Creating an Overdraft Account

This guide describes how to create and manage overdraft accounts using the Set Account Feature and Add Account endpoints. Prior to creating the overdraft account, you arrange the details of the overdraft account with your bank, and then you communicate the details to your Galileo representative, who incorporates those details in the setup for the overdraft product. For more information see About Overdraft Accounts.

Follow this procedure to:

  • Make a primary account eligible to use overdraft
  • Create an overdraft account
  • Disable or enable overdraft

Result of following this procedure

When this procedure is successfully completed, the following are true:

  • The primary account is eligible to use overdraft.
  • The overdraft account exists and is ready for use.
  • Overdraft can be disabled or re-enabled.

Creating an overdraft account

This guide assumes that the primary account holder has opted-in to using overdraft by whichever means your bank requires, such as agreeing to a disclosure document.

1. Create the primary account

When you set up the primary account product that will be using overdraft (usually a DDA), you can ask Galileo to set the ODELG parameter to Y, which automatically makes the primary account eligible for an overdraft account when it is created. Then, use the Create Account endpoint to create the primary account. (Consult the Creating an Account guide for instructions.)

If the primary account already exists, and you want to add overdraft as a new feature, continue to the next step.

2. Make the primary account eligible

Before you can add the overdraft account, the primary account must be eligible for an overdraft account. The Galileo system requires that the primary account be active and that the balance be 0.00 or higher.

When the primary account meets the system requirements, the primary account must be made eligible at a technical level. Account feature 17 controls whether a primary account is eligible for an overdraft account and whether the overdraft account has been opted-in or opted-out. Before a primary account can have an overdraft account attached to it, account feature 17 must be set to E (eligible). You have two options:

  • If ODELG is set to Y for the primary account product, it automatically sets account feature 17 to E when the primary account is created.
  • You call the Set Account Feature endpoint on an existing primary account with these values:
    • accountNo: <primary account>
    • featuretype: 17
    • featureValue: E

When you create a primary account with ODELG set to Y, you receive the ODIN: overdraft_opt_in message, according to your arrangements with Galileo. (This message is also sent when an account is opted-in to overdraft using the CST.) The message contains the PRN for the primary account. This message does not indicate that the overdraft account has been created—only that the primary account is eligible to use overdraft. This message also does not indicate that the overdraft account can be used.

3. Create the overdraft account

To create the overdraft account, call the Add Account endpoint to add the overdraft as a secondary account to the primary account. Consult the Adding an Account guide for instructions. Use these parameters:

  • accountNo: <primary account>
  • prodId: <overdraft product ID>
  • sharedBalance: 0

The endpoint returns the overdraft PRN in the response.

4. Activate the overdraft account

To make the overdraft account active and ready for use, call Set Account Feature with these parameters:

  • accountNo: <primary account>
  • featureType: 17
  • featureValue: P

(Earlier versions of this guide said that account feature 17 changed to P automatically, but that behavior has changed.)

Viewing the overdraft account

Call the Get Overdraft Balance endpoint to return information such as:

  • Available overdraft limit
  • Payback amount
  • OTB of the overdraft and primary account, with and without pending fees
  • Freeze status

For the accountNo parameter you can use any of these values:

  • Overdraft PRN
  • Primary account PRN
  • Primary account PAN

You cannot call the Get Account Overview endpoint for an overdraft account.

To see the primary account's overdraft status, call the Get Account Features endpoint with accountNo: <primary account> and check the value for account feature 17. Possible values are:

  • I — Ineligible. Account cannot have an overdraft account
  • E — Eligible. Account can have an overdraft account
  • P — Participating (opted in)

For further management of overdraft accounts see Managing Overdraft Accounts.

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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