Testing Real-Time Funding in CV

This guide explains how to test real-time funding (RTF) in the CV environment using the Program API. Do not follow this procedure to test in Production.

Along with this guide you might want to read these:

In this scenario you will:

  1. Create an RTF funding account
  2. Move funds into it
  3. Create one or more RTF spending accounts
  4. Simulate a card authorization and settlement
  5. View the authorization/settlement as well as the funding transactions

Remember that the CV environment runs on Galileo system time.

As desired, download Galileo's Postman collection from the Postman Setup page by clicking the Run in Postman button.

Set up the products

Work with Galileo to set up your RTF funding and RTF spending products in CV. Galileo recommends that you configure all of the settings that you intend to use in Production.

RTF funding product

At minimum, the funding product should have these characteristics:

  • Product otype 0
  • Product category 30

RTF spending product

At minimum, the spending product should have this characteristic:

  • Product category 31

Create the accounts

Follow these steps to create an RTF funding and an RTF spending account.

Create the RTF funding account

  1. Call Create Account with these parameters:
firstNameRTF Funding
prodIdRTF funding product ID
businessNameRequired if prodId is a business product.
  1. In the response, capture the pmt_ref_no (PRN) for future use.

Activate the RTF funding account

  1. Check the status of the RTF funding account by calling Verify Account with this parameter:
  • accountNo: PRN of the RTF funding account
  1. If the account_status is not N, activate the RTF funding account by calling Modify Status with these parameters:
accountNopmt_ref_no of the RTF funding account

Move funds into the RTF funding account

To move funds into the RTF funding account, call Create Payment with these parameters:

accountNopmt_ref_no of the RTF funding account

Create an RTF spending account

  1. Call Create Account with these parameters.
prodIdRTF spending product ID
businessNameRequired if prodId is a business product.
fundingAccountNopmt_ref_no of the RTF funding account
  1. Capture the these values from the response:
    • pmt_ref_no
    • card_id (CAD)
    • last four digits of card_number
  2. As desired, create a second RTF spending account, such as a card with a different RTF spending account product ID.

Activate the spending card

After creating the RTF spending card, wait 15–20 minutes before performing this step to allow the emboss process to run. Skip this step if the RTF spending product has N in the third position of the XAACT parameter, such as with a Digital First card or a virtual card.

  1. Call Get Card with the pmt_ref_no or CAD of the RTF spending card as the accountNo.
  2. Verify that the embossed_cards object is populated. If it is not, wait 5 more minutes and try again.
  3. Inside the embossed_cards object, capture the values of expiry_date and card_security_code.
  4. Call Activate Card with these parameters (See Card activation in Setting Up a Card Program for information about other activation options):
accountNoPRN or CAD of the RTF spending account
cardExpiryDateexpiry_date as YYYY-MM
cardSecurityCodecard_security_code (In CV it is always 123)
cardNumberLastFourOptional. Last four digits of card_number. If there is more than one card associated with the PRN, you must populate this parameter.
  1. To verify that the card has been activated, call Get Card with the PRN or CAD of the card for accountNo. Inside the embossed_cards object you should see status: N.

View account relationship

To see the relationship between the RTF funding and RTF spending accounts, call Get RTF Account Relationship with this parameter:

  • accountNo: PRN of the RTF funding account, which returns all of the spending accounts that are associated with it.

Perform transactions

  1. To simulate a simple card transaction in CV, call the Create Simulated Card Authorization endpoint with these parameters:
accountNoPAN or PRN of the RTF spending card
merchantNameCentral Market
currencyCodePopulate this parameter only when the currency of the program is not 840 (U.S. dollar): 124 (Canada), 484 (Mexico), or 170 (Colombia).
  1. Capture the auth_id for future use.
  2. Settle the transaction by calling the Create Simulated Card Settlement endpoint with these parameters:
accountNoPAN or PRN of the RTF spending card
authIdThe auth_id from the previous endpoint response.
amount10 or blank

View the RTF transactions

To see the transactions that were created, call Get All Transaction History twice:

  1. accountNo — PRN of the RTF funding account
  2. accountNo — PRN of the RTF spending account

For the RTF spending account you should see four transactions. The auth_id and source_id are example values only.


For the RTF funding account, you should see two transactions.


Simulate a Visa transaction

To simulate a Visa transaction instead of the Mastercard transaction shown above, pass association: visa. In the response to Get All Transaction History, the transaction codes will be:

  • VIA — Authorization
  • BVA — Backout
  • VSA — Settlement

To see details of how an RTF purchase appears across Galileo systems, see Scenario 18: Real-Time Funding.



For other types of transactions, see the Simulating Card Transactions guide. Consult Real-Time-Funding Transaction Examples to see how RTF transactions appear in the ledger.

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.