Five-Step Sequence Simulation

A cardholder makes a $25 transaction at a gas pump. This is the same transaction shown in Five-step sequence in Card Transaction Examples, except that these examples show Mastercard instead of Visa. Also see Scenario 2: Preauthorization with Completion.

In Production, most gas pump transactions arrive at Galileo over interbank (PIN) rails. However, the simulator only simulates Visa credit or Mastercard credit rails.


Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters:

accountNoPAN or PRN
amount1 if you have upcharges configured for MCC 5542 or 75 if you do not
associationvisa or mc_auth
merchantNameCentral Gasoline
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 1.59,
    "response_data": {
        "auth_response_code": "00",
        "auth_response_description": "Success",
        "auth_id": 5566
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "332b5f66-cb15-4e0c-b2bb-f5c73808caec"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-10-10 09:01:14",
    "rtoken": "b48a7355-ec78-488f-bbe1-3d8061337ae3"

Capture the auth_id for later use.

View the preauthorization

Call Get Authorization History to see the preauthorization.

"authorizations": [
                "auth_id": "5566",
                "details": "Central Gasoline       SALT LAKE CITY US",
                "details_formatted": "CENTRAL GASOLINE, SALT LAKE CIT, US",
                "amount": "-75",
                "timestamp": "2022-10-11 15:42:46",
                "type": "L",
                "mcc": "5542",
                "merchant_id": "CYwDBh4KY4LA5nX",
                "acq_id": "480334",
                "terminal_id": "36247942",
                "can_be_expired": "1",
                "original_auth_id": "0",
                "network_code": "M",
                "local_amt": "000000007500",
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null


Call Create Simulated Card Authorization with these parameters to simulate the completion, because a completion comes to Galileo through the authorization stream.

accountNoPAN or PRN
associationvisa or mc_auth
originalAuthIdauth_id from previous response
transType4 (Visa) or 3 (Mastercard)
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 3.228,
    "response_data": {
        "auth_response_code": "00",
        "auth_response_description": "Success",
        "auth_id": 8899
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "d748139c-e3fe-4367-9a10-c870b0d70bf5"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-10-10 10:12:19",
    "rtoken": "9ea42dd8-9979-405d-a58f-7ed302b0e33a"

Capture the auth_id for later use.

View the Completion

Call Get Authorization History to see the completion. Notice that the preauthorization is no longer present. It has been replaced by this completion, which has a new auth_id, and 25 is the new hold amount. When you settle the transaction, you settle this completion. The original_auth_id field contains the auth_id from the preauthorization.

"authorizations": [
                "auth_id": "8899",
                "details": "Central Gasoline       SALT LAKE CITY US",
                "details_formatted": "CENTRAL GASOLINE, SALT LAKE CIT, US",
                "amount": "-25",
                "timestamp": "2022-10-11 15:45:35",
                "type": "C",
                "mcc": "5542",
                "merchant_id": "CYwDBh4KY4LA5nX",
                "acq_id": "480334",
                "terminal_id": "36247942",
                "can_be_expired": "1",
                "original_auth_id": "5566",
                "network_code": "M",
                "local_amt": "000000002500",
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null


Call Create Simulated Card Settlement with these parameters:

authIdauth_id from the completion response
accountNoPAN or PRN
associationvisa or mc_auth
amount25 or leave blank
    "status_code": 0,
    "status": "Success",
    "processing_time": 5.989,
    "response_data": {
        "settle_response_code": "00",
        "settle_response_description": "Success",
        "settle_dtl": 702
    "echo": {
        "provider_transaction_id": "",
        "provider_timestamp": null,
        "transaction_id": "af9714fe-e061-4ea3-99cc-12dac7d2e0ac"
    "system_timestamp": "2022-10-10 10:24:20",
    "rtoken": "87c276a8-4e51-4a7a-89f5-fe1d861601ee"

Transactions created

Call Get All Transaction History to see the five ledger entries, in reverse chronological order.

"transactions": [
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": true,
                "details": "Central Gasoline, SALT LAKE CIT, US",
                "act_type": "SE",
                "act_type_description": "Settled Authorization",
                "post_ts": "2022-10-11 15:48:32",
                "amt": -25,
                "source_id": "8899",
                "type": "5",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "SE5",
                "arn": "58761105376480333252104",
                "merchant_id": "CYwDBh4KY4LA5nX",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 925,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-10-11 15:45:35",
                "prior_id": "0",
                "card_id": "5530",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "CENTRAL GASOLINE, SALT LAKE CIT, US",
                "network_code": "M",
                "auth_id": "8899",
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": "840",
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": "840",
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
                "mcc_code": "5542",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "",
                "act_type": "BO",
                "act_type_description": "Authorization Backout",
                "post_ts": "2022-10-11 15:48:32",
                "amt": 25,
                "source_id": "8899",
                "type": "5",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "BO5",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": null,
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 1000,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": null,
                "prior_id": null,
                "card_id": "5530",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "",
                "network_code": null,
                "auth_id": null,
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
                "mcc_code": null,
                "credit_ind": null
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "",
                "act_type": "BK",
                "act_type_description": "BK",
                "post_ts": "2022-10-11 15:45:35",
                "amt": 75,
                "source_id": "5566",
                "type": "BK",
                "type_description": null,
                "trans_code": "BKBK",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": null,
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 1000,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": null,
                "prior_id": null,
                "card_id": "5530",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": null,
                "network_code": null,
                "auth_id": null,
                "local_amt": null,
                "local_curr_code": null,
                "settle_amt": null,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
                "mcc_code": null,
                "credit_ind": null
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Central Gasoline, SALT LAKE CIT, US",
                "act_type": "AU",
                "act_type_description": "Authorization",
                "post_ts": "2022-10-11 15:45:35",
                "amt": -25,
                "source_id": "8899",
                "type": "C",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "AUC",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": "CYwDBh4KY4LA5nX",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 975,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-10-11 15:45:35",
                "prior_id": "0",
                "card_id": "5530",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "CENTRAL GASOLINE, SALT LAKE CIT, US",
                "network_code": "M",
                "auth_id": "8899",
                "local_amt": 25,
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": 0,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
                "mcc_code": "5542",
                "credit_ind": "Y"
                "is_savings": false,
                "deny_code": null,
                "disputable": false,
                "details": "Central Gasoline, SALT LAKE CIT, US",
                "act_type": "AU",
                "act_type_description": "Authorization",
                "post_ts": "2022-10-11 15:42:46",
                "amt": -75,
                "source_id": "5566",
                "type": "L",
                "type_description": "",
                "trans_code": "AUL",
                "arn": "",
                "merchant_id": "CYwDBh4KY4LA5nX",
                "external_trans_id": "",
                "calculated_balance": 925,
                "ach_trans_id": null,
                "auth_ts": "2022-10-11 15:42:46",
                "prior_id": "0",
                "card_id": "5530",
                "formatted_merchant_desc": "CENTRAL GASOLINE, SALT LAKE CIT, US",
                "network_code": "M",
                "auth_id": "5566",
                "local_amt": 75,
                "local_curr_code": "840",
                "settle_amt": 0,
                "settle_curr_code": null,
                "billing_amt": null,
                "billing_curr_code": null,
                "pmt_ref_no": "999102163165",
                "mcc_code": "5542",
                "credit_ind": "Y"

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.