Product RDFs
The Product RDFs contain data for specific Galileo products. See About the Raw Data Files (RDFs) for general information on RDFs.
See About the Raw Data Files (RDFs) for general information on these files.
- Overdraft Details — Information related to overdraft accounts and transactions.
- Early ACH — Data for incoming ACH credit transactions that were posted early, along with the number of days they were posted early.
- ACH Returns — Data on ACH transactions that were returned on the previous day.
- Incoming ACH — Data on all incoming ACH transactions for the prior day, including both ACH debits and ACH credits.
- Incoming ACH Manual Review — Data on all incoming ACH transactions available in the manual review queue.
- Outgoing ACH — Data on all outgoing ACH credits for the prior day.
- Fraud Rule Detail — Data on transactions that triggered fraud rules.
- ISS — Data on savings account interest accrual, interest year-to-date, and annual percentage yield earned for a savings account
- Frequent Disputer — Dispute-related data on individual accounts, including statistics on dispute frequency and funds lost and won.
- BillPay Switch — Data on payment method switch transactions.
- Direct Deposit Switch — Data on direct deposits set up using the switch.
- B2B Customer Master Supplemental — Showing which RTF or Corporate Credit funding accounts are linked to which spending accounts.
- MSI Installments — Data on MSI installments, a Mexico product.
- Bad PAN Authorizations — Authorization requests from card numbers with your BIN, but the PAN does not exist in the Galileo system.
- Fleet Data — Data on all transaction activity of fleet-card profiles along with additional level 2 and 3 data.
Overdraft Details RDF
The Overdraft (OD) Details RDF provides information related to overdraft DDA accounts for prior days.
This table contains default fields for the OD RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
ODProgramID | NUMBER | Company name |
ODAccountID | NUMBER (18) | Galileo account ID, balance ID |
GPRAccountID | NUMBER | GPR Galileo account ID |
ODAccountStatus | VARCHAR2 (2) | Overdraft account status |
ODEligibilityStatus | VARCHAR2 (2) | Overdraft eligibility status |
ODOpt-InDate | DATE | Overdraft opt-in date |
ODOpt-OutDate | DATE | Overdraft opt-out date |
ODTotalBalance | NUMBER | Total overdraft balance |
ODLimit | NUMBER | Overdraft limit |
GPR_XID | NUMBER (13) | Unique account identifier within a program |
GPR PRN | NUMBER (13) | PRN of the primary account |
OD PRN | NUMBER (13) | PRN of the overdraft account |
The Early ACH RDF provides data for incoming ACH credit transactions that were posted early, along with the number of days they were posted early. You can use this data to analyze the benefit of using early ACH as a service and for your reconciliation needs. Because early ACH applies to incoming ACH transactions, you can also see these transactions in the Incoming ACH RDF.
Insights for you
- In conjunction with other RDFs, correlate the effects of early ACH on driving spend
- Identify changes in direct-deposit enrollment rate.
This table contains standard fields for the Early ACH RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
Transaction ID
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
Transaction ID | VARCHAR2 (2) | Maps as identifier for the source of load/payment or source of the adjustment |
Transaction Type | CHAR (6) | Concatenation of activity type (act_type ) and transaction type (otype ) |
Source ID | NUMBER (18) | For PMxx transaction types, this field contains the payment ID (pmt_id ), and for ADxx transaction types, this field contains the adjustment ID (adj_id ) |
External Transaction ID | VARCHAR2 (60) | ACH transaction ID provided by client or partner |
Transaction Time | DATE | Transaction time of the ACH record |
Authorization Code | NUMBER (18) | A Galileo-generated identifier (auth_id ). See Transaction IDs for information about unique identifiers and ID collisions. |
Number of Days Early | NUMBER | The number of days early the ACH transaction is |
Posted Early | CHAR (1) | Flag for early ACH (Y for early ACH) |
Effective Date | DATE | ACH effective date (when the Nacha file says it would have posted without early ACH) |
Settlement Date | DATE | The date the transaction was settled/posted |
Receive Date | DATE | ACH file date (the date the Nacha file was received) |
Load Date | DATE | ACH load date (the date the ACH transaction was loaded to a Nacha file) |
Amount | NUMBER | Amount of the ACH transaction |
PRN | CHAR (12) | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
Trace Number | NUMBER | ACH trace number as received by Galileo |
Product ID | NUMBER | Product ID |
Program ID | NUMBER | Program ID |
ACH Returns RDF
The ACH Returns RDF provides data on ACH transactions that were returned on the previous day. This data helps you keep track of your ACH return rates—if you have unusually high return rates, your program could be scrutinized by the ACH Operator.
Insights for you
- Identify the reasons for high return rates and develop a plan in place to address it
- Identify potential fraudulent ACH activity based on return codes
This table contains default fields for the ACH Returns RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
Name | VARCHAR2 (80) | Name of recipient |
SourceName | VARCHAR (30) | Source institution name |
Amount | NUMBER | Amount of the ACH transaction |
DebCredIndicator | CHAR (1) | Debit/credit indicator. D = debit; C = credit |
ReceivedDate | DATE | Date that Galileo received the returned transaction |
EffectiveDate | DATE | Date when the ACH transaction was to take effect (without early ACH) |
ReturnDate | DATE | Date the transaction was returned |
ReturnReasonCode | CHAR (3) | Return reason code |
ReturnReasonDescription | VARCHAR2 (255) | Return reason description |
TransID | CHAR (2) | Transaction ID |
XID | NUMBER | Galileo-generated internal account ID; has a 1:1 relationship with the PRN |
Settlement Date | NUMBER | The date the transaction was settled/posted |
Trace | NUMBER | Source trace number |
Source Routing | NUMBER | Source routing |
Destination Routing | NUMBER | Destination routing |
Company ID | NUMBER | Source company ID |
Return Trace | NUMBER | Return trace number |
Incoming ACH RDF
The Incoming ACH RDF provides data for all incoming ACH transactions for the prior day, including both ACH debits and ACH credits. This file helps you reconcile ACH transactions.
This table contains default fields for the Incoming ACH RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
Authorization Code
+Transaction Type
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
Company Name | VARCHAR2 (20) | Company name |
Company ID | NUMBER | Company ID |
Company Description | VARCHAR2 (15) | Company description |
Individual Name | VARCHAR2 (80) | Individual name |
Individual ID | NUMBER | Individual ID |
Authorization Code | NUMBER | Authorization code |
Transaction Type | VARCHAR2 (2) | Transaction type |
Amount | NUMBER | Amount |
Trace Number | NUMBER | Trace number |
PRN | CHAR (12) | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
Incoming ACH Manual Review RDF
The Incoming ACH Manual Review RDF offers data on transactions added to the manual review queue and actioned on the previous day, as well as any unactioned transactions added within the last 7 days.
Insights for you
Transactions that meet certain criteria enabled for the program are queued, such as threshold validation or name mismatch.
This table contains default fields for the Incoming ACH Manual Review RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
COMPANY_NAME | VARCHAR2 | Name of the institution sending a credit or debit to a Galileo account. |
COMPANY_ID | VARCHAR2 | ID of the institution sending a credit or debit to a Galileo account. |
COMPANY_ENTRY_DESC | VARCHAR2 | Description of the institution sending a credit or debit to a Galileo account. |
INDIVIDUAL_NAME | VARCHAR2 | Receiver’s name. |
GALILEO_SYSTEM_FIRST_NAME | VARCHAR2 | First name in Galileo system records. |
GALILEO_SYSTEM_MIDDLE_NAME | VARCHAR2 | Middle name in Galileo system records. |
GALILEO_SYSTEM_LAST_NAME | VARCHAR2 | Last name in Galileo system records. |
AMOUNT | NUMBER | Transaction amount, includes D or C to indicate debit or credit. |
TRACE_NUMBER | VARCHAR2 | 15-digit number used to track inbound ACH transfers. See ACH Tracking and Troubleshooting to see how this value is represented across Galileo systems. |
DESTINATION_ACCOUNT_NO | VARCHAR2 | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account. |
SETTLEMENT_DATE | DATE | Date the transaction was settled. |
PRESENTMENT_DATE | TIMESTAMP | Date the transaction was returned. |
TRANS_ID | NUMBER | Unique Galileo identifier for the ACH transaction. Corresponds to the pmt_id and/or adj_id . |
RETURN_CODE | VARCHAR2 | Standard code selected by the agent if the action taken on the transaction is a return. |
RETURN_DESC | VARCHAR2 | CST field that provides the description of the return. Not included in the Nacha file. |
ACTION | VARCHAR2 | Action taken by the CST agent on the transaction in manual review. Valid values are Post , Force Post , Return , or Pending Action . |
CST_USER_ID | NUMBER | The user ID of the CST agent that reviewed the transaction and took action on it. This field is blank if an action was not taken at the time this report was generated. |
CST_USER_NAME | VARCHAR2 | The name of the CST agent that reviewed the transaction and took action on it. This field is blank if an action was not taken at the time this report was generated. |
Outgoing ACH RDF
The Outgoing ACH RDF provides data for outgoing ACH credits for the prior day. This file includes only transactions that debit the Galileo account.
This table contains default fields for the Outgoing ACH RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
ORIG_TRACE | NUMBER | Trace number |
NAME | NAME | Name |
PMT_REF_NO | NUMBER | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
SCHEDULED_DT | DATE | Scheduled date |
DEB_CRED_IND | CHAR (1) | Debit/credit indicator: C — credit; D — debit |
FILE_DT | DATE | File date |
AMOUNT | NUMBER | Amount of the transaction |
FILENAME | VARCHAR2 (255) | File name |
TRANS_TYPE | CHAR (6) | Transaction type |
RETURN_CODE | VARCHAR2 (20) | Return reason code |
RECEIVED | VARCHAR2 (20) | Transaction received |
RETURN_DT | DATE | Date the transaction was returned |
SOURCE_TRACE | NUMBER | Source trace number |
EFFECTIVE_DT | DATE | Date range for the transaction originated |
SAME_DAY | CHAR (1) | Indicates whether the transaction was sent as a Same Day ACH |
PROG_ID | NUMBER | Program ID |
PROD_ID | NUMBER | Product ID |
ADJ_ID | NUMBER | Adjustment ID |
Fraud Rule Detail RDF
The Fraud Rule Details RDF provides detailed information on fraud rules and the resulting actions taken by the fraud engine. This RDF includes only the authorizations that triggered DFE/PRP rules (including those in WARN mode).
This table contains default fields for the Fraud Rule Detail RDF.
- To reconcile the entries in this file with the Authorized Transactions RDF match
in this file withAUTHORIZATION CODE
in the Authorized Transactions RDF. - This file does not use a primary key.
- The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
PROD_ID | NUMBER | Identifier for the account's product in the Galileo system. |
PROD_DESC | VARCHAR2 (50) | Product description. |
PROG_ID | NUMBER | The identifier that Galileo has assigned to your program. |
PROG_NAME | VARCHAR2 (20) | The Galileo program name. |
AUTH_ID | NUMBER | A Galileo-generated identifier. |
ACQUIRER_ID | CHAR (11) | Identifier for the merchant's acquirer. |
MERCH_ID | CHAR (15) | Number identifying the merchant submitting the transaction. For non-network transactions, this may be a location ID provided by you or Galileo. |
MCC | NUMBER | The MCC, which represents the merchant's line of business. |
MERCHANT_NAME | VARCHAR2 (40) | Name of the merchant submitting the transaction. |
TRANSACTION_COUNTRY | CHAR (3) | Three-digit numerical code for the country at the point of sale. |
CARDHOLDER_STATE | VARCHAR2 (16) | Cardholder's state of residence. |
AUTH_AMT | NUMBER | Amount of the authorization request. |
BALANCE | NUMBER | Available balance. |
POS_DATA_CODE | VARCHAR (12) | Point of sale data code. |
PIN | CHAR (1) | Whether a PIN was used to authenticate the card: Y (PIN) or N (no PIN). |
RESPONSE_CODE | CHAR (2) | Response code for the request. |
AUTH_TS | DATE | The date that Galileo responded to the authorization request. |
RULE | VARCHAR2 (100) | Name of the fraud rule. |
RULE_RESULT | VARCHAR2 (50) | Fraud rule result. |
NETWORK_RISK_SCORE | VARCHAR2 (3) | Risk score that the network provided. |
NETWORK_CODE | VARCHAR2 (10) | The code identifying the network. |
XID | NUMBER (18) | Galileo-generated internal account ID. |
PMT_REF_NO | CHAR (12) | The PRN, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account. Has a 1:1 relationship with the XID |
CAD | NUMBER | Unique ID of the latest active card associated with the account. |
MPAN | VARCHAR2 (32) | Masked PAN of the card. |
TERMINAL_ID | CHAR (8) | Identifier of the card reader. |
MERCHANT_COUNT | NUMBER | Merchant count. |
MERCHANT_TYPE | VARCHAR2 (255) | Merchant type. |
TRANSACTION_RESULT | VARCHAR2 (4000) | Reason the transaction was declined. |
The ISS RDF contains data about rates and accumulated interest for interest-bearing accounts.
This table contains default fields for the ISS RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
PROGRAM_ID | NUMBER (18) | The identifier that Galileo has assigned to your program |
SAVINGS_ACCOUNT_ID | NUMBER | ID assigned to customer's interest-bearing account. Unique within a program |
PROD_ID | NUMBER | Identifier for the account's product in the Galileo system. |
STATUS_DATE | DATE | Latest account status change date |
INTEREST_RATE | STRING | Interest rate set up for the product/program |
INTEREST_FACTOR | NUMBER | Interest factor |
DAILY_INTEREST | NUMBER | Daily interest accrued |
QUARTERLY_INTEREST | NUMBER | Quarterly interest accrued |
QUARTERLY_INTEREST_FORFEITED | NUMBER | Quarterly interest forfeited |
PRN | NUMBER (12) | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
TAX_WITHHOLDING | STRING | Flag to indicate whether tax is being withheld on the account |
Frequent Disputer RDF
This table contains default fields for the Frequent Disputer RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is TBA.
Field name | Data type | Description |
PROD_ID | NUMBER | Identifier for the account's product in the Galileo system. |
XID | NUMBER | Galileo-generated internal account ID; has a 1:1 relationship with the PRN |
PMT_REF_NO | NUMBER | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
EVENT_DAY_CNT | NUMBER | the total number of days that experienced disputes within the previous 30-day period. |
DISPUTE_CNT | NUMBER | the total count of disputes that occurred in the last 30 days. |
DISPUTE_AMT | NUMBER | the total amount of disputes that occurred in the last 30 days. |
AVG_DISPUTE_CNT_PER_EVENT | NUMBER | the average count of disputes on the days that had disputes within the last 30 days. |
TOT_DISPUTE_CNT | NUMBER | the total count of disputes over the entire lifetime of the account. |
TOT_SETTLEMENT_CNT | NUMBER | the total count of settlements over the entire lifetime of the account. |
DISPUTE_RATE | NUMBER | this is calculated by dividing the total lifetime count of disputes by the total lifetime count of settlements. |
CHARGEBACK_AMT_PCT | NUMBER | The proportion of the disputed sum for cases resolved as chargebacks compared to the total amount of all disputes over the past 30 days. |
CUSTOMER_LOSS_AMT_PCT | NUMBER | The proportion of the disputed sum for cases resolved as customer loss compared to the total amount of all disputes over the past 30 days. |
WRITE_OFF_AMT_PCT | NUMBER | The proportion of the disputed sum for cases resolved as write off compared to the total amount of all disputes over the past 30 days. |
MERCH_SENT_CREDIT_AMT_PCT | NUMBER | The proportion of the disputed sum for cases resolved as merchant sent credit compared to the total amount of all disputes over the past 30 days. |
WIP_AMT_PCT | NUMBER | The proportion of the disputed sum for cases still under WIP or resolution status not posted compared to the total amount of all disputes over the past 30 days. |
BillPay Switch RDF
The BillPay Switch RDF provides data on payment method switch transactions.
This table contains default fields for the BillPay Switch RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
prod_id | NUMBER (10,0) | Product ID |
xid | NUMBER (12,0) | Internal Galileo account ID |
galileo_guid | VARCHAR (32) | Unique ID for the payment method switch transaction |
galileo_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Transaction timestamp in UTC of when the transaction was completed in ISO 8601 format |
event_status | VARCHAR (50) | Final status of the payment method switch transaction: COMPLETED or FAILURE . Incomplete transactions are not included. |
event_status_reason | VARCHAR (50) | The reason for the status when event_status: FAILURE . See BillPay Switch Failure Status Reasons for valid values. |
vendor_selection | VARCHAR (10) | Payment method switch vendor: Atomic or Pinwheel |
Direct Deposit Switch RDF
The Direct Deposit Switch RDF provides data on direct deposit switch transactions.
This table contains default fields for the Direct Deposit Switch RDF.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
prod_id | NUMBER (10,0) | Product ID |
xid | NUMBER (12,0) | Internal Galileo account ID |
ddswitch_id | VARCHAR (32) | Sequence number that is the primary key in the backend database |
galileo_guid | VARCHAR (32) | Unique ID for the direct deposit switch transaction |
galileo_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Transaction timestamp in UTC of when the transaction was completed in ISO 8601 format |
event_status | VARCHAR (30) | Final status of the direct deposit switch transaction: COMPLETED or FAILURE . Incomplete transactions are not included. |
distribution_type | VARCHAR (10) | Type of distribution in distribution_amount : Fixed , Percentage , Total |
distribution_amount | NUMBER (20,2) | Amount of the deposit. |
event_status_reason | VARCHAR (50) | The reason for the status when event_status: FAILURE . See Direct Deposit Switch Failure Status Reasons for valid values. |
vendor_selection | VARCHAR (10) | Direct deposit switch vendor: Atomic or Pinwheel |
B2B Customer Master Supplemental RDF
The B2B Customer Master Supplemental RDF shows the relationship between Real-Time Funding or Corporate Credit spending accounts and their respective funding accounts. It also provides balances for the funding accounts.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
Field name | Data type | Description |
PROG_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | Program ID |
PROD_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | Product ID of the account in PMT_REF_NO . With this field you can distinguish between funding and spending accounts. |
BAL_ID | VARCHAR2 (250) | The balance ID, or galileo_account_number of the account in PMT_REF_NO . |
XID | VARCHAR2 (250) | Internal account ID of the account in PMT_REF_NO . |
PMT_REF_NO | VARCHAR2 (12) | PRN of the account. When FUNDING_PRN is populated, then this is a spending account. |
FUNDING_PRN | VARCHAR2 (12) | PRN of the funding account that is associated with the spending account in PMT_REF_NO . When this field is not populated, then PMT_REF_NO is a funding account. |
CH_GROUP_ID | VARCHAR2 (10) | Group ID, if the account is part of a Corporate Hierarchy. |
AVAILABLE_BALANCE | NUMBER (10,2) | The amount available to spend (open to buy) for the funding account, meaning the total posted/settled minus the pending authorizations of all related spending accounts. This field should be 0 for spending accounts. |
RTF_CURRENT_BALANCE | NUMBER (10,2) | The amount that has posted/settled on the funding account, without subtracting out pending authorizations of the related spending accounts. This field should be 0 for spending accounts. |
MSI Installments RDF
The MSI Installments RDF contains information about MSI Installments. Only transactions related to MSI Installments are included in this file.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
- The Source column indicates where the value came from: Galileo, a Nacha file, a private data subelement (PDS) from a network settlement file, or a data element (DE) in the ISO 8583 message in the authorization stream. The actual element/subelement number for a field may vary by network, and not all elements/subelements are present for all networks.
- "Signed" amounts have a
sign for debits and no sign for credits:-30.25
for a debit and23.67
for a credit. - All
fields areYYYY-MM-DD h24:mm:ss
. - See Data Elements to correlate the DEs with other Galileo resources.
Field name | Source | Data type | Description |
UNIQUE PROGRAM ID | Galileo | NUMBER (18) | The identifier that Galileo has assigned to your program. |
GALILEO ACCOUNT ID | Galileo | NUMBER (18) | The balance ID, which is different from the account ID (PRN). It is possible for two or more accounts to share the same balance ID. |
CARD IDENTIFIER | Galileo | NUMBER (18) | Sometimes called the CAD, this identifier is given to each unique card that is issued to an account. If you are not PCI compliant, you can sometimes use this identifier instead of the PAN. |
TRANSACTION DATE/TIME | Galileo | DATETIME | The time that Galileo responded to the authorization request, or when a non-card transaction posted to the account |
POST DATE | Galileo | DATETIME | The date when Galileo posted the transaction to the customer account |
TRANSACTION AMOUNT | Galileo | NUMBER (9,2) | Signed. The amount that was posted to the account, in the currency of the account. In the case of a settlement, the amount may be different from its corresponding authorization amount. |
INTERCHANGE FEE AMOUNT | NUMBER (9,2) | Signed. The amount of interchange or fee associated with this transaction. ATM fees and interchange reversals are negative; interchange earned is positive. This field is populated only for card transactions. This value is rounded to 2 decimal places; for the full amount without rounding, see IC FEE AMOUNT . | |
TRANSACTION CODE/TYPE | Galileo | CHAR (6) | The concatenation of the activity type (act_type ) and the transaction type (otype ). For an explanation of transaction codes see Classifying transactions in the About Transactions guide. |
TRANSACTION CURRENCY CODE | DE049 | CHAR (3) | The currency code at the point of sale, for card transactions |
AUTHORIZATION CODE | Galileo | NUMBER (18) | A Galileo-generated identifier for an authorization, called auth_id in other contexts. For non-network transactions, this field contains the ID for the payment, adjustment, or fee. This ID is unique only per subnetwork or transaction type (payment, adjustment, fee), so there could be an ID collision between an authorization from Mastercard Banknet and a payment, for example. See Creating a unique identifier for more information. |
MERCHANT NUMBER | DE042 | CHAR (25) | An identifier that each network assigns to a merchant location. For non-card transactions, this may be a location ID provided by you or Galileo. |
MERCHANT DESCRIPTION | DE043 | CHAR (40) | Descriptive text provided by the merchant to identify the merchant name and location and sometimes the transaction type |
MERCHANT CATEGORY CODE | DE018 | NUMBER (18) | The ISO 18245 four-digit identifier that specifies the type of merchant, such as ATM, gas pump, bookseller, airline, hotel, and so on |
MERCHANT COUNTRY CODE | DE049 | VARCHAR2 (3) | The ISO 3166-1 three-digit code for the country where the merchant is officially located |
EXTERNAL TRANSACTION ID | DE038 | VARCHAR2 (60) | For network transactions, the authorization identification response in DE038, which is a numeric code that Galileo returns to a merchant to verify that the transaction was authorized. This number is often printed on customer receipts. For transactions initiated by the Program API, this is the transactionId of the API request. This field may be populated in other ways according to your setup and the transaction type. |
NETWORK CODE | Galileo | VARCHAR2 (1) | A single letter to specify the subnetwork over which the authorization request arrived. This field is populated only for card transactions. See Network Codes for possible values. |
SOURCE ID | Galileo | NUMBER (18) | For card transactions, the source ID is the same as the authorization ID. For other types of transactions, the source ID maps back to the original transaction, such as payment ID, adjustment ID or ACH transaction ID. The ID field in the CST corresponds to the source ID. Keep in mind that the source ID is unique only to the transaction type or the subnetwork, so there could be a collision between a source ID for a payment and a source ID for an authorization, for example. |
SOURCE TYPE | CHAR (1) | Type of source: S (settlements) or A (activity) | |
PRODUCT ID | Galileo | NUMBER (18) | Identifier for the account's product in the Galileo system |
TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR2 (100) | Description for certain transactions | |
PRN | Galileo | CHAR (12) | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
ACTIVITY ID | Galileo | NUMBER | Identifier for the transaction in the activity table, which includes anything that affects the available balance; ID is unique per core |
BATCH HEADER | Nacha file | VARCHAR2 (94) | Record header for incoming ACH credits |
SOURCE INSTITUTION NAME | Nacha file | VARCHAR2 (35 bytes) | The source institution name for the incoming ACH credit |
XID | Galileo | NUMBER | Internal account identifier; has a 1:1 relationship with the PRN |
GROUP ID | NUMBER | Identifier of the store where the card was sold | |
AUTH AMOUNT | NUMBER (9,2) | Amount that was authorized. | |
FOREIGN TRANSACTION INDICATOR | Galileo | CHAR (1) | Whether the transaction is foreign relative to the account's country: Y (foreign) or N or null (domestic). This field is populated only for card transactions. |
ROLLING BALANCE | Galileo | NUMBER (9,2) | Signed. Available balance after this transaction took place. If you are the system of record instead of Galileo, this value may be inaccurate. |
CASHBACK AMOUNT | DE005 | NUMBER (9,2) | Amount of the transaction to give to the cardholder as cash |
ARN | VARCHAR2 (23) | Mastercard only. Acquirer reference number | |
MESSAGE TYPE FLAG | Galileo | CHAR (2) | The otype of the authorization |
LOCAL AMOUNT | DE004 | NUMBER (16,4) | Signed. Transaction amount in the currency at the point of sale |
LOCAL CURRENCY CODE | DE049 | CHAR (3) | Currency code for LOCAL AMOUNT |
SETTLE AMOUNT | DE005 | NUMBER (16,4) | Signed. Transaction amount in the settlement currency |
BILLING AMOUNT | DE006 | NUMBER (16,4) | Signed. Transaction amount in the billing currency, which is the cardholder account currency |
REVERSAL ID | Galileo | NUMBER | Contains the authorization ID of the previous authorization in a series, such as with incremental authorizations, reversals, and completions. See Linking transactions in the About Transactions guide for more information. |
ORIGINAL AUTH CODE | Galileo | NUMBER | Source ID for the transaction that this fee was assessed to |
ASSOCIATION TRANS ID | DE062 | VARCHAR2 (15) | Visa only. The transaction ID provided by the network |
FULL MERCHANT DESCRIPTION | DE043 | VARCHAR2 | Merchant name and full address and store number if provided by the network at the time of settlement |
CCA FEE | DE111 | NUMBER (9,2) | Currency conversion assessment (CCA) fee |
MC SEQ COUNT | Galileo | NUMBER (2) | Multi-clearing sequence count. Total number of clearings in this sequence |
MC SEQ NUMBER | Galileo | NUMBER (2) | Multi-clearing sequence number. Position of this clearing in the sequence |
FILE ID | Settlement file | VARCHAR2 (25) | Visa only. Identifier for the settlement file |
SETTLE DATE | Galileo | DATETIME | Date and time when the transaction was settled |
TRACE NUMBER | DE011 Nacha file | VARCHAR2 (20) | For a card transaction, an identifier from the merchant that is included with all messages related to that transaction. For an ACH transaction the trace number assigned by Galileo to outgoing ACH transactions. |
CARD PRESENT INDICATOR | DE061 | CHAR (1) | Whether this was a card-present transaction: Y (card present) or N (card not present) |
RECURRING TRANSACTION FLAG | DE061 | CHAR (1) | Whether this is a recurring transaction: Y (recurring) or N (not recurring) |
POS ENTRY MODE | DE022 | NUMBER (2) | First two characters of DE022. How the PAN was entered, such as magnetic stripe, EMV chip, or contactless. See DE022 Codes. |
IS AFT TRANSACTION | DE003 | CHAR (1) | Whether this is an account funding transaction: Y (AFT) or N (not AFT) |
LOCAL SURCHARGE AMOUNT | DE028 | NUMBER (16,4) | Signed. Local surcharge amount, a fee applied to the ATM withdrawal amount by the ATM's operator |
CASE SENSITIVE FLAG | Galileo | VARCHAR2 (1) | Which case the otype in TRANSACTION CODE/TYPE is: Y (uppercase) , N (lowercase) or blank (not specified) |
CONVERSION RATE – RECON | DE009 | VARCHAR2 (8) | The currency conversion rate when converting TRANSACTION AMOUNT to SETTLE AMOUNT . See Conversion rates to interpret the value. |
CONVERSION RATE – BILLING | DE010 | VARCHAR2 (9) | The currency conversion rate when converting TRANSACTION AMOUNT to BILLING AMOUNT . See Conversion rates to interpret the value. |
DRAWDOWN SETTLEMENT DATE | DATETIME | Date-time when the amount was taken from the issuing bank account | |
SETTLEMENT DATE | DE015 | CHAR (4) | Date on which the card transaction settled |
CREDIT INDICATOR | Galileo | CHAR (1) | Whether the transaction arrived at Galileo over credit rails: Y (credit rails) or N (debit rails) |
CONTACTLESS TRANSACTIONS | DE022 | CHAR (1) | Whether the card was authenticated using contactless technology: Y (contactless) or N (not contactless) |
MOBILE TRANSACTIONS | Galileo | CHAR (1) | Whether a token requestor ID was present: Y (mobile wallet) or N (not mobile wallet) |
ACTUAL POST DATE | Galileo | DATETIME | Date-time when the ACH credit was posted to the account |
ORIGINAL SETTLEMENT DATE | Nacha file | DATETIME | Date-time when the ACH credit was originally to be posted |
SETTLE DTL ID | Galileo | NUMBER (18) | The identifier for the transaction in the settlement table. This field is populated only for card transactions. |
ASSOCIATION | Galileo | CHAR (3) | Three-letter abbreviation for the card network: DEB (Maestro)MAS (Mastercard credit)STA (STAR)VIS (Visa)DIS (Discover)ALL (Allpoint)PLS (Pulse) |
SOURCE | Galileo | NUMBER (1) | Number assigned to a network: 1 (Maestro)2 (Mastercard credit)3 (STAR)4 (Visa)5 (Discover)6 (Allpoint)7 (Pulse) |
TOKEN REQUESTOR ID | VARCHAR2 (11) | Identifier for the token requestor. Present for mobile-wallet transactions. | |
ON_US | VARCHAR2 (20) | Remote deposit capture (RDC) check number | |
INTERCHANGE FEE AMOUNT | FLOAT (12,6) | Signed. Interchange fee amount | |
NAME | Nacha file | VARCHAR2 | Payee name for direct deposit |
DE28 | DE028 DE046 (Allpoint) | VARCHAR2 (9) | Local surcharge amount, a fee applied to the ATM withdrawal amount by the ATM's operator |
BAI | DE104 | VARCHAR2 (3) | Visa only. Business Application Identifier, which identifies the type of Visa card load |
ICA | VARCHAR2 (6) | Mastercard only. Interbank Card Association number, assigned by Mastercard to a financial institution | |
POS TYPE | DE003 | CHAR (3) | Type of card authentication at the point of sale: SIG (signature) or PIN |
POS CONDITION CODE | DE025 | VARCHAR2 (2) | Visa and Discover only. The conditions under which the transaction took place at the point of sale. See DE025 Codes. |
ACQUIRING ID | DE032 | VARCHAR2 (11) | Identifier for the merchant's acquirer |
SETTLE SERVICE ID | PDS0159SE4 | CHAR (10) | Uniquely identifies the settlement service |
AVS CHECK | DE063 | VARCHAR2 (50) | AVS check information |
AUTHORIZATION STATUS | Galileo | CHAR (1) | Status of the authorization |
OTC_Flag | DE003 | CHAR (1) | Whether the transaction included an over-the-counter cash advance: Y (cash advance) or N (no cash advance) |
FEE PROGRAM INDICATOR | DE063SE19 | VARCHAR2 (3) | Visa only. Interchange reimbursement fee program indicator, applied to select ATM transactions |
AUTHORIZATION RESPONSE | DE039 | CHAR (2) | The response code that you or Galileo returned to the network. See the Authorization Response Codes enumeration for possible values. |
CHECK RETURN CODE | CHAR (3) | Code to indicate why a paper check was returned | |
PRIOR ID | Galileo | NUMBER (12) | The ID of a transaction that is linked to this transaction, such as the transaction that triggered this transaction |
SECURE CODE | PDS0052 | VARCHAR2 | Mastercard only. Secure code from the settlement file |
CHECK NUMBER | Galileo | NUMBER (19) | Number of the check |
CST AGENT NAME | Galileo | VARCHAR2 (125) | Name of the CST agent that initiated the transaction |
TERMINAL ID | DE041 | CHAR (8) | Identifier of the card reader |
AUTH TRANSACTION CODE | Galileo | VARCHAR2 (10) | The transaction code (act_type + otype ) |
PIN FLAG | Galileo | CHAR (1) | Whether a PIN was used to authenticate the card: Y (PIN) or N (no PIN) |
SLI INDICATOR | DE048SE42 | CHAR (1) | Security level indicator, included with Mastercard 3DS authentication |
COMPANY NAME | Nacha file | VARCHAR2 (20) | Company name for incoming ACH transactions |
COMPANY DESC | Nacha file | VARCHAR2 (15) | Company description for incoming ACH transactions |
SETTLEMENT SERVICE CODE | PDS0159SE3 | CHAR (1) | Identifies the settlement level of the settlement service: 1 or (regional) 3 (intracurrency) |
SETTLEMENT SERVICE ID | PDS0159SE4 | CHAR (10) | Uniquely identifies the settlement service |
INTERCHANGE RATE DESIGNATOR | PDS0158 | VARCHAR2 (2 bytes) | The interchange rate and editing rules applied to the transaction |
POSTED EARLY | Nacha file | CHAR (1) | Whether the ACH transaction was posted early: Y (early) or N (not early) |
EFFECTIVE_DT | Nacha file | DATETIME | For an ACH transaction, the effective date-time when the ACH payment should post. Usually set by the bank to the actual date when the payment is posted, in case Galileo posts the payment early. |
RECEIVE DT | Nacha file | DATETIME | Date-time that the Nacha file arrived at Galileo |
LOAD_DT | Nacha file | DATETIME | ACH load date (the date-time the incoming ACH was loaded) |
SOURCE TRACE | Nacha file | VARCHAR2 (20 bytes) | ACH trace number assigned by the external originating institution to incoming ACH transactions |
ACH_RETURN CODE | Nacha file | CHAR (3) | Code that indicates why an ACH request was returned. |
CST AGENT NAME | Galileo | VARCHAR2 (125) | Name of the CST agent that initiated the transaction |
TERMINAL NETWORK | Galileo | VARCHAR2 (50) | Network that the card reader used |
EXPIRED AUTH CODE | Galileo | NUMBER (10) | AUTHORIZATION CODE of the expired authorization that corresponds to this force-posted transaction. This field is populated only for card transactions. |
CCA FEE CURRENCY CODE | DE111 | VARCHAR2 (3) | Currency code for CCA FEE |
CCA FEE AMOUNT SETTLE | DE111 | NUMBER (9,2) | Amount of the settlement on which the CCA fee was assessed |
CCA FEE SIGN | Galileo | VARCHAR2 (1) | CCA fee sign: C (credit) or D (debit) |
RETRIEVAL_ REFERENCE_NUMBER | DE037 | VARCHAR2 (12) | Retrieval reference number |
REASON CODES | DE044 | VARCHAR2 (25) | Visa only. Full contents of DE044, additional response data. |
PDS0185 | PDS0185 | VARCHAR2 (33) | Accountholder authentication value (AAV) (Mastercard) or cardholder authentication verification value (CAAV) (Visa), returned for 3DS transactions |
LOADS AUTH ID | Galileo | NUMBER | Original authorization ID for card loads |
PDS1002 | PDS1002 | VARCHAR2 (13) | Custom field |
PDS1018 | PDS1018 | VARCHAR2 (13) | Custom field |
REASON CODES | VARCHAR2 (1) | Visa only. First character only of DE044. The response source/reason code that identifies the source of the DE039 response. | |
ACH TRACE NUMBER | VARCHAR2 (20) | ACH trace number | |
IVA_TAX | NUMBER | Mastercard only. Impuesto al valor agregado. Value-added tax. Colombia only. | |
IAC_TAX | NUMBER | Mastercard only. Impuesto al consumo. Consumption tax. Colombia only. | |
IPM AUTH CODE | Galileo | CHAR (6) | Numeric tag generated by Galileo during authorization, which is sent in the response, and then is returned in the settlement batch file to help link authorizations with settlements |
MSG REASON CODE | DE025 | CHAR (4) | Mastercard only. Indicates why a message was sent. Consult the Mastercard IPM Clearing Formats document to interpret the code. |
MERCHANT POSTAL CODE | VARCHAR2 (5) | Postal code for the merchant's location. | |
CONVERSION RATE SETTLEMENT | DE009 | VARCHAR2 (8) | Visa only. The currency conversion rate when converting TRANSACTION AMOUNT to SETTLE AMOUNT . See Conversion rates to interpret the value. |
CONVERSION RATE | DE010 | VARCHAR2 (8) | Visa only. The currency conversion rate when converting TRANSACTION AMOUNT to BILLING AMOUNT . See Conversion rates to interpret the value. |
TRANSACTION LIFECYCLE ID | DE063 | VARCHAR2 (16) | Mastercard only. Transaction lifecycle identifier, which allows tracking throughout a transaction's lifecycle |
TRANSACTION LIFECYCLE ID/ ASSOCIATION TRANSACTION ID FOR ALL NETWORKS | VARCHAR2 (15) | Transaction lifecycle ID/ association transaction ID for all networks | |
PIN ENTRY CAPABILITY | DE022 | CHAR (1) | Third character of DE022. Whether the card reader had PIN-entry capability. See DE022 Codes. |
DE60 | DE060 | VARCHAR2 (61) | Indicates the specific reason for an advice |
DE121 | DE121 | CHAR (11) | Authorizing agent ID code, the actual processing facility that approved or declined an authorization request message |
DE63_BRN | DE063 | VARCHAR2 (9) | Banknet reference number; value received for Maestro updates |
PDS0180 | PDS0180 | VARCHAR2 (20) | Domestic card acceptor tax ID. U.S. tax ID of the card acceptor |
INSTALLMENTS CONDITIONS | PDS0663 | NUMBER (9) | Details of the installment payments. Positions:03 Installments without interest) |
Bad PAN Authorizations RDF
The Bad PAN Authorizations RDF contains a list of authorization requests from card numbers with your BIN, but the PAN does not exist in the Galileo system. These attempted transactions could be fraudulent.
- The primary key for this file is
. - The filename format is
- "Signed" amounts have a
sign for debits and no sign for credits:-30.25
for a debit and23.67
for a credit. - All
fields areYYYY-MM-DD h24:mm:ss
. - See Data Elements to correlate the DEs with other Galileo resources.
Field name | Source | Data type | Description |
TRANSACTION DATE/TIME | Galileo | DATETIME | The time that Galileo responded to the authorization request, or when a non-card transaction posted to the account |
TRANSACTION CURRENCY CODE | DE049 | CHAR (3) | The currency code at the point of sale, for card transactions |
ADDRESS VERIFICATION RESPONSE | Galileo | CHAR (1) | The single-character result of the AVS check that Galileo passed to the network. See AVS-only checks in the Authorization guide. |
AUTHORIZATION RESPONSE | DE039 | CHAR (2) | The response code that you or Galileo returned to the network. See the Authorization Response Codes enumeration for possible values. |
TRANSACTION AMOUNT | DE004 | NUMBER | Signed. The amount in the authorization request. |
NETWORK CODE | Galileo | VARCHAR2 (1) | A single-letter identifier to specify the subnetwork over which the authorization request arrived. See Network Codes for possible values. |
MERCHANT NUMBER | DE042 | CHAR (15) | An identifier that each network assigns to a merchant location |
MERCHANT DESCRIPTION | DE043 | CHAR (40) | Descriptive text provided by the merchant to identify the merchant name, location and sometimes the transaction type |
MERCHANT CATEGORY CODE | DE018 | NUMBER | The ISO 18245 four-digit identifier that specifies the type of merchant, such as ATM, gas pump, bookseller, airline, hotel, and so on |
TRANSACTION CODE | Galileo | CHAR (2) | A numeric value that corresponds to the type of transaction that is being attempted |
MERCHANT COUNTRY CODE | DE049 | VARCHAR2 (3) | The ISO 3166-1 three-digit code for the country where the merchant is officially located |
LOCAL AMOUNT | DE004 | NUMBER (16,4) | Signed. Transaction amount in the currency at the point of sale |
LOCAL CURRENCY CODE | DE049 | CHAR (3) | Currency code for LOCAL AMOUNT |
SETTLE AMOUNT | DE005 | NUMBER (16,4) | Signed. Transaction amount in the settlement currency |
SETTLE CURRENCY CODE | DE050 | CHAR (3) | Currency code for SETTLE AMOUNT |
BILLING AMOUNT | DE006 | NUMBER (16,4) | Signed. Transaction amount in the billing currency, which is the cardholder account currency |
CASHBACK AMOUNT | DE005 | NUMBER (9,2) | Amount of the transaction to give to the cardholder as cash |
POS ENTRY MODE | DE022 | NUMBER (2) | First two characters of DE022. How the PAN was entered, such as magnetic stripe, EMV chip, or contactless. See DE022 Codes. |
PIN ENTRY CAPABILITY | DE022 | CHAR (1) | Third character of DE022. Whether the card reader had PIN-entry capability. See DE022 Codes. |
LOCAL SURCHARGE AMOUNT | DE028 | NUMBER (16,4) | Local surcharge amount, a fee applied to the ATM withdrawal amount by the ATM's operator |
MESSAGE TYPE FLAG | Galileo | CHAR (2) | The otype of the authorization |
AUTHORIZATION STATUS | Galileo | CHAR (1) | Status of the authorization |
POS CARDHOLDER PRESENCE | CHAR(1) | Indicates whether the cardholder was present at the point of sale: 0 (present) or 1 (not present) | |
AUTHORIZATION IDENTIFICATION RESPONSE | DE038 | Transaction response identification code assigned by the authorizing institution | |
SLI | VARCHAR2 (19) | Security level indicator | |
SLI INDICATOR | DE048 SE42 | CHAR (1) | Security level indicator, included with Mastercard 3DS authentication |
TERMINAL ID | DE041 | CHAR (8) | Identifier of the card reader |
IVA_TAX | NUMBER | Mastercard only. Impuesto al valor agregado. Value-added tax. Colombia only. | |
IAC_TAX | NUMBER | Mastercard only. Impuesto al consumo. Consumption tax. Colombia only. | |
AAV INDICATOR | DE048 SE43 | CHAR (2) | Universal cardholder authentication field (UCAF) or account holder authentication value (AAV) |
STIP RESPONSE | DE039 | CHAR (2) | Mastercard only. The response code that the network returned to the merchant during stand-in processing (STIP) |
ADVICE REASON CODE | DE060 | VARCHAR2 (61) | Indicates the specific reason for an advice. |
AUTHORIZING AGENT ID CODE | DE121 | CHAR (11) | Authorizing agent ID code. The actual processing facility that approved or declined an authorization request message |
MESSAGE TYPE IDENTIFIERS | CHAR (3) | The message type identifier for the authorization request, minus the first digit | |
BANKNET REFERENCE NUMBER | DE063 | VARCHAR2 (9) | Value received for Maestro updates |
Fleet Data RDF
The Fleet Card RDF provides data on all transaction activity of fleet-card profiles along with additional level 2 and 3 data. This file can be used to predict transaction volume and interchange revenue by forecasting driver spend, expected fuel refill timing and transaction amount. Additionally, you can identify any dormant fleet cards, monitor for any fraudulent transactions outside of normal fleet-card operations, utilize fleet-card data to develop spend and driver controls, etc.
This RDF also contains specific data that will help provide insights to corporate customers of driver spend patterns and vehicle usage. Additionally, given Mastercard's new fleet mandates, this RDF also includes all new enhanced data elements needed to meet the new fleet card data capabilities.
This file provides key insights for both you and your business customers. For example, it helps you calculate the AMPG:
AMPG = (current odometer reading (PDS 0629) – previous odometer reading) / (previous number of fuel gallons purchased (PDS 0643))
Insights for your business customers
- Vehicle lifetime value
- Average vehicle lifetime mileage
- Percentage each vehicle has reached
- Driver performance
- AMPG per driver
- Budgeting
- ((driver AMPG) x (number of fuel gallons filled)) / (miles driven per day) = predict when the driver will refuel next
Insights for you
- Number of inactive fleet cards that you deactivate to save costs
- Identify and block atypical transactions based on driver's spend history
- Provide rewards and promote stickiness utilizing fuel company brand data
- Forecast revenue using frequency of driver refueling events and average spend.
Expected monthly interchange = (interchange %) x (average cost of fuel refill) x (days in month) /(((AMPG) x (number of fuel gallons purchased)) / (miles driven per day))
File information
- The filename format is
. - See Fleet Cards for more information about the product.
- To interpret the codes in the fields, obtain the IPM Clearing Formats guide from Mastercard.
For this RDF, three or more addendum rows are provided per transaction, according to this criteria - Row 1 — Corporate card common data. Provided when the associated first presentment/1240 message meets all of these conditions:
- The product is any corporate product.
- The card acceptor country code (DE045 subfield 6) is "USA".
- The cardholder transaction type (DE003 subfield 1) is
(purchase) or18
(unique). - The transaction is not a reversal.
- Row 2 — Corporate fleet transaction information. Provided when the associated first presentment/1240 message is a Mastercard Corporate Fleet Card transaction for a fuel or non-fuel purchase.
- Rows 3–n — Corporate line-item detail. Provided when non-fuel items are purchased alongside fuel, using a fleet card.
The corporate line-item detail is provided for each additional non-fuel item purchased using a fleet card, so if a cardholder purchases five items in one transaction, the RDF will contain seven rows: one common data requirements row, one fleet transaction information row and five detail addendum rows. All rows that belong to the same transaction will have the same auth_code
+ network_code
The auth_code
+ network_code
is the foreign key to the associated financial transaction in the Posted Transactions RDF, matching the AUTHORIZATION CODE
fields in the RDF.
All rows
This table contains fields that are present in all row types.
Field name | Data type | Description |
prog_id | NUMBER (18) | The identifier that Galileo has assigned to your program |
bal_id | NUMBER | The balance ID or Galileo account ID, which is different from the PRN. It is possible for multiple PRNs to share the same balance ID. |
cad | NUMBER | Sometimes called the card_id , this identifier is given to each unique card that is issued to an account. There is a 1:1 relationship between a card ID and a PAN. If you are not PCI compliant, you can use this identifier instead of the PAN. |
trans_ts | DATE-TIME | Date-time when you or Galileo approved the transaction |
trans_type | CHAR (6) | Transaction type |
auth_code | NUMBER | A Galileo-generated identifier (auth_id ). See Transaction IDs for information about unique identifiers and ID collisions. |
post_ts | DATE-TIME | Date-time when the transaction posted to the account |
network_code | VARCHAR2 (1) | Network code. This is the same as the NETWORK CODE field in the Posted Transactions RDF. |
pmt_ref_no | CHAR (12) | The payment reference number, a unique Galileo-generated identifier for an account |
prod_id | NUMBER (18) | Identifier for the account's product in the Galileo system. |
usage_code | VARCHAR (2) | Indicates the type of addendum data provided. This value will always be 98 for any fleet-related addendum. |
industry_rec_no | NUMBER (3) | Industry record number: 000 — Corporate card common data002 — Corporate fleet transaction information950 — Corporate line-item detail |
occurrence_ind | NUMBER (3) | Occurrence indicator. Specifies the position of the addendum relative to the original transaction, so line items 1–5 would have values 001–005, respectively. |
Parsed data | VARCHAR (4000) | Further transaction data, according to the row: corporate_card_detail fleet_detail line_item_detail |
The three addenda types will be denoted as follows, assuming the purchase of three items:
Row 1: Corporate card common data requirement
usage_code: 98
industry_red_no: 000
occurrence_ind: 001
Row 2: Corporate fleet transaction info
usage_code: 98
industry_rec_no: 002
occurrence_ind: 001
Row 3: Corporate line-item detail
usage_code: 98
industry_rec_num: 950
occurrence_ind: 001
Row 4: Corporate line-item detail
usage_code: 98
industry_rec_num: 950
occurrence_ind: 002
Row 5: Corporate line-item detail
usage_code: 98
industry_rec_num: 950
occurrence_ind: 003
Row 1 fields
These fields will be inside the corporate_card_detail
field in a row that has industry_rec_no: 000
. All of the top-level fields will be present, even if the value is Null
Field name | Data type | Description |
card_acceptor_type | OBJECT | Contains all of the fields that begin with business_ . Describes the type of business where the purchase was made, from PDS 0595. |
_raw | VARCHAR2 (8) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard. |
business_type | VARCHAR2 (1) | Code to identify the business type |
business_owner_type | VARCHAR2 (1) | Code to identify the type of business owner |
business_cert_type | VARCHAR (1) | Code to indicate the certification type of the business |
business_eth_type | VARCHAR (1) | Code to indicate the ethnicity of the majority owner of the business |
business_type_code | VARCHAR (1) | Whether the business type is provided |
business_owner_type_code | VARCHAR (1) | Whether the business owner type is provided |
business_cert_type_code | VARCHAR (1) | Whether the certification type is provided |
business_eth_type_code | VARCHAR (1) | Whether the business ethnic type is provided |
card_acceptor_tax_id | OBJECT | Contains the next three fields, which describe the U.S. federal tax ID or value-added tax ID from PDS 0596 |
_raw | VARCHAR2 (21) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard. |
tax_id | VARCHAR2 (20) | The tax ID of the card acceptor |
tax_id_code | VARCHAR2 (1) | Whether the card acceptor tax ID was provided |
"_raw":"830197092 Y",
"tax_id":"830197092 ",
Row 2 fields
These fields will be inside the fleet_detail field in a row that has industry_rec_no: 002
. All of the top-level fields will be present, even if the value is Null
Field name | Data type | Description |
oil_company_brand_name | CHAR (4) | Code to indicate the brand name from PDS 0620 |
purchase_time | CHAR (4) | Purchase time at the point of sale from PDS 0621: hhmm |
motor_fuel_service_type | CHAR (1) | Type of service received at the card acceptor site from PDS 0622 |
motor_fuel_information | OBJECT | Object containing the fields that begin with motor_ , which contain details about the motor fuel from PDS 0623 |
_raw | CHAR2 (35) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard. |
motor_fuel_product_code | CHAR2 (3) | The acquirer's motor fuel product code transacted from the information the attendant entered. The code refers to characteristics such as unleaded, diesel, regular leaded and methanol |
motor_fuel_unit_price | CHAR2 (12) | Price per unit |
motor_fuel_unit_of_measure | CHAR2 (1) | Motor fuel unit of measure |
motor_fuel_quantity | CHAR2 (6) | Motor fuel quantity |
motor_fuel_quantity_exponent | CHAR (1) | Contains the exponent indicating the decimal position of the quantity of the motor fuel item being purchased |
motor_fuel_sale_amount | CHAR2 (12) | Total fuel sale price |
odometer_reading | VARCHAR2 (7) | Odometer reading from PDS 0629 |
vehicle_number | VARCHAR2 (17) | Vehicle number from PDS 0630 |
driver_number | VARCHAR2 (17) | ID of the driver from PDS 0631 |
product_type_code | CHAR (1) | Contains a code from the card's magnetic stripe that indicates prompts that occurred at the point of interaction, from PDS 0632 |
fleet_spend_control_enforced | CHAR2 (16) | Informs issuers of the purchase restrictions enforced by the merchant point of sale from PDS 0781. Must be a fixed length of 16 and cannot contain all zeros or all spaces |
fleet_fuel_information | OBJECT | Contains the acquirer's Fleet fuel product code translated from the information the attendant entered from PDS 0782 |
_raw | CHAR2 (35) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
fleet_fuel_product_code | CHAR2 (3) | Contains a three-digit code that identifies the fuel item purchased |
fleet_fuel_unit_price | CHAR2 (12) | Contains the price per unit of the item being purchased |
fleet_fuel_unit_of_measure | CHAR (1) | Contains the code indicating the unit of measure for the fuel item purchased |
fleet_fuel_quantity | CHAR (6) | Contains quantity of the fuel item purchased |
fleet_fuel_quantity_exponent | CHAR (1) | Contains the exponent indicating the decimal position of the quantity of the fuel item being purchased |
fleet_fuel_sale_amount | CHAR (12) | Contains the sale amount of the fuel item being purchased |
fleet_prompted_data_1 | OBJECT | Contains the Prompt Code read from a card chip that indicates prompts that occur at the point of interaction and the data entered in response by the cardholder into the point-of-sale device from PDS 0790 |
_raw | VARCHAR (38) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
prompt_code_1 | CHAR (3) | Contains a code that specifies the information requested to be provided by the cardholder at the POI, e.g. 005 (odometer) |
driver_related_data_1 | VARCHAR (35) | Contains the data entered in response to the Prompt Code obtained at the POS, e.g. 81523 |
fleet_prompted_data_2 | OBJECT | Contains the Prompt Code read from a card chip that indicates prompts that occur at the point of interaction and the data entered in response by the cardholder into the point-of-sale device from PDS 0791 |
_raw | VARCHAR (38) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
prompt_code_2 | CHAR (3) | Contains a code that specifies the information requested to be provided by the cardholder at the POI, e.g. 010 (invoice number) |
driver_related_data_2 | VARCHAR (35) | Contains the data entered in response to the Prompt Code obtained at the POS, e.g. 17364557 |
fleet_prompted_data_3 | OBJECT | Contains the Prompt Code read from a card chip that indicates prompts that occur at the point of interaction and the data entered in response by the cardholder into the point-of-sale device from PDS 0792 |
_raw | VARCHAR (38) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
prompt_code_3 | CHAR (3) | Contains a code that specifies the information requested to be provided by the cardholder at the POI, e.g. 024 (trailer number) |
driver_related_data_3 | VARCHAR (35) | Contains the data entered in response to the Prompt Code obtained at the POS, e.g. 1856 |
fleet_prompted_data_4 | OBJECT | Contains the Prompt Code read from a card chip that indicates prompts that occur at the point of interaction and the data entered in response by the cardholder into the point-of-sale device from PDS 0793 |
_raw | VARCHAR (38) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
prompt_code_4 | CHAR (3) | Contains a code that specifies the information requested to be provided by the cardholder at the POI, e.g. 012 (unit number) |
driver_related_data_4 | VARCHAR (35) | Contains the data entered in response to the Prompt Code obtained at the POS, e.g. 1045 |
fleet_prompted_data_5 | OBJECT | Contains the Prompt Code read from a card chip that indicates prompts that occur at the point of interaction and the data entered in response by the cardholder into the point-of-sale device from PDS 0794 |
_raw | VARCHAR (38) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
prompt_code_5 | CHAR (3) | Contains a code that specifies the information requested to be provided by the cardholder at the POI, e.g. 035 (transaction number) |
driver_related_data_5 | VARCHAR (35) | Contains the data entered in response to the Prompt Code obtained at the POS, e.g. 451122365456154 |
"driver_number":"1234 ",
Rows 3-n fields
These fields will be inside the line_item_detail
field in a row that has industry_rec_no: 950
. All of the top-level fields will be present, even if the value is Null
Field name | Data type | Description |
product_code | VARCHAR2 (15) | Non fuel–related product code of the individual item purchased from PDS 0641 |
item_description | VARCHAR2 (35) | Object containing the fields that Item description from PDS 0642 |
item_quantity | OBJECT | Object containing the next three fields, which contain the item quantity from PDS 0643 |
_raw | CHAR2 (13) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard. |
quantity | CHAR2 (12) | Number of items purchased |
quantity_exponent | CHAR2 (1) | Identifies the implicit decimal point locations associated with each ISO standard currency code used in a message. For example, 2 means there are two positions after the decimal. |
item_unit_of_measure | VARCHAR2 (12) | Item unit of measure from PDS 0645 |
item_unit_price | OBJECT | Object containing the next three fields, which contain information about the unit price from PDS 0646 |
_raw | CHAR2 (13) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
unit_price | CHAR2 (12) | Amount charged per unit purchased |
unit_exponent | CHAR2 (1) | Identifies the implicit decimal point locations associated with each ISO standard currency code used in a message. For example, 2 means there are two positions after the decimal. |
extended_item_amount | OBJECT | Object containing the next three fields, which contain information about the extended amount from PDS 0647 |
_raw | CHAR2 (14) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
extended_amount | CHAR2 (12) | The individual item amount that is normally calculated as price multiplied by quantity |
extended_amount_sign | CHAR2 (1) | Whether the extended amount is a credit (C ) or debit (D ). |
debit_or_credit_indicator | CHAR2 (1) | Whether the net of extended_item_amount is a debit (D ) or a credit (C ) to the cardholder account from PDS 0654 |
fleet_product_code | VARCHAR2 (15) | Contains the non-fuel related product code of the individual item purchased from PDS 0783 |
fleet_item_description | VARCHAR (35) | Contains the description of the non-fuel item being purchased from PDS 0784 |
fleet_item_quantity | OBJECT | Indicates the quantity of the item purchased and the associated decimal point location from PDS 0785 |
_raw | CHAR2 (13) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
fleet_item_quantity | CHAR2 (12) | Subfield that If present, must be numeric and greater than zero |
fleet_item_quantity_exponent | CHAR2 (1) | Indicates the decimal location for the Item Quantity subfield |
fleet_item_unit_of_measure | CHAR2 (12) | Contains the line-item unit of measurement code from PDS 0786 |
fleet_extended_item_amount | OBJECT | Contains the individual item amount that is normally calculated as price multiplied by quantity from PDS 0787 |
_raw | CHAR2 (14) | Raw, non-parsed contents of the object as sent by Mastercard |
fleet_extended_item_amount | CHAR2 (12) | Subfield that if present, must contain the amount and be numeric and greater than zero, unless PDS 0650 (Zero Cost to Customer) is present and equal to Y |
fleet_extended_item_amount_exponent | CHAR2 (1) | Subfield that if present, must be numeric and contain a value of 0 to 5 |
fleet_extended_item_amount_sign | CHAR2 (1) | Subfield that if present, must contain a value of D or C. This subfield identifies whether PDS 0787 is a debit (D) or credit (C) from the perspective of the cardholder |
"item_description":"COCA COLA SODA",
"fleet_item_description":"DIESEL PREMIUM",
Updated 4 days ago