Product Settings

Consult this page to see some of the settings that are available for Galileo products. Galileo collects these settings in a Product Setup Guide to pass to the operations team for product setup.

Use this page for these purposes:

  • When evaluating Galileo capabilities, to see Galileo product properties
  • When planning how to set up your products, to see which options to choose
  • When using the Get Product Config endpoint, to interpret the values
  • When viewing your product settings in the Galileo Client Console (GCC)

Table of contents

Product info

Your general product information includes these items. You can view them in these places:

SettingDescriptionGet Product Config response field
Product IDA Galileo-generated identifier for your product, unique across the Galileo platformproduct_id
Program IDA Galileo-generated identifier for the product's program, unique across the Galileo platformprogram_id
Product nameA descriptor for your product, such as "Personalized Visa" or "Overdraft Account"name
Product categorySee the Product Categories enumeration for valid valuesproduct_category
Product typeSee the Product Types enumeration for valid valuesproduct_type
SegmentWhich segment this product is intended for: business or consumeris_business_product
CoreThe name of your core (database), where your data residesdb
Base BINCard product only. The BIN that your bank assigned to you. See PAN Logic for more information. You can have more than one BIN for your product.base_bin
Card expiryCard product only. The number of years before a card expiresyrs_card_is_valid
Auth expiryCard product only. Default number of days before an authorization expires, unless it is settled or completedauth_days_to_expire
Gas upchargeCard product only. The upcharge amount at gas pumpsgas_auth_amt
Max PIN retriesCard product only. The maximum number of failed PIN tries before the PIN is lockedmax_pin_retries
Card Art IDCard product only. Default designator for the card art for this card. You can have more than one card-art image for your product.issuer_card_art_id
Service codeCard product only. Authentication method(s) of the physical card: 101 (Magstripe U.S.), 201 (EMV and/or contactless U.S.), 121 (Magstripe Canada), 221 (EMV Canada), 502 (Contactless Canada)svc_code
ACH hold daysACH support only. The number of business days to hold outgoing ACH debits before depositing funds into the accounthold_days
Minimum activation balanceMinimum account amount before the account can be activatedmin_act_amt

Customized auth expiries

You can set authorization expiration intervals per MCC in addition to the standard expiry. For example, you can determine that hotel authorizations expire after 30 days and car rentals expire after 15 days.

You can view custom authorization expiries in these places:

  • GCCMCC Expirations page
  • Get Product Config endpoint — Specify section: mcc_expirations.

For each auth expiry, you can configure these settings:

  • MCC or MCC group (hotel, airline, car rental)
  • Whether to match the MCC only, to also match the amount, or to match the product ID
  • The authorization type to apply to the expiry

Account features

This table displays most of the common account features to set. You can set multiple account features for your account. In some cases, Galileo will set the account feature automatically, upon account creation, and in other cases you must use the Set Account Feature endpoint to set the feature on individual accounts.

You can view account features in these places:

  • GCCDefault Account Settings page
  • Get Product Config endpoint — Specify section: account_features. Returns the fet_id value.
  • Get Account Features endpoint — Returns the feature_type value for those features that you can set or update with Set Account Feature.



The fet_id is an internal value only. Do not attempt to use a fet_id to set an account feature with the Set Account Feature endpoint.

This table does not include all fet_id values. If you retrieve a fet_id with Get Product Config that is not in this table, contact Galileo for the meaning.

fet_idfeatureTypeDescriptionValue type
9Enable Western Union SwiftPay0 or 1
108Permit international (foreign) transactionsY or N
116Permit card-not-present transactionsY or N
122Opt in to paper statementsY or N
1313Enable Metro2 credit reportingY or N
141Billpay reporting enabledY or N
15PRN of overdraft account12-digit number
1617Overdraft account eligibility:
  • E — eligible
  • P — participating
  • I — ineligible
  • E or P or I
    18Maximum secured balance. For secured credit products, not revolving-credit products.Decimal amount
    26Savings account for a GPR account. PRN of the savings account associated with a GPR.Integer
    28Original prod_id of the overdraft accountInteger
    317Enable ACH early accessY or N
    3425Second line emboss text. Second line under cardholder namestring
    36Low-balance message-sent flag0 or 1
    37Original prod_id after product switchprod_id
    38Sent velocity-limit alert flagY or N
    3916Card image ID and status: image ID (9 char) pipe (|) status (1 char)String
    44Override certain fraud rules based on cardholder response to SMS message, comma-separated list of rule names to not runString
    4514Override fraud rules engine checking. If Y, the auth process doesn't check fraud rules.Y or N
    46Product-switch counter, number of times the product has been switchedInteger
    479Disable ATM withdrawals for the cardholder (cash advance still allowed)Y or N
    4810Disable cash advances for the cardholder (ATM still allowed)Y or N
    4911Enable roundup on accountY or N
    64Deposit sweeps account created. Y means a deposit-sweeps account has been created for this account.Y or N
    6520Token transactions only. If set to Y, only transactions with a token are permitted for this account. When this value is Y, fet_id: 66 cannot be set to Y.Y or N
    6621Card-present token transactions only. If set to Y, a token is required for card-present transactions. When this value is Y, fet_id: 65 cannot be set to Y.Y or N
    6722Block token transactions. If set to Y, only transactions without a token (non-mobile wallet) are permitted for this account.Y or N
    69Savings account tier for SAVMI. The prod_id of a savings account that is linked to this primary account, If both this and SAVPI are defined, this is given priority.Integer
    7123First delinquent date for Metro2 credit reportString "MMDDYYYY"
    7224Delinquent amount for Metro2 credit reportDecimal number
    75Selective DFE or PRP rule suppression. You can turn on selective fraud rule suppression in the CST, or using Set Account Feature, which will suppress only the fraud rules that you choose and leave the safety-net fraud rules firing.Y or N
    76Account closure reason. Contains the reason why a client is closing an account. This value translates to the account status and special comment that is reported to credit bureaus when the account is reported as closed. Possible values:
  • chargeoff — Unpaid, closed by issuer, and charged off
  • collection — Unpaid and closed by issuer
  • deleted_fraud — Account takeover fraud, closed by issuer
  • inactivity — Paid and closed by issuer due to inactivity
  • paid_user — Paid and closed at the customer's request
  • String
    7930Delay emboss. If set to Y, the emboss process skips the card-creation process.Y or N
    80Skip expedited mail fee. If set to Y, the emboss process waives the expedited mail fee.Y or N

    Card features

    Card features apply to individual cards, not to the accounts. Card features are set by back-end processes unless otherwise noted.

    You can view card features in these places:

    • GCCDefault Card Settings page
    • Get Product Config endpoint — Specify section: card_features. Returns the fet_id value.



    This table does not include all fet_id values. If you retrieve a fet_id with Get Product Config that is not in this table, contact Galileo for the meaning.

    fet_idDescriptionValue type
    10Freeze card. Set by internal processes, the CST, or by the Modify Status endpoint type: 17 or 18Y or N
    11Offline PIN-block to be pushed via scriptY or N
    12Whether the offline PIN-block has been pushedY or N
    13High-risk cardY or N
    19Application transaction counter (ATC) for contactless authenticationInteger
    21Ingo card IDString
    22Digital First. Emboss the card regardless of card status (FEMBO is set to Y)Y or N
    23pin_access_token for the PIN Retrieval ServiceString
    24Transaction info for single-use virtual cards. JSON string with terminal_id, merchant_id, and transaction_amountString

    Auth limits

    Authorization limits control the amount and transaction count of various types of authorization and preauthorization requests. These limits are sometimes called "velocity controls."

    Where to see auth limits:



    Authorization limits can also be set on a per-account basis. See Account-Level Authorization Controls for more information.

    For every authorization limit, you can configure these settings. An asterisk (*) means that it is required.

    Valid values
    Get Product Config response fieldGet Auth Control response field
    Limit category*Name or descriptor of the limit, either preset or customStringlimit_catcontrol_desc
    Period*The timespan for the limit. The format is [numeral][D|T|M], where:
  • D – Calendar day, from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 in Galileo system time
  • T — Single transaction
  • M — Calendar month; a rolling 30-day period is 30D
  • 1D, 1T, 30D, 1M, 7D, etc.periodperiod
    AmountAmount of the limit. Required only if there is no count. Both amount and count can be set at the same time.Decimal amountamtamount
    CountTransaction count for the limit. Required only if there is no amount. Both amount and count can be set at the same time.Integercnttransaction_count
    Transaction type*Type of transaction affected by the limit. Minimum of one, but multiple can be selected. See Limit category transaction types for details.ATM, CAD, CBA, POS, VFTn/atrans_type
    Domestic flagWhether domestic or international transactions are affected. Default: both
  • Y — Domestic only
  • N — International only
  • A — Both domestic and international
  • domestic_flagdomestic_flag
    PIN flagWhether PIN or signature transactions are affected. Default: both
  • Y — PIN only
  • N — Signature only
  • A — Both PIN and signature
  • has_pin_flaghas_pin
    Contactless flagWhether contactless or non-contactless transactions are affected. Default: both
  • Y — Contactless only
  • N — Non-contactless only
  • A — Both contactless and non-contactless
  • contactless_flagn/a
    Velocity or control IDGalileo-generated ID for the limit, used when setting account-level controls.Integervelocity_idcontrol_id

    Limit category transaction types

    The limit-category transaction types are determined by combining the value in subfield 1 of DE003 with other indicators. The Sample identifiers column shows some but not all ways to identify that transaction type across the Galileo system.

    Transaction typeDE003SF1Other factorsSample identifiers
    ATM — Automated teller machine01MCC = 6011otype: W
    CAD — Cash advance (over-the-counter, teller)01MCC != 6011
    CBA — Cash back (at point of sale)09DE054 contains the cashback amountThis field is populated:
  • cashback_amount (Events, Auth API)
  • CASHBACK AMOUNT (Auth Trans and Posted Trans RDFs)
  • POS — Point of sale00
  • otype: A
  • otype: 5 (Mastercard credit)
  • otype: L
  • VFT — Visa funds transfer10Visa network
    AFTEN: Y*
  • auth_tran_type: 30 (Events API)
  • TRANSACTION CODE: 30 (Auth Trans RDF)
  • AUTH TRANSACTION CODE: 30 (Posted Trans RDF)
  • * If AFTEN is not set, these transactions are counted in the POS category.

    Auth limit presets

    These limits are preconfigured in the Galileo system. Some of them are required. In a typical setup, ATL, CAL, TAT, TCA, and TOL have the same limit amount.

    ATL Daily LimitDaily ATM withdrawal limit1DX
    ATM CNT WithdrawalsDaily ATM withdrawal count. Default: 2001DX
    CAL Daily LimitDaily over-the-counter limit1DX
    PCL Daily LimitTotal daily limit (POS, cash advance, ATM withdrawal, etc.) This is usually a combination of POL and standard withdrawal for ATL, CAL, TAT, TCA, and TOL. For example, if POL is $1,000, and standard withdrawal is $500, then TOL is usually $1,500.1DX
    POL Daily LimitDaily point-of-sale limit1DX
    TAT Per Transaction LimitPer-transaction ATM withdrawal limit1T
    TCA Per Transaction LimitPer-transaction over-the-counter limit1T
    TOL Daily LimitTotal daily cash withdrawal limit1DX

    Customized auth limits

    You have the option to create customized auth limits in addition to the preset limits. Each customized limit must have these settings at minimum:

    • Limit category (description)
    • Amount or count or both
    • At least one transaction type
    • Period

    As desired, you can also set the flags for domestic, PIN, and contactless transactions.



    If your program supports cashback, you should explicitly set a CBA limit. However, you should not include CBA with a limit that includes POS, or the cashback amount will be double-counted against the limit. See Calculating cashback limits in Velocity Control Design for details.

    Load limits

    With load limits you control funds that are deposited into accounts.

    Where to see load limits:

    For each load limit you can configure these settings. Consult Load-Limit Types for all limit_type values.

    SettingDescriptionValid valuesGet Product Config response fields
    Load otypeThe otype of the loadLoad Typesload_type
    Maximum card balanceThe maximum balance allowed on the card account at any one time.Decimallimit_type: 5, value
    Maximum per transactionMaximum amount per load transactionDecimallimit_type: 1, value
    Minimum per transactionMinimum amount per load transactionDecimallimit_type: 2, value
    Maximum daily amountMaximum amount per dayDecimallimit_type: 3, period: 1, value
    Maximum daily countMinimum count per dayIntegerlimit_type: 4, period: 1, value
    Maximum monthly amountMaximum amount per monthDecimallimit_type: 3, period: 30, value
    Maximum monthly countMinimum count per monthIntegerlimit_type: 4, period: 30, value
    Maximum lifetime amountMaximum amount over the lifetime of the accountDecimallimit_type: 8, value
    Maximum lifetime countMinimum count over the lifetime of the accountIntegerlimit_type: 9, value
    Reject modeWhat to do with a load request when a limit would be exceeded
  • Y — Reject the load
  • N — Pend the load until it can be posted
  • reject
    Delayed postingInterval to delay the posting of a load.Number of minutes, hours, or dayslimit_type: 10, value

    Transfer limits

    Transfer limits (send limits) control funds that are adjusted out of accounts.

    Where to see transfer limits:

    • GCCOutgoing Transaction Limits page
    • Get Product Config endpoint — Specify section: trans_limits

    For each transfer limit you can configure these settings. Consult Transfer-Limit Types for all limit_type values.

    SettingDescriptionValid valuesGet Product Config response fields
    Transfer otypeThe otype of the transferTransfer Typestrans_type
    Maximum per transactionMaximum amount per adjustmentDecimallimit_type: 101, value
    Minimum per transactionMinimum amount per adjustmentDecimallimit_type: 102, value
    Maximum periodic amountMaximum amount per periodDecimallimit_type: 103, period, value
    Maximum periodic countMinimum count per periodIntegerlimit_type: 104, period, value
    Maximum available balanceMaximum balance for a debit accountDecimallimit_type: 105, value
    Minimum available balanceMinimum balance for a debit accountDecimallimit_type: 106, value
    Maximum available creditMaximum amount of available creditDecimallimit_type: 109, value
    Minimum available creditMinimum amount of available creditDecimallimit_type: 110, value
    Minimum first-transaction amountMinimum amount for the account's first transactionDecimallimit_type: 112, value


    Product parameters control the behavior and characteristics of individual products.

    Where to see parameters:

    These are the fields in the parameters list.

    • param_id — The name of the parameter, typically 5 characters
    • value — The value that has been set for the parameter.

    Product parameters are listed on the Parameters page.

    Country blocks

    You can decide to block card transactions by ISO 3166-1 numeric country code.

    Where to see country blocks:

    • GCCCountry Authorization Rules page
    • Get Product Config endpoint — Specify section: country_block

    These are the transaction types you can block:

    • cash_block — Cash withdrawals from ATMs
    • cnp_block — Card-not-present transactions, such as web and app purchases
    • pos_block — Point-of-sale transactions, in-person transactions at retail locations

    As desired, you can also block cash withdrawals during certain times of day, such as blocks during the night hours.

    MCC blocks

    You can block card transactions per MCC. You can also block transactions per MCC on an individual account level. See MCC Control Design for more information.

    Where to see MCC blocks:

    Each MCC control has these characteristics:

    • Beginning and end MCC in the range
    • Whether the range is denied or allowed
    • Whether the control is applied only to online transactions


    To help avoid settlements that drive the account negative, you can assign upcharges per MCC.

    Where to see upcharges:

    • GCCMCC Upcharges page
    • Get Product Config endpoint — Specify section: mcc_upcharges

    For each upcharge you can configure these settings:

    • amt or pct — A flat amount or a percentage of the total sale
    • MCC range — The MCCs to include
    • replace_flag — Whether to replace (Y) the authorization amount with the upcharge or add the upcharge to the amount
    • req_amt_limit — Set a threshold to apply the upcharge to amounts equal to or lower than this amount


    Galileo has configured a wide assortment of fee types that you can select. To see the fees that have been assessed on a particular account, use the Get Fee History endpoint.

    Where to see product fees:

    For each fee you can set these values:

    • amt or pct — A flat fee or a percentage of the amount
    • floor and ceiling — A minimum and maximum amount for the fee
    • otype — The transaction type to apply the fee to
    • fee_method — When there are insufficient funds for the fee, whether to pend the fee or drive the account negative
    • exp_days — How many days before a fee expires from the pending queue
    • excl_fees_status — Account statuses for which a fee is not assessed

    Emboss partners

    If you offer a physical card, you must set up a relationship with an emboss vendor. Galileo is integrated with many emboss vendors that you can choose from.

    Where to see emboss partners:

    • GCCEmboss Details page
    • Get Product Config endpoint — Specify section: emboss_partners

    The Get Product Config endpoint returns the file mask to use for the vendor.

    Emboss stock

    Also for physical cards, you must decide on the materials for your card, such as plastic, metal, or wood.

    Where to see emboss stock:

    • GCCEmboss Details page
    • Get Product Config endpoint — Specify section: emboss_stock

    The Get Product Config endpoint returns these values:

    • dscr — Description of the card stock
    • production_type — One of these codes:
      • 01 (New issuance)
      • 02 (Replacement issuance)
      • 03 (PIN mailer only)
      • 04 (Welcome pack only)
    • stock_no — Assigned by your emboss vendor
    • stock_type — One of these codes:
      • CC (Card carrier)
      • CS (Card stock)
      • PM (PIN mailer)
      • WP (Welcome pack)

    Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

    All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.