This page contains common product, program, and provider parameters that are available to configure. Galileo configures these parameters for you during program and product setup. Also see Product Settings for further options.
The total number of parameters in the Galileo system exceeds 500, so not all parameters are displayed here. In some cases, a parameter represents legacy functionality that is no longer available.
To view the parameters that are configured for your products, you have these options:
- Call the Get Product Config endpoint and specify
section: parameter
. - In the Galileo Client Console, open the page for each product.
The Level column in each table specifies the the level at which the parameter can be set.
β Product level. Applies to every account with the sameprod_id
β Program level. Applies to every account with the sameprog_id
β Provider level. Applies to all of your accounts.
β Deposit Sweep β Round Up β Account holder refunds β Chargeoff β Overdraft β Instant-issue cards β Card loads β Mobile wallets | β PIN Retrieval Service β PIN-set procedures β Offline PIN β Balance inquiries β ACH β Fees β Holds β Bill pay | β Single-use virtual card |
Onboarding (KYC/CIP)
For more information on onboarding, see Customer ID Verification.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
CIPAP | prod | Which applications can run ID verification when onboarding customers: CST (tool ) or Program API (intserv/4.0 ). | |
CIPEV | prod | Specifies the configuration to use to call the APS Distilled program when CIP is run. When this parameter is set, the system will attempt to run CIP using the specified configuration. When this parameter is not set, the standard configuration will run. CIPAG must be set to specify providers to run CIP. CIPPI must be set to run Distilled. | |
CIPGT | prod | Specifies government ID types that are required for CIP. Government ID types correspond to idType and idType2 in the Create Account endpoint. | |
DOB | prod | Specifies the minimum age of the cardholder. | |
FFTID | prod | Controls whether an applicant can provide a driverβs license instead of SSN for CIP. | |
IDSSN | prod | Specifies whether an SSN is required, optional, or will not be requested for identification during onboarding. This parameter also specifies whether the customer can claim that they do not have an SSN. When this parameter is set, CIPGT is required to allow SSN as a valid ID for onboarding. When this parameter is not set, SSN is not validated for uniqueness | |
MPADD | prod | Contains the mailing address where customers mail paper documents after KYC/CIP verification fails. This parameter is required when TOTID is set. | |
MPFAX | prod | Contains the number for customers to fax documentation when KYC/CIP verification fails. | |
MTOTB | prod | Contains the maximum amount for a refund check that is issued when an account fails Galileoβs integrated KYC/CIP process. | |
RTTID | prod | Controls whether ID verification is performed at the time of onboarding, using Galileo's integrated KYC/CIP process. This parameter is required when TOTID is set to RT . | |
TIDST | prod | Specifies which account status to set when a prospective customer fails ID verification. This parameter is valid only when using Galileo's integrated ID verification process. | N (active).N (not active). Account status set to F (failed). |
TOTID | prod | Controls whether this product uses Galileo's integrated ID verification process during onboarding via Program API and whether the verification is performed in real time or as a batch. This parameter is required for all products. | |
TUCRY | prod | Specifies the country database to use for Galileo's integrated ID verification process. This parameter is required to be set to CAN for Canadian ID verification. | |
VALID | prod | Whether the product requires a unique government ID, such as SSN for the U.S. or SIN for Canada or a driver license. When this parameter is set to 1 , VLDLV must be set. Use IDSSN to specify that the government ID must be an SSN. | |
VLDLV | prod | Controls the level at which a government ID must be unique: product, program, or provider. Valid only when TOTID is set to Y and when the onboarding is performed via Program API.. This parameter is required when VALID is set to 1 . |
For more information, see About Accounts.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
ACSET | prod | Controls the steps that are required for account setup during onboarding. Set this parameter if additional enrollment steps are required before an account can perform a transaction after account creation. This parameter is required for all products unless XAACT is configured instead. When this parameter is not set and XAACT is not set, new accounts are not processed. | |
ACTYP | prod | Controls whether the product is a savings account (R ) or a prepaid account (S ). When this parameter is not set, the product is not a savings account or a prepaid account. | |
AENUL | prov | Controls whether the email address can be nullified by the Update Account endpoint. | |
ASTPO | prov | Controls whether the cardholder's ship-to address can be a P.O. box. | |
BCDAT | prod | Controls the start date to use when calculating the bill cycle. This parameter is required for products with bill cycle setup (cycle fee) at account creation. This parameter sets the bill cycle start date to be calculated from either the account start date (ACCT ) or the card activation date (CARD ). BCDAY is required to set the length of time to wait before assessing monthly fees. When this parameter is not set, the bill cycle will fail. | |
CCODE | prod | Contains the currency code for transactions on the product. | |
CDACT | prod | Specifies the number of days to wait before closing an account that has a 0.00 balance. | |
DOB | prod | Specifies the minimum age of the cardholder. A card is issued only if the customerβs age is at least the value in this parameter. | |
EAPOB | prod | Controls whether a P.O. box is a valid applicant address for onboarding. | |
FTAVS | prog | Specifies the number of accounts within the program that can have the same street address. The address is verified against the concatenated street name and zip code. When the number of accounts with the same address reaches the number in this parameter, additional accounts cannot be created. | |
INTMX | prod | Specifies the maximum balance amount to which interest is applied. For example, if the value of this parameter is 9999 and the balance is 15 000.00, then 5000.00 is not included in the interest calculation. | |
LCALE | prov | Specifies the locale of the provider, e.g., en_US | |
MAINP | prod | Specifies the precedence of products within the program. The first product listed in this parameter is the primary product, and the account associated with the product is the main account. Specify products in this parameter in this order: When this parameter is not set, the account with the greatest CAD for a particular cardholder is the main account. This parameter is required when SAVPI is set. | |
PRIOR | prod | Contains a list of products to be considered as primary products for this secondary product. This parameter is set on secondary account products and is valid only when ASFDS is set to P on the secondary product.The highest number in this list is designated as the primary account for this secondary account, such that the primary account is assessed the fees that the secondary account incurs. | |
SAVCL | prod | Contains the transfer type for closing a savings account. This parameter is required both for savings account products and for products with an associated savings account. When this parameter is not set, funds movement fails. | |
SAVIN | prod | Specifies that this is a savings product. Also controls whether the savings controller can be viewed in the Customer Service Tool (CST) for this product. When this parameter is not set, the savings controller cannot be viewed in the CST. | |
SAVIR | prod | Specifies the interest rate for the account. This parameter is required when SAVIN is set but can also be set for any interest-bearing account. When you set this parameter, SAVIT and SAVFQ are required. | |
SAVIT | prod | Specifies the transaction type (otype) to use for interest payments. This parameter is valid for any interest-bearing account. This parameter is required when SAVIN is set. | MZ |
SAVPI | prod | Specifies which product is the associated savings account for this product. When this parameter is set, accounts created with this product ID are eligible to enroll in the specified savings account product. Set this parameter on the primary account. MAINP is required when this parameter is set. When this parameter is not set, this product is not eligible to enroll in a savings account. However, if internal account fet_id: 69 is set for an individual account, that overrides the value in this parameter.This parameter accepts only one product ID; to associate multiple savings account products with this product, use SAVPL. Do not set this parameter when SAVPL is set. | |
SAVPL | prod | Specifies which savings account products can be associated with this primary product, where there are multiple possible savings account products. Set this parameter on the primary account. Do not set this parameter if SAVPI is set. When this parameter is set, accounts created with this product ID are eligible to enroll in one of the specified savings account products. MAINP is required when this parameter is set. | |
SAVXF | prod | Specifies the transfer type when moving funds into and out of a savings account. This parameter is required to make transfers and is valid only when SAVIN is set. | |
SCLMS | prod | Specifies the statuses that an account must be in for the account to count toward the limit specified in SECLM when the Create Account and Add Account endpoints are used. This parameter is valid only when SECLM is set. Set this parameter to the same value on the primary and secondary products. For example, if SECLM is 100, and 120 secondary accounts are associated with the primary account, and this parameter is set to N , only 100 of those secondary accounts can be in status: N without violating the limit in SECLM. If you try to create one more account in status: N , the SECLM limit is violated.When this parameter is not set, the statuses that are counted by default are N , V , W , X , and Y . | |
SDI | prod prog | Controls whether to post interest manually instead of automatically. Set this parameter at either the product or program level but not both. When this parameter is not set, interest posts automatically. | |
SECLM | prod | Contains the number of secondary accounts that can be created for this product. This parameter can be set on both primary and secondary products. This parameter is valid only when SECP is set. When set on a primary product, this parameter limits the total number of secondary accounts that can be created per primary account. For example, if this parameter is set to 50 for a primary account, a total of 50 secondary accounts (with any product ID) can be associated with the primary account.When set on a secondary product, this parameter limits the total number of secondary accounts with this same product ID that can be associated with the primary account. For example, if this parameter is set to 20 for a secondary product that has product ID 4444, only 20 secondary accounts with product ID 4444 can be associated with a primary account.When this parameter is set for both primary and secondary accounts, both conditions apply, with the primary product taking precedence when the sum of the secondary product reaches its limit. For example, if this parameter is set to 50 for the primary account and 20 for the secondary (product ID 4444), and 20 secondary accounts with product ID 4444 are already associated with the primary account, then 30 secondary accounts with other product IDs can still be created for the primary account.When this parameter is not set, the value defaults to 1 .To specify the account statuses to be included in this count, use SCLMS. To specify which secondary products can be associated with a primary product, use SECP. | 1 . |
SECP | prod | Specifies the product IDs of the secondary products that can be associated with this primary product. Set this parameter on the primary product only. The secondary product IDs must have the same program ID as the primary product. Use SECLM to set limits on the number of secondary accounts a primary account can have. When this parameter is not set, no secondary accounts can be associated with this account. | |
SECRY | prod | Controls whether the secondary card uses the same ship-to address as the primary account. Set this parameter on secondary products. When this parameter is not set, the default method is used to determine the ship-to address β ship to the primary address unless there is a ship-to address specified. | |
XAACT | prod | Specifies the account and card statuses upon account creation. The three characters denote (1) account-active status (2) account status (3) card status. This parameter overrides the defaults for account and card statuses, which are NV- . Do not set this parameter for products that do not have a card. | First character (account active or not): Second character (account status): Third character (card status): |
Deposit Sweep
For more information, see Deposit Sweep.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
PASWP | prod | Controls whether to sweep primary and secondary accounts under the same aggregate ID. When set to Y , IntraFi treats all balances for these accounts as the same balance when dispersing funds. | |
SAVIR | prod | Specifies the interest rate to pay to the Deposit Sweep accounts. Set this parameter when Galileo holds the ledger. | |
SAVIT | prod | Specifies the transaction type to use for interest payments. Set this parameter when Galileo holds the ledger. Default: MZ | |
PROMP | prod | Controls whether the product is enrolled in Deposit Sweep. | |
XTSWP | prod | Controls whether Galileo sends account activity to IntraFi. Set this parameter only if SAVIR is not set. |
Round Up
For more information, see Round Up.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
RFGDA | prod | Contains a custom adjustment type (AD ) for funds moving into the Round Up deposit account. When this parameter is not set, the value is rg . | rg . |
RFGUA | prod | Contains a custom adjustment (AD ) type for funds moving out of the card account. When this parameter is not set, the value is RG . | RG . |
RFGTA | prod | Specifies a Round Up threshold value. If the amount to round up is greater than the value in this parameter, then no round up occurs. When this parameter is not set, there is no threshold limit for Round Up. |
Account holder refunds
For more information, see Account Holder Refunds.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
CRCHK | prod | Controls whether a card must be mailed back before a refund check is issued. This parameter is required when there is a refund product set up for this product. When this parameter is not set, accounts will not be refunded. This parameter is required when OGRAC is set. When this parameter is set to Y , MCTOB and MDAYC are required. | |
MCOTB | prod | Contains the maximum amount for a refund check issued when an account is canceled. This parameter is required when there is a refund product set up for this product. When this parameter is not set, attempts to issue a refund are denied. Example: 5000.00 | |
MDAYC | prod | Specifies the number of calendar days after an account has been canceled to issue a refund. This parameter is required when there is a refund product configured for this product. When this parameter is not set, attempts to issue a refund are denied. | |
MDAYP | prod | Specifies the number of days after the last payment to issue a refund on an account that fails KYC/CIP. This parameter is required when OGRAC is set. When this parameter is set, MTOTB must also be set. | |
MTOTB | prod | Contains the maximum amount for a refund check that is issued when an account fails Galileoβs integrated KYC/CIP process. When MDAYP is set, this parameter is required. | |
OGRAC | prod | Specifies the refund account to debit when paying out a refund for this product. This parameter is required when a refund product exists for this product. When this parameter is set, RANAM is required on the refund account. | |
RANAM | prod | Contains the name of the refund account that is specified in OGRAC. This parameter is set on the refund account, and it is required when OGRAC is populated on the product that uses the refund account. When this parameter is not populated and OGRAC is set, refunds are not processed. |
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
BALCO | prog | Specifies the product ID for the account to charge off in a multi-account program. When this parameter is set, secondary account balances are not charged off, but transferred to this account. When this parameter is not set, secondary account balances are charged off. | |
CODYS | prod | Specifies the number of days to wait until charging off an account with a negative balance. This parameter is required for all products except overdraft products. Do not set this parameter on overdraft account products. If the product has an overdraft product associated with it, set ODPDN instead of CODYS to avoid adding both values together. |
For more information, see Configuring Overdraft Products.
Parameter | Level | Product to set | Description | Values |
BRIOD | prod | Primary | Controls whether to block recurring transactions from using overdraft account funds. | |
ODATM | prod | Primary | Controls whether ATM and cashback transactions can use overdraft. When this parameter is not set, ATM and cashback transactions cannot use overdraft; however, partial approvals for a purchase amount only can still use overdraft. For example, say that the available balance on the primary account is 30.00. The cardholder attempts to make a purchase for 40.00 of goods with 20.00 cash back. The transaction will be approved only for 40.00, which means that the amount drawn from overdraft will be 10.00. The 20.00 cashback will not be approved. | |
ODBUF | prod | Overdraft | Specifies the de minimis threshold for an overdraft transaction to trigger a fee. An overdraft transaction that is equal to or greater than this value triggers a fee. This parameter triggers a fee on a per-transaction basis; to trigger a fee on the available overdraft balance, use ODDMB. When both this parameter and ODDMB are set, a fee on a transaction may still be charged if the transaction results in an available overdraft balance that is greater than the amount specified in ODDMB. For example, if this parameter is set to 20.00, ODDMB is set to 100.00, and the available overdraft balance is 90.00, a 15.00 overdraft transaction does not trigger the per-transaction fee (ODBUF), but it does trigger the overall balance fee (ODDMB). | |
ODCAE | prod | Primary | Controls the eligibility check for overdraft accounts. This parameter is required when using the automated eligibility check. To be eligible, the customer record must contain a syntactically valid email address, and the primary account must have had a positive balance at least once during the past number of specified days. For example, a value of Y35 checks for a positive balance during the last 35 days. If the account does not meet the eligibility requirements, the credit limit is changed to 0 and the overdraft account status is updated to K (suspended). | |
ODDMB | prod | Overdraft | Specifies the minimum de minimis value before a fee is triggered. When the available overdraft balance is greater than this value, a fee is triggered. This parameter triggers a fee on the total available overdraft balance; to trigger a fee on a per-transaction basis, use ODBUF. | |
ODELG | prod | Primary | Controls whether a DDA is eligible to use overdraft upon account creation. This parameter is set on the primary product, such that account feature 17 is set to E (eligible) when a primary account is created. With the value set to E on the primary account, an associated overdraft account can then be manually created. | E (eligible) when the account is created. |
ODFDC | prod | Primary | Contains text for the overdraft fee description that will be displayed in the CST along with the merchant name and clearing date. Typical values are Overdraft Transaction Fee and Overdraft Fee . When this parameter is not populated, the merchant name and clearing date are still included in the description. Set this parameter on the product that will be assessed overdraft fees, as specified in ODFOC. | |
ODFGP | prod | Primary | Specifies the number of hours for the overdraft grace period. This period occurs between an overdraft transaction and the overdraft balance being paid off, wherein overdraft fees are negated, meaning that settled fees are reversed out and unsettled fees are changed to zero. For example, say the value for this parameter is 24. The cardholder makes an overdraft transaction and is assessed a fee. After 23 hours, the cardholder deposits sufficient funds into the primary account to pay the full overdraft amount. The overdraft fee is then reversed. | |
ODMOB | prod | Primary | Specifies which action to take after a primary account is opted out of overdraft: move the overdraft balance and close the primary and overdraft accounts, move the overdraft balance and charge off the account, move the overdraft balance only, or do nothing. The opting out can be triggered by ODPDN (non-payment of overdraft balance), by account holder action, or by other processes. | status: R (charged off). |
ODOBI | prod | Primary | Specifies which value to assign to account feature 17 when a primary account opts out of overdraft. When account feature 17 is set to I (ineligible), it cannot be set back to P (participating) by an automated process or cardholder action. When account feature 17 is set to E (eligible), automated processes can change it back to P . | I (ineligible). E (eligible). |
ODOUT | prod | Primary | Controls whether the cardholder can opt out of overdraft on the Galileo-hosted cardholder website. | |
ODPAA | prod | Primary | Specifies the number of days after which all available funds in a primary account are automatically used to pay the overdraft balance, even when the available primary balance is less than the overdraft amount. After the number of days specified in this parameter, an automated process checks multiple times per day for a deposit into the primary account, and then moves available funds as necessary. For example, if this parameter is set to 2 , and a 15.00 overdraft transaction occurs on the 10th of the month, then on the 12th the automated process checks for a positive available balance on the primary account. If the balance is positive, the process moves up to 15.00 into overdraft. If the primary account contains only 5.00, the process moves 5.00 into overdraft, and then continues to check multiple times per day until sufficient funds have been moved to pay the full overdraft balance. | |
ODPDN | prod | Primary | Specifies the number of days before an overdraft account with an unpaid balance is automatically paid off, driving the primary account negative. This parameter takes effect when the available primary balance is less than the overdraft balance. Galileo recommends that you set CODYS to the same value as this parameter. When this parameter is set, funds are automatically moved from the primary account to the overdraft account to pay off the overdraft balance, even if it drives the primary account negative. The value specifies the number of days after the last unpaid overdraft transaction to move the funds. After the funds are moved to overdraft, the action specified in ODMOB is executed, if set. | |
ODPSQ | prod | Primary | Specifies the number of days after an overdraft transaction until the account is automatically marked delinquent, if there is no payment into overdraft. (Both the primary and overdraft accounts are set to status: Q .) After the statuses have been changed to Q (delinquent), the accounts will be automatically returned to status: N when the cardholder deposits sufficient funds into the primary account to fully pay off overdraft. | Q (delinquent) for failure to pay overdraft. |
For more information, see Setting Up a Card Program.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
AAVPV | prod | Controls whether transactions require the account-holder authentication validation (AAV) value. When this parameter is set to Y , AAV relies on Mastercard or Visaβs on-behalf services. When it is set to G , Galileo performs AAV. For either method, the transaction is declined if AAV fails. | |
ASPRD | prod | Controls whether a cardholder can have multiple copies of a card for the same account. | |
ATCDF | prod | Specifies the application transaction counter (ATC) tolerance for contactless transactions. This parameter is required for contactless cards. Contactless chips maintain an ATC that increments each time the card is used. For added security, Galileo keeps an independent count and compares it to the ATC. If the ATC is outside of the tolerance in this parameter, the contactless transaction is denied. See ATCDF examples for more information. | |
CANCS | prod | Specifies the statuses that a card must be in to be canceled when a new card is activated for the same cardholder. This parameter is consulted when CANOC is set. Default: N,X,Y,W | N , W , X or Y when a new card is activated. |
CANOC | prod prog | Controls whether to cancel other cards when a card with the same cardholder is activated. When this parameter is set at the product level, cards with the same product ID and cardholder are canceled. When this parameter is set at a program level, cards with the same program ID and cardholder are canceled. Cards to be canceled must also be in the status specified in CANCS. | |
CRDBL | prod | Specifies card statuses that block card activation. | |
CTRNS | prod | Controls whether a frozen card can still receive transactions that credit the account. | |
CVV1F | prod | Specifies the number of failed attempts to enter CVV1 within a period before transactions are declined. | |
CVV2F | prod | Specifies the number of failed attempts to enter CVV2 within a period before transactions are declined. | |
CVVDY | prod | Specifies the number of days to look back when counting failed attempts to input CVV1 or CVV2. | |
EMBFL | prod | Contains data to provide to the emboss partner in the emboss file. The emboss partner uses this data to set physical card features, card capabilities, and for account information. This parameter contains a comma-separated list of codes and static data. | |
EMNML | prod | Controls the number of characters for the cardholder name on a physical card. If the length of the cardholder name exceeds this number, the name is truncated on the card but the name in the emboss file does not change. If the length of the cardholder name is less than this number, the name is space-padded on the right to reach this number of characters. See Names on cards in Design a Card for more info. | |
FEMBO | prod | Controls whether a card is sent to be embossed regardless of card status. Set this parameter when you want your customers to have access to a digital copy of the card while the physical card is being embossed and mailed, such as with Digital First products. When this parameter is set and you are also using Galileo's integrated KYC/CIP process, you risk sending cards to customers who fail KYC/CIP. Contact Galileo for instructions on preventing that outcome. | X (set to emboss). |
IGACT | prod | Controls whether to bypass account-status checks for merchant credits (all Card Statuses are already allowed.) | N , C , D , and Z . |
MDSLU | prod | Specifies the number of days of inactivity after which an expiring card is not automatically reissued. For example, if the value of this parameter is 60, and today is 30 days before the card expires, the card is not automatically reissued if it has had no activity in the last 60 days. | |
NLST | prod | Controls whether a new card is sent to the cardholder when a card is reported lost or stolen using the Modify Status endpoint. This parameter does not affect the Replace Lost/Stolen Card endpoint. | |
NNEXP | prod | Controls whether a new expiration date is generated by the card-emboss process. Set this parameter for Digital First products so that the digital card and the physical card have the same expiry and CVV. | |
NOAVS | prod | Controls whether to disable AVS; checks for authorization requests. When this parameter is set to 1 , an AVS check is not performed but instead a "gift" response is returned, which the merchant can interpret as success or failure and then act on according to merchant policy. Do not set this parameter for products that support Apple Pay β it causes tokenization to fail. | |
RDEXP | prod prog | Contains the maximum number of months to add or subtract from the expiry date when the card is embossed. This value helps randomize a card's expiry date to make it harder to guess. For example, if this parameter is set to 5 , the emboss process generates a random number between β5 and 5 and then adds that number of months to the expiry date. | |
RDMOP | prod prog | Controls whether to generate a random set of digits for the middle of a card's PAN instead of generating them in sequence. | |
RECNP | prod | Controls whether to require that the card have a new PAN when using the Modify Status endpoint to reissue a card. When this parameter is set, agents also have the option of reissuing a card with a new PAN on the Card Info page of the Customer Service Tool. This parameter must be set to 1 to call Modify Status with type: 19 .This parameter does not affect card reissue using the Modify Account endpoint with type: 12 , nor does it affect the Reissue Card endpoint. | type: 19 always have a new PAN. |
RIXCL | prod | Controls whether to block automatic reissue of expiring cards. This parameter should be set to Y for virtual card products. | |
TSECV | prod prog | Specifies the number of seconds of access-token validity (default: 300) when retrieving the virtual card image. | 300 . |
TUSEC | prod prog | Specifies the maximum times an access token can be used (default: 3) when retrieving the virtual card image. | 3 . |
ZREVW | Prod | Specifies the threshold for manual review of merchant credits. Merchant credit requests with amounts over this threshold are flagged for manual review by Galileo Fraud. When this parameter is not set, the default thresholds are as shown in ZREVW values. |
Instant-issue cards
For more information, see Setup for Instant Issue.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
BPAVS | prod | Controls whether the instant-issue card can be tokenized (provisioned to a mobile wallet). Set only when you do not capture the address for the cardholder (non-personalized) and when the card is not reloadable (not GPR) | |
CASPO | prod | Specifies a default PIN to set when creating an account. The PIN is set at the time of the Create Account call. | |
CBAD1 | prod | Required. Specifies how to include the name and address for shipping instant-issue cards. | |
IIEX | prod | Required. Specifies the number of years or days that the instant-issue card is valid. | |
IIPER | prod | Contains a comma-separated list of product IDs of personalized cards that the instant-issue card can upgrade to. Do not set for gift cards. | |
IITYP | prod | Required. Specifies an internal process to use for this instant-issue product. | |
TEMPC | prod | Controls whether to deactivate (status: D ) a temporary card when the permanent card is activated. This parameter is valid only when an instant-issue card (temporary card) has a different product ID from the personalized card (permanent card) and the instant-issue and personalized cards share the same balance ID. Set this parameter on the instant-issue card. Do not set for gift cards. |
Card loads
For more information, see Card loads in Crediting Cardholder Accounts.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
APTLD | prod | Controls whether Allpoint loads are allowed. | |
BLKLD | prod | Specifies account statuses that block card loads. | |
DCLD | prod | Controls whether Discover loads are allowed. | |
MCLD | prod | Controls whether Mastercard rePower loads are allowed. | |
NUMLD | prod | Specifies the maximum number of loads to permit over the lifetime of the account. When the number of loads exceeds this value, a load-limit violation occurs and the transaction is denied. | |
STRLD | prod | Controls whether STAR network loads are allowed. | |
VLD43 | prod | Controls whether the card load description comes from field DE043 instead of DE104. DE043 contains the merchant location (merchant, city, state, country), whereas DE104 contains transaction-specific data (merchant, fund source). When DE043 is not populated in the authorization request, DE104 is used. | |
VSADS | prod | Controls whether Visa Plus ATM cash loads are allowed. | |
VSALD | prod | Controls whether Visa ReadyLink loads and Visa Money transfers are allowed. | |
WULDD | prod | Controls whether Western Union loads are allowed. |
Mobile wallets
For more information, see Setup for Mobile Wallets and Enhanced Provisioning Rules.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
APPAY | prod prog | Required. Controls mobile-wallet provisioning support. When this parameter is set, provisioning requests are approved with response code 00 (green path) only if the following conditions are true: | |
BPAVS | prod | Controls whether to skip the AVS and CVV2 checks. Set this parameter to Y for instant-issue card products to be tokenized (provisioned to a mobile wallet). Set only when you do not capture the address and phone number for the cardholder (non-personalized) and when the card is not reloadable (GPR). | |
CHITR | prod | Controls whether the authorization process will approve an initial tokenization request despite account fet_id 65 or 66 (featureType 20 or 21) being set. Set this parameter for Digital First products to be provisioned to mobile wallets. | |
CHKAL | prod | Controls whether to check the cardholder's date of birth against the product's DOB parameter. If the cardholder is too young, reject the provisioning request. | |
DSVCK | prod | Controls which path to choose when device_score: 2 . | |
IPCID | prod | Mastercard only. Specifies the product configuration ID to be used for activation code distribution (ACN) methods for mobile wallet authorization. When this parameter is not set, Mastercard mobile wallet transactions are declined with response code 05 (do not honor). | |
PPBBI | prod | Visa only. Required. Specifies which encryption key was used to encrypt provisioning data when performing a key exchange with Visa. This parameter should be set only after the key exchange has taken place. Set this parameter on the product that is to be tokenized. | |
PPN | prog | Visa only. Contains the number that Visa cardholders can call to perform manual provisioning to a mobile wallet when a failed provisioning attempt is on the yellow path, and Galileo is not providing yellow-path customer service. | |
PPUPC | prod | Controls whether to tokenize this card. Required for any product with a card that is to be tokenized. | |
TALCK | prod | Controls the number of times a token can be deleted and re-provisioned within a given time period. Limit this to three times in a 30-day period, and five times in a 6-month period. | |
TASRC | prod | Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when account_score: 1 β Mastercard (DE124) or Visa (Field 125, usage 02) | |
TASYC | prod | Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when account_score: 2 β Mastercard (DE124) or Visa (Field 125, usage 2) | |
TEMCK | prod | Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when the PAN was manually entered, or a picture was taken of the card with a camera. | |
TOKCS | prod prog | Specifies the card statuses that permit tokenization. N is always permitted and should not be specified. | N .status: N can be tokenized. |
TOKUP | prod | Mastercard only. Controls whether Galileo synchronizes tokens with MDES when cards are frozen, unfrozen, reissued, or canceled. This parameter must be enabled to trigger the TKUP event. | |
TRCRC | prod | Mastercard only. Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when tokenization_recommendation_reason_code_parsed is:10 β Excessive recent tokenizations on device11 β Excessive non-matching cardholder names on device12 β Low device score16 β High-risk digitization attempt | |
TRCYC | prod | Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when one of these values is passed in the tokenization request: Mastercard tokenization_recommendation_reason_code_parsed is:05 β Suspicious transactions linked to this account.07 β Device contains suspended tokens08 β Device recently reported lost09 β Excessive recent tokenization attempts on device13 β Low account score14 β Non-domestic tokenization attemptsVisa tokenization_recommendation_reason_code is:03 β Cardholdersβ wallet account/card pair is newer than date threshold.05 β Suspicious transactions linked to this account.07 β Suspended cards in the secure element.08 β Device was put in lost mode for longer than the duration threshold within the last 7 days09 β The number of provisioning attempts on this device in 24 hours exceeds the threshold0A β There have been more than the threshold number of provisioning attempts for different cards on this phone in 24 hours.0G β Suspected fraud | |
TTTCK | prod | Visa only. Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when token_type: H β (MDES cloud token) Field 123, usage 2, Dataset 68, Tag 07 | |
TVSCK | prod | Visa only. Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when the Visa token score (Field 123, usage 2) is greater than or equal to 85 . | |
TWRRC | prod | Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when tokenization_recommendation is:0 (decline) β Mastercard (DE124) 2 (not approved) β Visa (Field 125, usage 02) | |
TWRYC | prod | Controls whether to send a tokenization request down the red or yellow path when tokenization_recommendation is:2 β Requires additional authentication (Mastercard, DE124)1 β Conditionally approved with further verification (Visa, Field 125, usage 2) |
For more information, see PIN-Set Procedures.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
PBACT | prod prog | Specifies which action to take after the maximum number of PIN validation failures is reached. | status: B ). |
PBLOK | prod prog | Specifies which types of PIN transactions are blocked: all PIN transactions, only ATM transactions, or only point-of-sale transactions. | |
PBSUC | prod prog | Controls whether to reset the failed-PIN count to zero after a PIN entry is successful. | |
PBTIM | prod prog | Specifies the number of hours after the last failed PIN attempt that the PIN-fail count is reset to zero. For example, if the value of this parameter is 3 , then the PIN-fail counter is reset to zero three hours after the last failed PIN attempt. |
PIN Retrieval Service
For more information, see PIN Retrieval Service.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
PRSEN | prod prog | Controls whether to enroll the cardholders of the product or program in PRS. | |
TSECV | prog | Specifies the maximum number of seconds that the access token from Get Access Token can be used. Default: 300 | 300 |
TUSEC | prog | Specifies the maximum number of times that the access token from Get Access Token can be used. Default: 3 | 3 |
PIN-set procedures
Consult the Galileo setup section of the Direct Render PIN-Set Procedure or Galileo setup of the Direct POST PIN-Set Procedure to see the context for each parameter.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
GGDPA | prov | Direct POST. Controls whether to enable direct POST access. | |
GGEJS | prov | Direct render. Enable all JavaScript. Required if using mobile or iFrame postMessage. | |
GGHDR | prov | Contains a set of key/value pairs for additional response headers when using no-redirect mode | |
GGIFD | prov | Direct render. Contains domains that are allowed to call the iFrame. | |
GGIFM | prov | Direct render. Controls whether to enable event trigger on error and success pages. | |
GGKEH | prov | Specifies the number of times the PIN-set token from Get Card PIN-Change Key can be used. Default: 5 | 5 |
GGKEX | prov | Specifies the number of seconds before the PIN-set token from Get Card PIN Change Key expires. Default: 300 | 300 |
GGMCB | prov | Direct render. Controls whether to enable native mobile callbacks. | |
GGRBU | prov | Contains the base-redirect URL when using both success and failure redirect pages | |
GGRDR | prov | Contains the full-redirect URL when using a single results page | |
GGSAS | prov | Direct render. Contains the name of the file or files to use as a stylesheet. filenames. |
Offline PIN
For more information, see Offline PIN.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
CASPO | prod | Specifies how to set the default PIN at emboss. Typically, SRPEL is used instead of this parameter to set the PIN for Mexican products. | home_phone β Last 4 digits of home phonemobile_phone β Last 4 digits of mobile phoneprn β Last 4 digits of PRN |
EMVOP | prod | Controls whether offline PIN functionality is enabled. | |
FTPDY | prod | Specifies the number of days after a PIN change that transactions are authorized for a card with offline PIN functionality. For example, if the value of this parameter is 3 , then for three days after a PIN change, offline transactions can be authorized without PIN validation.When this parameter is not set and the cardholder changes the PIN, offline PIN validation is immediately required, so transactions will be declined until the offline PIN is synchronized with the new PIN. | |
FTPAM | prod | Specifies the threshold amount for offline PIN authorization. For example, if the value of this parameter is 25.00 . then after a PIN change, offline transactions for 24.99 or less can be authorized without PIN validation. | |
KPPIN | prod | Controls whether to keep the same PIN when reissuing a card. When this parameter is not set, the PIN is overwritten with 0000, encrypted. | 0000 . |
OFPBE | prod | Specifies how long to store the changed PIN block for offline PIN programs before deleting. | |
SRPEL | prod | Controls whether to set a randomly generated PIN when embossing lost, stolen, or reissued cards. This parameter is valid only for Mexican products. |
For more information, see Authorization.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
AAIGB | prod | Controls whether an authorization can drive an account balance negative. When this parameter is set to Y , response codes 00 and 10 are allowed to drive a balance negative. When this parameter is not set, all authorization requests that result in a negative balance are declined. | |
AFTEN | prod prog | Controls whether to allow the VFT (Visa account-funding transfer) limit type to be used. | |
BLKRI | prod prog | Controls whether to block recurring and installment transactions for non-reloadable prepaid Visa products. When this parameter is set to Y , recurring and installment transactions are blocked for non-reloadable prepaid Visa products | |
BLKTM | prod prog | Specifies the start and end time to block cash withdrawals in countries with country blocks. When this parameter is not set and a blocked country has a block on cash withdrawals, cash withdrawals are blocked at all times in that country. This parameter does not apply to countries that are listed in NOBLK. This parameter contains a pipe-separated list that specifies the start and end times to block ( BLK ) cash withdrawals in local time. All times use the 24-hour clock in HH:MM:SS format. All times must be within the same day (midnight to midnight). For example, 02:00:00|18:00:00 | |
CADGR | prod prog | Specifies the number of days until a cash advance begins accruing interest. | |
CASHB | prod prog | Controls whether a cardholder can request cash back when making a purchase. | |
DOMCC | prod prog | Specifies foreign countries to treat as domestic. | |
EQOTB | prod prog | Controls whether to only authorize transactions that exactly match the available balance. This parameter is intended to be used on a product that does not apply fees or upcharges to outgoing payments. | |
NOBLK | prod | Specifies blocked countries where BLKTM does not apply. When a blocked country also has a block on cash withdrawals, and that country code is listed in NOBLK, then cash withdrawals are blocked in that country at all times, rather than during the times specified in BLKTM. | |
NOVAC | prod | Controls whether an authorization is allowed on a canceled account. | |
PAPPR | prod | Controls whether the account permits partial approvals for authorization requests when the request amount is larger than the available balance. | 51 (insufficient funds). |
Balance inquiries
For more information, see Balance-inquiry responses in Authorization Controller API.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
ADDOD | prod prog | Controls whether to subtract the overdraft balance when returning a balance query on a reloadable card account. | |
BIMTF | prod | Enables all balance inquiries (including financial) to be classified as msg_type_flag: B . | msg_type_flag: B msg_type_flag: A or B |
MCBLC | prod | Mastercard only. Specifies which Canadian MCCs can receive a balance return in the response to an authorization request that originates in Canada. This parameter is not consulted for balance inquiries from ATMs. | |
MCBLS | prod | Mastercard only. Specifies which MCCs can receive a balance return in the response to an authorization request. This parameter is not consulted for balance inquiries from ATMs. | |
MCBLU | prod | Mastercard only. Specifies which United States MCCs can receive a balance return when the transaction originates in the United States. This parameter is not consulted for balance inquiries from ATMs. | |
VSBLA | prod | Visa only. Controls whether cardholder balance can be returned in the response to a balance inquiry. |
Non-card transactions
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
BMNAM | prod | Contains alternate description text to display for transactions created by the Create Account Transfer endpoint. By default, βCard to Cardβ is displayed for both payments and adjustments. Any string in this parameter overrides the default text, unless the message and senderMessage input parameters are enabled by C2DSC and populated in the endpoint call. | "Card to Card" |
FWIRE | prog | Controls whether Galileo sends and receives Fedwire transactions. | |
HDRDC | prod | Specifies the number of business days to hold a remote deposit capture (RDC) transaction before making the funds available. When this parameter is not set, the value is -1 , which means funds from RDCs are available immediately after posting. |
For more information, see ACH at Galileo.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
ACCRD | prod prog | Controls whether to allow incoming ACH credit requests (move funds into the customer account). | R20 (originator not allowed). |
ACDBT | prod prog | Controls whether to allow incoming ACH debit requests (move funds out of the customer account). | R20 (originator not allowed). |
ACHCA | prod prog | Specifies whether an account must be in status: N to permit incoming ACH debits (move funds out of the customer account). | |
ACHCB | prod prog | Controls whether to check account balance for insufficient funds before posting an incoming ACH debit request (move funds out of customer account). If both ACHCA and ACHCB are not set, an ACH debit request posted to an inactive account is denied due to insufficient funds when the balance is checked. | |
ACHDL | prod | Controls whether to apply velocity limits (daily, weekly, and monthly) to an incoming ACH debit request (move funds out of the customer account). | |
ACHDN | prod | Controls whether an incoming ACH debit request (move funds out of a customer account) is allowed to drive the account balance negative. When this parameter is set to Y , MBCHS must also be set to Y to bypass the minimum balance check on the customer account. Use ACHOD to control whether an ACH debit can use overdraft. | |
ACHOD | prod | Controls whether an incoming ACH debit request (move funds out of the customer account) can draw funds from an overdraft account when there are insufficient funds in the primary account. ACHDN must also be set to Y to allow an incoming ACH debit request to drive the balance negative. | |
ACHPT | prod | Specifies the number of hours after midnight Galileo System Time to post outgoing ACH debits (funds moving into the customer account). When this parameter is not set, outgoing ACH debits post at midnight. Hold days go into effect immediately, but when this parameter is set, it requires a refresh overnight. Same Day processing does not apply to incoming ACH credits. | 14.5 posts at 2:30 pm. |
ACHSD | prog | Controls whether outbound Same Day ACH transactions are enabled and processed as Same Day transactions. | |
ACOHD | prod | Specifies whether you can override the default hold days, using an optional parameter called holdDays in the Create ACH Transaction endpoint. Sponsor bank approval is required to enable this parameter. | achHoldDays as the hold-days value. |
ACSDH | prod | Specifies the number of hold days for Same Day ACH (banking days or calendar days as dictated by HDACH, and expiry time as dictated by ACHPT). | |
ACSDL | prog | Specifies a threshold below the Nacha limit of $1 million for each Same Day ACH transaction originated by a customer. If this limit is surpassed, the transaction transitions to a standard processing timeframe instead of Same Day, without being rejected. This parameter is valid only if ACHSD is set. | |
ACSTS | prog | Contains a list of statuses that are allowed to receive an inbound ACH credit (move funds into the customer account). If the account status for a customer account is not on this list, an ACH transaction returns R02 (account not active) or, for account statuses C , R , or Z , returns R23 (credit entry refused by receiver). | NYX . |
BALMC | prog | Controls whether Galileo checks the balance when making money-movement decisions. Currently used in outgoing ACH credit (moving funds out of the customer account). Clients that maintain their own ledger should set this parameter so that Galileo skips the balance check before creating an outgoing ACH credit transaction with the Create ACH Transaction endpoint. Galileo will also not assess fees for ACH transactions when this parameter is set. When this parameter is not set, Galileo checks the balance, and when there is insufficient balance, the transaction fails. | |
BTBEI | prog | Controls whether the account holderβs name and business ID are excluded from the Nacha file for business-to-business ACH transactions. This parameter is valid only when BTBPG is set to Y . When this parameter is not set, the Nacha file is populated with the account holderβs first and last name, or if BTBPI is set to Y , the Nacha file is populated with the business ID. | |
BTBPG | prog | Specifies that a program is a business-to-business program. When this parameter is set to Y, the program is a business-to-business program and ACH transactions that use the Create ACH Transaction endpoint are made via CCD. | |
BTBPI | prog | Controls whether to populate the Nacha file with a business ID for a business-to-business ACH transaction. When this parameter is not set, the Nacha file is populated with the account holderβs first and last name. If BTBEI is set to Y, the Nacha file is not populated with either the business ID or account holder name. This parameter is only valid when BTBPG is set to Y . | |
CKTID | prog | Send incoming ACH transactions for manual review if Galileo's integrated ID verification failed. | |
EAETP | prod | Specifies transaction trace prefixes to exclude from ACH early access. When this parameter is set, the system checks the first digits of the source ID for an incoming ACH transaction. If the source ID matches a prefix on this list, the transaction is not eligible for ACH early access. | |
EAIAA | prod | Controls whether all accounts have early access to ACH deposits or only accounts with featureType: 7 set to Y have early access. FBEEA must be set to enable early access. | 7 set to Y have early access to ACH deposits. |
ENIAN | prog | Controls whether the automated ACH enrollment (ENR) record sent to the bank includes the PRN and effective date. When this parameter is set to Y, the ENR record includes the effective date in the batch header and the PRN in the record detail. When this parameter is not set, the effective date and PRN are not included in the ENR record. This parameter and FBEVA must be set for federal benefit enrollment. | |
FBEEA | prod | Controls whether the account has early access to ACH deposits and specifies the number of days before the effective deposit date for early access. | |
FBERC | prod | Specifies the number of times an applicant can retry federal benefit enrollment before enrollment fails. When this parameter is not set, the applicant can retry federal benefit enrollment four times after the first attempt. Set FBERT to the number of days after enrollment fails that the applicant can try again. | |
FBERT | prod | Specifies the number of days after federal benefit enrollment fails that the applicant can retry enrollment. When this parameter is set, and the applicant reaches the maximum number of retries in FBERC (or four retries if FBERC is not set), then the applicant can try again after the number of days in FBERT. When this parameter is not set, the applicant cannot retry federal benefit enrollment after reaching the maximum number of retries. | |
FBEVA | prod | Specifies product IDs that share a federal benefit enrollment virtual card account balance for incoming ACH credit requests. When this parameter is not set, federal benefit enrollment is not enabled. This parameter and ENIAN must be set for federal benefit enrollment. SBAL must be set for products with virtual card accounts. | |
GTCIP | prod | Controls whether to bypass CIP for an account holder that has been verified during federal benefit enrollment. When this parameter contains bypass . When this parameter is not set, CIP is required for enrollment. | bypass β Bypass CIP when the account holder has been verified during federal benefit enrollment. |
HDACH | prod | Controls whether to calculate new hold days for outgoing ACH debit transactions (funds moving into the customer account) in terms of business days rather than calendar days. | |
MBCHS | prod | Controls the minimum amount that must remain in the customer account after an outbound ACH credit moves funds out of the customer account. An outbound ACH credit request that would drive the customer account balance below the minimum set by this parameter is denied. When this parameter is not set, the minimum account balance is β7.00 and an outbound ACH credit request that would drive the account balance below β7.00 is denied. | |
MRKGV | prog | Controls whether to mark incoming ACH transactions as originating from a U.S. governmental entity or from a non-governmental entity. | |
RNMCK | prog | Controls when to perform name matching for incoming ACH credit transactions. A name mismatch queues up the transaction for manual review. | |
RPVIR | prov | Controls whether to return the plaid_identity_values object in the Add ACH Account and Add ACH Account Corporate responses. The object contains names, emails, phones, and zip codes. | plaid_identity_values object.plaid_identity_values object. |
For more information, see About Fees.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
ACFS | prod | Controls whether to assess an initial setup fee for each card upon account creation. For example, the value AC1|1 results in a fee for the primary account and first card. The value AC2|2 results in a fee for the secondary account and second card. When this parameter is not set, a setup fee is always assessed. | |
ASFDS | prod | Controls whether to assess account-setup fees for a secondary account to the primary account or to the secondary account. When this parameter is set, account setup fees and the Express Mail fee for card shipment are assessed to the primary account. When this parameter is set, PRIOR must also be set. | |
ASFEE | prod | Specifies account setup fees to assess during account creation. When this parameter is set, account setup can be completed only when the balance covers the fees. Fees in this parameter must be configured at product setup. When this parameter is not set, only ACT (activation fee) is assessed during account creation, provided that ACT is configured. | |
AUDLS | prod | Specifies fees for declined transactions that should not be assessed when the card status is L (lost) or S (stolen). Fees listed in this parameter are not assessed when the card is lost or stolen. However, a fee is always assessed on a transaction that is declined due to insufficient funds.When this parameter is set, AUNSF must contain the fees that are in this parameter. When this parameter is not set, all fees for declined transactions are assessed regardless of whether the card is lost or stolen. | |
AUNSF | prod | Specifies fees that are not assessed when a transaction is declined. Fees listed in this parameter are not assessed for a declined transaction, however, a fee is always assessed on a transaction that is declined due to insufficient funds. Use AUDLS to bypass lost/stolen fees. When this parameter is not set, all applicable fees are assessed if a transaction is declined for reasons other than insufficient funds. | |
CFWLA | prod | Specifies the minimum amount that must be deposited into the account to waive the monthly account fee. When this parameter is not set the fee is not waived. When MMFLT is set, a deposit must match a payment type in MMFLT to be included in the sum of deposits. When MMFLT is not set, all deposits are included in the sum. | |
CHATN | prod prog | Controls whether to suppress ATM fees for balance inquiry and withdrawals according to a client-supplied list of terminal IDs. | |
CHKTN | prod | Controls whether to determine fee action according to the terminal network where the ATM transaction comes from. Supported by the Visa PLUS network. | |
CPFEE | prod | Specifies the number of days after card activation to assess the activation fee. When this parameter is not set, the activation fee is assessed 15 days after activation. | |
CYMET | prod | Controls whether to assess a fee per account (PRN) or per balance ID. This parameter also controls what happens if the balance is less than the fee amount. The value in this parameter is a code with three possible characters, though some products use only the second character. When a new product is created, this parameter is set to HBP by default.Character 1 Character 2 Character 3 β Valid only if character 1 is H . | |
DMFPA | prod | Controls whether to assess a partial delinquent fee each month if the entire delinquent fee would drive the balance negative. When this parameter is set to Y , and the account balance does not cover the amount for the entire fee, a partial fee is assessed monthly. When this parameter is not set, delinquent fees are not assessed. | |
DYNOA | prod | Specifies the number of days an account must be dormant before a dormancy fee is assessed. When this parameter is set, the dormancy fee (DOR) is assessed if the account is dormant for the number of days in this parameter. When this parameter is not set, a dormancy fee is not assessed, even if DOR is set and active. If FEACT is set to Y, assessed fees are considered account activity when determining dormancy. | |
EMBFE | prod | Controls whether to send a card to emboss if the account has insufficient funds for the express-mail fee. | |
FEACT | prod | Controls whether fees are considered to be account activity when determining whether to assess a dormancy fee. When this parameter is set to Y , assessed fees are considered to be account activity. When this parameter is not set, assessed fees are not considered to be account activity. DYNOA must be set to assess dormancy fees. | |
FFREP | prod | Controls whether to offer a first free card replacement in a calendar year even though the account balance is negative. | |
MMFLT | prod | Specifies which payment types to include in the total specified by CFWLA, which determines whether to waive a fee when there are sufficient deposits by the cardholder. When this parameter is not set, all payment types are included in the total specified by CFWLA. | |
RINFP | prod | Controls whether to replace a lost or stolen card even when there are insufficient funds in the account to cover the lost/stolen replacement fee. | |
RIZBL | prod | Controls whether an expiring card is reissued when the available balance does not contain sufficient funds for the card fee. |
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
PRVNB | prod | Controls whether a hold can drive an account negative. This parameter affects holds that are placed by the Create Hold and Create Payment endpoints. When this parameter is set to 1 and the hold amount is more than the available balance, the endpoint returns an error: 539-08 for Create Hold or 408-10 for Create Payment. | |
THOLD | prog | Specifies which hold types can be applied to an account as a whole, as opposed to per-transaction holds. This parameter is required to use the Create Hold endpoint. |
Bill pay
For more information, see About Bill Pay.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
BPBCK | prod | Controls whether to perform a balance check before proceeding with the bill payment when not using the External Transactions API, regardless of whether AAIGB and BPPPF are set. | |
BPLBL | prod | Contains a string to add to the adjustment description as a prefix for the biller name. | - ) β Do not prepend anything to bill pay descriptions.Billpay . |
BPPPF | prod | Controls whether a billpay transaction fails if the available balance is insufficient to cover fees. When this parameter is set, the fee is deferred until later when the current balance is sufficient for the billpay transaction but not the fee. | |
LIMBP | prod | Specifies the maximum amount of an individual billpay transaction. When this parameter is not set, the maximum is $25,000. | |
RPPSC | prod | Contains the RPPS payment ID and check digit. |
For more information, see Disputes at Galileo.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
CBHLD | prod | Specifies the number of days after a chargeback is initialized to settle a Mastercard dispute. When this parameter is set, the chargeback hold is released after the number of days in this parameter unless a second dispute is raised during that time. | |
CBIGN | prod | Specifies the de minimis for disputes. The system ignores disputes below the amount in this parameter, but the ignored disputes are still visible in Galileo Analytics. | |
CBTHH | prod | Specifies the maximum amount to automatically dispute a force-posted transaction that drives the account balance negative. When this parameter is set, CBTHL must also be set to specify the minimum amount. | |
CBTHL | prod | Specifies the minimum amount to automatically dispute a force-posted transaction that drives the account balance negative. When this parameter is set, CBTHH must also be set to specify the maximum amount. | |
DLST | prog | Controls whether dispute letters are sent to the name and address of the primary account or the account associated with the dispute. | |
FAWHD | prod | Specifies the number of days to wait before processing a dispute against a foreign ATM withdrawals. When this parameter is not set, a dispute has 90 days to resolve before it is processed. | |
PCDAY | prod prog | Specifies the number of days after the creation of a dispute to award provisional credit. For example, if a dispute is created on the 10th of the month and the value of this parameter is 3, then provisional credit is awarded on the 13th. | |
VCRHD | prod | Specifies the number of days after a chargeback to automatically release the hold and finalize the dispute for Visa Claims Resolution allocations. If after this number of days a second presentment has not been received, the dispute is finalized. |
For more information, see About Payment Risk Platform.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
BRSGE | prod prog | Contains a risk score (Field 62.21) for Visa products, indicating tolerance for potential fraud. | |
BRSMC | prod prog | Contains a risk score for Mastercard products (DE048SE75), indicating tolerance for potential fraud. | |
BRSPU | prod prog | Contains a risk score for Pulse authorization, indicating tolerance for potential fraud. | |
DCPRP | prod prog | Controls whether the authorization process calls the Payment Risk Platform (PRP). |
For more information, see Setup for Galileo Secured Credit.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
ALWNB | prod | Controls whether a call to the Create Adjustment or Create Account Transfer endpoint can drive an account balance negative. When this parameter is set to 1 , a call to the Create Adjustment endpoint can drive the balance negative. | |
BCDAY | prod | Controls the length of time to wait after the bill cycle start date before setting the bill cycle for assessing fees. This parameter is required for products with bill cycle setup (cycle fee) at account creation. BCDAT is required to set the start date. If BCDAT is set to CARD , you can set this parameter to MONTH to wait a calendar month before setting the bill cycle. When this parameter is not set, the bill cycle fails. | CARD , wait a calendar month before setting the bill cycle |
BRCDT | prod prog | Specifies the customer billing-cycle date. | |
CYCLE | prod | Controls whether to assess maintenance fees monthly, weekly, or yearly. Weekly assessment is not available for secured credit products. Works in conjunction with CYMET. | |
CYDAY | prod | Specifies the day of the month to assess fees when CYCLE is set to MON , or specifies the day of the week to assess fees when CYCLE is set to WEK . Weekly assessment is not available for secured credit products. | MON .
WEK : SUN , MON , TUE , WED , THU , FRI , SAT . |
M2CSD | prod | Controls whether the Metro 2 credit report process checks for information in account features 23 (first delinquent date) and 24 (delinquent amount). | |
M2REP | prod | Controls whether to generate Metro 2 reports for accounts in this program. When this parameter is set to Y , Galileo generates monthly reports for accounts and sends them to you for approval. |
Single-use virtual card
For more information, see Setup for Single-Use Virtual Card.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
SUMTA | prod | Specifies the threshold below which a transaction is declined. Default: 50.00. | |
SUVC | prod | Controls whether the product is a single-use virtual card for BNPL. | |
SUVCM | prod | Specifies the transaction-matching method based on value. | |
SUVCT | prod | Specifies the threshold above which the transaction will be considered a consumer-initiated transaction on a single-use virtual card. Consumer-initiated transactions below this threshold will be considered preauthorization holds that will be followed by a second, larger transaction. |
Program API
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
ALWNB | prod prov | Controls whether a call to the Create Adjustment or Create Account Transfer endpoint can drive an account balance negative. Set this parameter at the provider level to permit Create Adjustment to drive a balance negative. Set this parameter at the product level of the sending account to permit Create Account Transfer to drive the sending account balance negative. | |
BMAVP | prod | Specifies programs that are eligible for card-to-card transfers to and from this product. The list of program IDs in this parameter must include the current program ID associated with this product. When this parameter is not set, this product can only make card-to-card transfers to and from other products in the same program. | |
BWOOA | prov | Controls whether the balance_without_auths field is returned in Get Balance responses. | balance_without_auths in Get Balance responsesbalance_without_auths |
C2DSC | prov | Controls whether to enable the message and senderMessage input parameters for the Create Account Transfer endpoint. Any text that is input to those two fields will override the default messages. | sender and senderMessage input parameters for Create Account Transfer. |
CINFD | prov | Controls whether to show the card expiry date in endpoint responses. | |
CINFI | prov | Controls whether to show the full PAN in endpoint responses. You must be PCI compliant to enable this parameter | |
CINFN | prov | Controls whether to show the full SSN in the response to these endpoints: | |
CINFS | prov | Controls whether to show the CVV in endpoint responses. You must be PCI compliant to enable this parameter | |
CNSCR | prov | Controls whether to use the extended character set for first, middle, and last name input parameters. | |
CXPTM | prod prog | Controls whether the time is returned in the expiry_date in Program API responses. | expiry_date : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.expiry_date field contains only the date: YYYY-MM-DD |
MAXDR | prov | Specifies the maximum number of days in the date range (between startDate and endDate ) for transaction-retrieval endpoints. If this parameter's value is less than 31, then the maximum number of days is set to 31.If NOPGE is not set, the maximum date range is set to 1098 days (~3 years). If NOPGE is set, then the limit is 31 days or the value in this parameter, whichever is larger. | |
MXRPG | prov | Specifies the maximum number of entries per page for transaction-retrieval endpoints that use record-set pagination. When this parameter is not set, the maximum number is 200. To remove all limits, set NOPGE. | |
NATHR | prov | Controls whether to exclude authorization reversals in the Get Authorization History endpoint. | |
NOPGE | prov | Specifies whether to return all records in a transaction-retrieval endpoint response without pagination. When this parameter is set, the value in recordCnt can also exceed the default limit (MXRPG or 200). To retrieve all records without pagination, do not populate recordCnt . | recordCnt to be higher than the default limit. |
NVACT | prod | Controls whether to verify account status when the Get Balance endpoint is called. When this parameter is set to 1 , the endpoint returns a balance regardless of status. When this parameter is not set, the Get Balance endpoint does not return a balance if the account status is C (canceled) or Z (canceled without refund). | C or Z . |
SOATS | prov | Controls whether the original authorization timestamp is returned by the Get Authorization History endpoint. | |
STPLD | prod | Contains a list of statuses that do not permit transactions originated by Create Account Transfer (sending account only), Create Payment, Create Adjustment, and Create ACH Transaction. This parameter does not affect transfers performed on the Galileo-hosted cardholder website or in the CST. | |
UASSN | prov | Controls whether the SSN can be changed by Program API endpoints. Bank approval is required to enable this parameter. | |
UPDCZ | prov | Controls whether to allow Update Account to modify accounts in status: C (canceled) or status: Z (canceled without refund) | C or Z . |
Events API
For more information, see About Events API and Event Setup and Configuration.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
ACMSG | prod | Specifies account status changes that trigger the ACST:account_status_change
| ACST .ACST . |
AUTMD | prod | Controls whether to send the AUMD: auth_metadata
| |
BBDOW | prod | Specifies days of the week that daily balance messages should not be sent. Each day of the week has a numerical value in this parameter: 0 β Sunday1 β Monday2 β Tuesday3 β Wednesday4 β Thursday5 β Friday6 β Saturday | |
CDMSG | prod | Specifies which card status updates will trigger the CSNT: card_status_change
| CSNT .CSNT . |
CFRMT | prod | Specifies how currency is formatted in Event API messages. The first character is the thousands separator and the second character is the decimal. For example, a period and comma (., ) results in the format 1.000,00 .When this parameter is not set, a comma is the thousands separator and a period is the decimal, which results in the format 1,000.00 . | |
FACHA | prod | Controls whether inbound ACH transactions trigger the ACHR: ach_debit_fail
| ACHR or ACHC when an inbound ACH transaction fails.ACHR or ACHC when an inbound ACH transaction fails. |
LOBTH | prod | Specifies the maximum amount for the available balance after which an LBLC: low_balance
| LBLC is sent.LBLC .LBLC . |
MPNEG | prod | Controls whether a negative account balance triggers the BNEG: neg_bal
| BNEG for a negative account balance.BNEG for a negative account balance. |
MSGDA | prod | Specifies which events are triggered regardless of account status. Default: BACT: card_activated BFID: failed_id CAPP: app_completed NACT: denied_auth_inactive_card PSUC: card_returned | msg_id s that do not require an account to be in active status before they can be triggered. |
NTSAA | prod | Controls whether to send the ACRT: ach_return
| ACRT for this product or program.ACRT |
PDBAL | prod | Controls whether account holders must deposit funds into their accounts at least once before receiving the first daily BBAL: bal
| |
RETRY | prod | Specifies the number of times to retry sending a message before putting the message into error status. Use RTRDL to control the retry delay. This parameter affects most message types such as email, SMS, Events API webhook, internal alerts, and push notifications. | |
RTRDL | prod | Delay in seconds before resending a message. The delay increases exponentially for each retry by multiplying the square of the retry count by RTRDL. | |
STIPA | prod | Controls whether to send the STPA: auth_stip_advice
| |
STIPD | prod | Controls whether to send denied STIP transactions via the Auth API and send the STPD: auth_stip_info
Auth API
For more information, see Authorization Controller API.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
AAFAL | prod | Specifies the card networks for which advanced_auth_api_fields is sent in the Auth API payload. This parameter is valid only when ADVAF is set. | |
ADVAF | prod | Controls whether to include the advanced_auth_api_field in the Auth API payload. Use AAFAL to specify which networks. | advanced_auth_api_fields advanced_auth_api_fields |
APIFB | prod prog | Controls whether to perform fallback processing when your response to the Auth API message times out. When this parameter is N or not set, Galileo returns response code 05 (do not honor) for all fallback transactions when Galileo is the system of record. If you are the system of record, Galileo returns 51 (insufficient funds). When this parameter is Y , Galileo returns the response code that it has calculated. | 05 or 51 ). |
AUAPR | prod prog | Controls whether Galileo waits for your response to an advice before processing a transaction. When set to Y or not set, Galileo waits for your response for all Auth API webhook messages. When set to N , Galileo doesn't wait for your response for advice authorizations. (For all other authorizations, Galileo still waits for your response.) | |
GMACD | prod | Controls whether to enable Galileo merchant advice code decisioning. | |
MACO | prod | Controls whether to allow overrides of the merchant advice code. | |
RULAP | prod | Controls whether to send a comma-separated list of rule names that caused a DENY or WARN for an authorization in the Auth API request payload. The DENY rules are in the rules_denied field and the WARN rules are in the rules_warned field. Valid only when using a Galileo fraud-detection process. | |
STIPR | prod | Controls whether to enable next-generation STIP reporting. |
External Trans API
For more information, see About External Transactions API.
Parameter | Level | Description | Values |
AAIGB | prod prog | Controls whether to allow a billpay transaction to drive the account negative when using the External Trans API. | |
ACDBX | prod prog | Controls whether you participate in approval of inbound ACH debit requests (move funds out of the customer account) with the External Trans API webhook. You can choose to approve or deny all inbound ACH debit requests, only approve or deny inbound ACH debit requests on insufficient funds, or bypass control. | |
ACHQ1 | prod prog | Controls whether you participate in the approval of ACH returns caused by hard load-limit limitations. When this parameter is set to Y , all ACH returns except R01 and R03 are set to status: i (pending approval). | |
ACHRQ | prod prog | Controls whether you participate in the approval of ACH returns. When this parameter is set to Y , all ACH returns except R01 and R03 are set to status: i (pending approval). | |
BPOTB | prov | Controls whether to check the maximum limit and balance before creating a billpay transaction. Set this parameter only if you maintain the ledger for your accounts instead of Galileo and you are using the External Trans API. | |
GDBMA | prod | Controls whether an incoming ACH debit request (move funds out of the customer account) is sent to you for approval when the system fails to reach you. For example, this may occur when the system meets the maximum number of attempts to post the request or if there is a processing error. | V and send it to you for approval. |
Additional values
These tables contain valid values for parameters in the tables above.
ACSET values
Code | Setup order |
FF β Funding first | 1. Fund account 2. Activation fee 3. CIP 4. Start date set 5. Emboss 6. Activate account |
FV β Funding first, virtual (non-card) account | 1. Fund account 2. Activation fee 3. CIP 4. Start date set 5. Emboss |
TC β Total ID (CIP) first, credit | 1. CIP 2. Emboss 3. Fund account 4. Activation fee 5. Credit limit set 6. Bucket created 7. Activate account 8. Start date set |
TF β Total ID (CIP) first | 1. CIP 2. Emboss 3. Activate account 4. Fund account 5. Activation fee 6. Start date set |
TV β Total ID first (CIP), virtual (non-card) account | 1. CIP 2. Emboss 3. Fund account 4. Activation fee 5. Start date set |
ATCDF examples
The tolerance in the ATCDF parameter is Β± the ATC value counted by the contactless chip. When this parameter is not set, the default tolerance is Β±10. If this parameter is set to Β±(10^{ATC length} / 2), the tolerance will allow the entire range of counts for that length. These tables show example results for two- and three-digit ATC tolerances:
Two-digit ATC tolerance examples
Galileoβs Count | ATC | Tolerance (Β± ATCDF) | Result |
10 | 5 | 10 | Approved |
3 | 98 | 10 | Approved |
33 | 45 | 10 | Declined |
10 | 90 | 50 (covers all 2-digit ATCs) | Approved |
Three-digit ATC tolerance examples
Galileoβs Count | ATC | Tolerance (Β± ATCDF) | Result |
378 | 500 | 200 | Approved |
512 | 600 | 50 | Declined |
25 | 997 | 50 | Approved |
300 | 800 | 500 (covers all 3-digit ATCs) | Approved |
EMBFL values
Text in single quotes is interpreted as a literal string and added to the emboss file as plain text. Do not add commas inside static data.
Value | Description |
EEXTID | Add an encrypted external ID to the emboss file (for example, you could use this to add a spouseβs SSN). |
HOMEPHONE | Add the encrypted cardholder home phone number to the emboss file. |
FIRSTLOAD | Add the initial deposit amount to the emboss file. |
CARDIMAGE | Use featureType: 16 (card image) to add card art instead of dynamic card art (GID2 ). |
CCPRD | Specify the product ID for the card in the emboss file. |
VERIFYID | Generate a 12-digit code based on the CAD and add it to the emboss file. This is a checksum for data integrity. |
GID2 | Enable idType2: 14 for dynamic card art mapping and add card art IDs in id2 to the emboss file. |
COUNTRYCODE | Add the country code for the cardholderβs country of residence to the emboss file. |
SHIP_STATE | Add the state in short form for the cardholderβs state of residence to the emboss file (right justified, space padded, 3 chars). |
ADDRESS3 | Add address line 3 for the cardholderβs addresses of residence to the emboss file (left justified, space padded, 30 chars). |
ADDRESS4 | Add address line 4 for the cardholderβs addresses of residence to the emboss file (left justified, space padded, 30 chars). |
ADDRESS5 | Add address line 5 for the cardholderβs addresses of residence to the emboss file (left justified, space padded, 30 chars). |
CARDHOLDERNAME | Add the cardholder name with special characters, legacy cardHolderName(F12) is cleaned from special characters (left justified, space padded, 28 chars). |
FLEET | For corporate finance fleet products. This code adds two values to the emboss file. The first is the value from CFFSI, indicating that the product is a fleet card (CFFSI must be set to 1 or 2 ). The second is the value from account feature 59 , indicating the fleet service prompt level. |
OTB | Add the account balance to the emboss file. |
CAD | Add nine digits of the CAD to the emboss file. |
EEXT_CAD | Add the decrypted external CAD to the emboss file. |
EMAIL | Add the decrypted cardholder email address to the emboss file. |
PINBLOCK | Add the decrypted PIN block to the emboss file. EMVOP must be set to generate the PIN block. |
ZREVW values
These are the default thresholds for manual review of merchant credits when ZREVW is not set.
Network | Default Amount/Behavior |
Allpoint | No manual reviews |
Pulse | No manual reviews |
Mastercard SMS (debit) | 999,999.99 |
Visa | 999,999.99 |
Discover | 999,999.00 |
STAR | 10,000.00 |
Mastercard DMS (credit) | 100.00 |