Business Banking Fundamentals

Galileo offers solutions that can serve your business customers, from large corporations to small businesses. This guide describes the building blocks of business banking programs that Galileo offers.

In addition, Galileo offers enhancements to business banking such as spending controls and higher exchange rates.

Virtual commercial credit or debit cards

You can give your business customers on-demand access to virtual commercial debit or credit cards. Virtual commercial card products can be used with a credit line and they can be configured for one-time use cards or lodged cards.

  • One-time use cards — One-time use virtual cards have a unique PAN for each card. This configuration does not require PCI compliance.
  • Multi-use cards — Multi-use cards are for specific expenses, such as business travel purchases. This configuration requires PCI compliance.

This table lists features of virtual commercial cards. For general information on virtual cards, see the Virtual cards in the Choose a Card Strategy guide.

No physical cardYour business customers can request virtual cards as needed. Virtual cardholders can immediately view the PAN, CVV, and expiration date to make online purchases.
Purchase controlAccount-level controls on virtual commercial cards give you increased control and insight into spending.
Cash flow monitoringWhen you call the Create Account endpoint, you can pass an external ID for tracking purposes that Galileo will return in the RDF. This can be used for reconciliation and expense monitoring.
Line of credit supportVirtual commercial cards may be used for products with a credit line.
Mobile wallet supportVirtual commercial cards can be provisioned to a mobile wallet.

Commercial credit cards for employee purchasing

Your business customers can distribute commercial credit cards to employees who make purchases on behalf of the business. This table lists features of commercial credit cards.

Physical and virtual card optionsYou can issue physical or virtual cards. See Virtual commercial credit or debit cards for more information.
Business savingsCommercial credit cards can be combined with Galileo’s Business savings program.
Line of credit and good funds modelCommercial credit cards may be used for products with a credit line or for accounts that use the good funds model.
Mobile wallet supportCommercial credit cards can be provisioned to a mobile wallet.
Card network benefitsCard networks offer additional benefits to businesses that choose commercial credit cards:
  • Secure digitized payments
  • Control and visibility of business expenses
  • Analytics that focus on business expenses rather than rewards
  • Small business debit cards (business checking)

    Small business debit programs combine commercial debit cards with business checking. This table lists features of small business debit.

    Physical and virtual card optionsYou can issue physical or virtual cards. See Virtual commercial credit or debit cards for more information.
    One-time and multi-use card optionsYour business customers can distribute one-time use or multi-use debit cards to employees.
    Standard and reloadable debit cardsYou can offer standard debit cards, reloadable prepaid debit cards, or payroll debit cards to your business customers.
    Business savingsCommercial credit cards can be combined with Galileo’s Business savings program.
    Good funds modelFunds deposited to the checking account are immediately available for spending.
    ATM withdrawalsDebit cardholders can make cash withdrawals at ATMs.
    Mobile wallet supportVirtual debit cards can be provisioned to a mobile wallet.
    Card network benefitsCard networks offer additional benefits to businesses that choose small business debit programs:
  • Rewards programs available
  • No interest, typically resulting in lower fees
  • Small business credit cards

    Small business credit programs offer a commercial card with a line of credit. This table lists features of small business credit.

    Physical and virtual card optionsYou can issue physical or virtual cards. See Virtual commercial credit or debit cards for more information.
    One-time and multi-use card optionsYour business customers can distribute one-time use or multi-use credit cards to employees.
    Business savingsCommercial credit cards can be combined with Galileo’s Business savings program.
    Line of credit and good funds modelSmall business credit may be combined with the good funds model.
    Mobile wallet supportVirtual credit cards can be provisioned to a mobile wallet.
    Card network benefitsCard networks offer additional benefits to businesses that choose small business credit programs:
  • Customers can build business credit
  • Rewards programs available
  • Control and visibility of business expenses
  • Purchasing cards

    A purchasing card program is similar to commercial credit card programs. This table lists features of purchasing cards.

    Physical and virtual card optionsYou can issue physical or virtual cards. See Virtual commercial credit or debit cards for more information.
    Specific BINs for interchangePurchasing cards are assigned unique BINs for interchange purposes.
    Business savingsPurchasing cards can be combined with Galileo’s Business savings program.
    Line of credit and good funds supportPurchasing cards may be used for products with a credit line or for accounts that use the good funds payment model.
    Mobile wallet supportPurchasing cards can be provisioned to a mobile wallet.
    Card network benefitsCard networks offer additional benefits to businesses that choose purchasing cards:
  • Secure digitized payments
  • Control and visibility of business expenses
  • Optional insurance coverage including purchase insurance, extended warranty, and ID theft
  • Corporate travel and expense cards

    Corporate travel and expense cards are designed for business travel, and offer your business customers comprehensive insurance coverage and insight into spending. This table lists features of corporate travel and expense cards.

    Physical and virtual card optionsYou can issue physical or virtual cards. See Virtual commercial credit or debit cards for more information.
    Specific BINs for interchangePurchasing cards are assigned unique BINs for interchange purposes.
    Business savingsCommercial credit cards can be combined with Galileo’s Business savings program.
    Line of credit and good funds modelCorporate travel and expense cards may be used for products with a credit line or for accounts that use the good funds model.
    Mobile wallet supportPurchasing cards can be provisioned to a mobile wallet.
    Card network benefitsCard networks offer additional benefits to businesses that choose corporate travel and expense cards:
  • Secure digitized payments
  • Control and visibility of business expenses
  • Insurance coverage including rental, travel accidents, purchase insurance, and extended warranty
  • Concierge services
  • Corporate liability insurance for employee theft
  • Card network benefits for executive travelersCard networks offer programs for executives and frequent business travelers. These programs can be combined with a corporate travel and expense card program.
  • Corporate executive card programs can be added to an existing BIN to provide additional travel benefits and issuer customization.
  • World elite card programs can be paired for executives and frequent travelers.
  • Fleet cards

    A fleet card program can help your business customers control fuel costs. Businesses can distribute fleet cards for employees to purchase gas and to make other purchases from gas merchants. See Fleet Cards for more information.

    This table lists features of fleet cards.

    Specific fleet BIN for enhanced dataFleet cards are assigned unique BINs for capturing level 2 and level 3 data, which includes gas purchase data, driver ID, and vehicle information.
    Gas spendingInsight into employee gas spending through Mastercard settlement files. Businesses can see data on individual gas purchases, such as gallons purchased, price per gallon, fuel grade, and more.
    Driver ID and odometer trackingWhen a purchase is made at a gas merchant, the card reader prompts the driver for a driver ID and odometer reading. This can help businesses track card usage, vehicle miles per gallon, and mileage for maintenance purposes.
    Business savingsCommercial credit cards can be combined with Galileo’s Business savings program.
    Card network benefitsCard networks offer additional benefits to businesses that choose fleet cards:
  • Roadside assistance
  • Optional insurance coverage, including rental, travel accidents, purchase insurance, extended warranty, and ID theft
  • Business savings

    A business savings program is an option for business customers saving for unexpected expenses or future expansion. This table lists features of business savings.

    Basic and high-interest optionsYou can offer your business customers a basic savings product or a high-yield interest product via IntraFi (formerly Promontory).
    Combine with other business programsBusiness savings can be combined with any debit or credit business banking program.

    Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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