Overdraft Operational Setup
This guide describes endpoints, webhooks, and CST functionality for managing overdraft accounts in your own system.
Using the Get Overdraft Balance endpoint
The Get Overdraft Balance endpoint retrieves information about an overdraft account and its linked primary account. Information returned by this endpoint includes balances, fees, limits, and frozen status. When you call the Get Overdraft Endpoint, pass the PRN or PAN for the primary account through the accountNo
This table describes the fields returned by the Get Overdraft Balance endpoint.
Field | Description |
OverdraftAccountNo | The overdraft account number that is linked to the primary account passed through the endpoint. |
Available | The overdraft line of credit that is currently available to the account holder. |
Payback | The amount that the account holder has drawn on the overdraft account. |
PaybackWithPendingFees | The total amount owed by the account holder, including the amount drawn on the overdraft account and fees. |
ActualWithPrimary | The combined balance of the primary account and overdraft account. |
Limit | The amount that the account holder may draw on the overdraft account if nothing is owed. The amount in this field accounts for overdraft fees. |
RawLimit | The total credit set on the overdraft account. The Limit field may be less than this amount if there are overdraft fees. |
Frozen | The value I in this field indicates that the overdraft account is frozen. |
Events API webhooks for overdraft
This table describes Events API webhooks that are specific to overdraft account activity.
Event | Trigger | Next step |
ODAA: overdraft_authorization | An authorization drives the DDA balance negative and the DDA draws on its overdraft account. | If the amount drawn on the overdraft account meets or exceeds the de minimis threshold, a fee is applied, or, if configured, the grace period starts. |
ODCL: overdraft_credit_limit_change | An overdraft account meets requirements for a credit limit adjustment and the overdraft credit limit is adjusted. | The adjusted credit limit is effective immediately. |
ODGP: overdraft_start_grace_period | A transaction meets or exceeds the overdraft transaction de minimis and a grace-period timer starts. | If there is an overdraft fee, the account holder can pay the full amount drawn on the overdraft account and reverse the fee before the grace period ends. |
ODIN: overdraft_opt_in | An account becomes eligible to use overdraft or an overdraft account is created. | If the overdraft account was created and the account is eligible, the DDA can draw on the overdraft account. |
ODNB: overdraft_negative_balance | A DDA draws on its overdraft account for the first time since the primary account balance was positive. | While the primary account remains negative, any later authorizations that draw on the overdraft account trigger the ODAA: overdraft_authorization event. |
ODOT: overdraft_opt_out | A DDA loses access to the overdraft line of credit. | The overdraft account remains closed until a process determines that the account holder is eligible for overdraft. |
ODSC: overdraft_status_change | An overdraft account status changes. | Status changes are applied to the overdraft account. If the account is frozen or suspended, the ODSK: overdraft_suspended event is also triggered. |
ODSK: overdraft_suspended | An overdraft account is suspended or frozen. | The overdraft account remains closed until a process determines that the account holder is eligible for overdraft. |
ODSN: overdraft_limit_change | An overdraft account became active, usually because it was unfrozen. | The primary account can draw on its overdraft account. |
Viewing overdraft accounts in the CST
To view a customer’s overdraft activity In the CST:
- Go to the Account tab, open the Client Info section and select the customer’s overdraft product from the dropdown.
- Go to the Overdraft Information page located in the Account Info section.
The Overdraft Information page contains:
- Overdraft summary
- Line of credit
- Fees
- Deposit history
- Opt-in/opt-out status
- Account configuration
Updated about 2 years ago