Simulating Card Transactions

This guide contains instructions for simulating various card transaction types using the Create Simulated Card Authorization and Create Simulated Card Settlement endpoints in the CV environment.

Before performing these simulations, you should follow these instructions:

To test RTF accounts see Testing Real-Time Funding in CV for initial setup and to see the additional funding transactions.



Do not follow this procedure in Production. The transaction-simulation endpoints are not valid in Production.

Simulations list



This list of simulation types is not yet complete. More examples of card simulations will be made available in the future. Check the Changelog for updates to this document.

Further examples

To find more example transactions to base your tests on, try these resources:

  • Card Transaction Scenarios — Example scenarios to show how various card transaction types appear in the Program API, Events API, Auth API, and the RDFs.
  • Card Transaction Examples — Examples of the transaction types explained in the other guides.
  • Recipes — Annotated code samples. The "Auth API v3" Recipes are the most helpful for simulating card transactions.

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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