each disputed transaction |
ACCOUNT_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | The balance ID or Galileo account ID, which is different from the PRN. It is possible for multiple PRNs to share the same balance ID. |
XID | `VARCHAR2 (250) | Galileo-generated internal account ID; has a 1:1 relationship with the PRN |
BASE_BIN | VARCHAR2 (250) | Base BIN (6-8 digits) |
CUSTOMER_NOTIFICATION_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Cardholder notification date |
WRITTEN_CONFIRMATION_RECEIVED_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the written confirmation letter was received |
DATE_LOGGED | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the dispute was logged in the system |
WRITTEN_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the written confirmation was requested |
LOST_OR_STOLEN | VARCHAR2 (250) | Whether the dispute is for a card after it was lost or stolen |
CARD_HOLDER_DISCOVERY_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the cardholder noticed the erroneous transaction |
TRANSACTION_TYPE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Transaction type: NEW (account <30 days from first load), FOR (foreign-initiated), ATM , POS , OTH (other) |
FOLLOWUP_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Follow-up date |
REG_E | VARCHAR2 (250) | Whether the dispute falls under Regulation E |
REGE_RESOLUTION_DUE_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when the Regulation E dispute should be resolved: 45 or 90 days |
MERCHANT_NAME | VARCHAR2 (250) | Merchant where the transaction took place |
TRANSACTION_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date on which the disputed transaction settled |
DISPUTE_AMOUNT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Amount disputed |
PROVISIONAL_CREDIT_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when provisional credit was issued |
PROVISIONAL_CREDIT_AMOUNT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Amount of provisional credit issued |
PROVISIONAL_CREDIT_LETTER_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when a provisional credit letter was sent |
PC_REVERSAL_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when a provisional credit was reversed |
CH_LIABILITY_AMT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Amount for which the cardholder is liable |
RESOLUTION | VARCHAR2 (250) | How the dispute was resolved |
FINAL_RESOLUTION_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date the dispute was resolved |
DISPUTE_STATUS | VARCHAR2 (250) | Current status of the dispute |
MCC | VARCHAR2 (250) | Merchant category code for the transaction under dispute |
CB_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Chargeback date |
CB_AMT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Chargeback amount |
CB_REASON_CODE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Chargeback reason code |
SEC_PRESENTMENT_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date of the second presentment |
PRE_ARB_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Arbitration chargeback date |
ENDING_STATUS | VARCHAR2 (250) | Final status of dispute |
FINAL_STATUS_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when ENDING_STATUS was input |
CRED_RESOLUTION | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when provisional credit was finalized |
AUTH_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date when disputed transaction was authorized |
AUTHORIZATION_CODE | VARCHAR2 (250) | A Galileo-generated identifier (auth_id ). See Transaction IDs for information about unique identifiers and ID collisions. |
SETTLE_DTL_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | Settlement detail ID |
ASSOCIATION | VARCHAR2 (250) | Card network |
PRN | VARCHAR2 (250) | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
DISPUTE_TYPE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Type of dispute |
LNAME | VARCHAR2 (250) | Last name |
FNAME | VARCHAR2 (250) | First name |
AMOUNT_OF_TRANSACTION | VARCHAR2 (250) | Transaction amount |
DISPUTE_REASON | VARCHAR2 (250) | Reason for the dispute |
FINAL_RES_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Final resolution date |
DISPUTE_STATUS | VARCHAR2 (250) | Status of the dispute |
OUTCOME | VARCHAR2 (250) | Outcome of the dispute |
NUMBER_OF_DAYS_BETWEEN_CONSUMER_ NOTIFICATION_DATE_AND_ WRITTEN_CONFIRMATION_RECEIVED_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Days between consumer notification and written confirmation letter |
NUMBER_OF_DAYS_BETWEEN_CONSUMER_ NOTIFICATION_DATE_AND_ PROVISIONAL_CREDIT_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Days between consumer notification and provisional credit |
NUMBER_OF_DAYS_BETWEEN_CONSUMER_ NOTIFICATION_DATE_AND_ FINAL_RESOLUTION_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Days between consumer notification and notice of final resolution |
NUMBER_OF_DAYS_BETWEEN_PROVISIONAL_ CREDIT_DATE_AND_PROVISIONAL_ CREDIT_LETTER_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Days between provisional credit awarded and provisional credit letter |
NUMBER_OF_DAYS_BETWEEN_FINAL_ RESOLUTION_DATE_AND_FINAL_ RESOLUTION_LETTER_DAT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Days between final resolution and final resolution letter |
ERROR_DISCOVERY_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date the error was discovered |
INVESTIGATION_CLOSED_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Date the investigation was closed |
FINAL_DENIAL_REASON | VARCHAR2 (250) | Reason the final resolution was denied |
FINAL_RESOLUTION_AMOUNT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Final resolution amount |
PROV_CREDIT_REVERSAL_AMOUNT | VARCHAR2 (250) | Provisional credit reversal amount |
PROVISIONAL_CREDIT_STATUS | VARCHAR2 (250) | Status of the provisional credit |
FIRST_FUND_DT | VARCHAR2 (250) | First fund date |
FINAL_RESOLUTION_LETTER_DATE | VARCHAR2 (250) | Final resolution date |
PCR_DT / PROVISIONAL_CREDIT_REVERSAL_LETTER | VARCHAR2 (250) | Provisional credit reversal date |
Updated 2 months ago