January 2025

In January 2025 we fixed parameter descriptions, noted nesting irregularities, fixed some data types, added response fields, removed some gAnalytics reports, updated our mobile wallet setup requirements, added support for web push provisioning, removed some status codes, required a billpay parameter, updated the Outgoing ACH RDF description, we clarified Auth API balances, explained Round Up account closure, we added a new product guide, retooled the provisioning-rules parameters, updated returned outgoing wires description, updated fallback responses, updated an endpoint's usage, included a provisioning param, fixed an Auth API field value, clarified an RDF's contents, added a parameter to the Parameters page, deprecated some RDFs, revised Reconciliation, clarified Mastercard force-posts, added an optional BAUT field, updated an event field, indicated a check-name limit, changed domestic transaction determination, changed a feature name, moved an event, updated some Reg E RDF fields, provided realistic sample URLs, and updated Product RDF fields. Click January 2025 to see the details.

Corrected activity types

In the Round Up guide, we updated the parameter descriptions to correctly identify payments versus adjustments and which otype corresponds with which parameter. The activity types for the newer implementation are both AD whereas the older implementation uses PM for funds moving into the savings account. Therefore, a Round Up transfer in the new implementation triggers only BADJ: adj and not BPMT: pmt.

errors object irregularities

We have added a section to the Status Codes and Errors page to explain that sometimes the errors object in Program API responses is nested differently than usual. This nesting pattern has existed for several years — if it has caused you no problems thus far, there are no changes for you to make.

Fixed data types

For some Create Account Transfer response fields, we corrected the data type of these fields from string to number. These are changes to the documentation, not to the fields themselves:

  • adjustment_trans_id
  • payment_trans_id

Added response fields to Get Card endpoint

We added the following response fields about the account holder to Get Card:

  • address_1
  • address_2
  • city
  • state
  • postal_code

Removed gAnalytics reports

We removed the Analytics NOW reports from the Galileo Analytics Report Index because they have been deprecated.

Updated mobile wallets setup

We updated the Setup for Mobile Wallets guide to explain the detailed requirements and actions that must be performed to set up a mobile wallet program. We also clarified that manual provisioning must be implemented and go live in production before setting up an in-app or web push provisioning program with Galileo.

Added web push provisioning

Galileo now supports web push provisioning which enables a cardholder to provision a card to be added to their mobile wallet app from their banking website. Web provisioning follows the same general workflow as in-app, with the expectation that Galileo is responsible for the certificate validation and encryption during card provisioning.

You can find more details of web push provisioning in Setup for Push Provisioning.

Removed location-related status codes

From these two endpoints we have removed several status codes, because they refer to functions that are now deprecated:

  • Create Location
    • 506-02 — Invalid invoice value.
    • 506-03 — Invalid cycleStart value.
    • 506-04 — creditLimit, cycleType, cycleStart are required params when setting centralBillFlag
  • Modify Location
    • 508-01 — Invalid invoice value.
    • 508-02 — Invalid cycleStart.
    • 508-03 — No Credit Limit to adjust

Required billpay parameter

The address1 input parameter of the Add Paper Biller endpoint is now required.

Outgoing ACH RDF

We updated the description for Outgoing ACH RDF to clarify that it contains only transactions that debit the Galileo account (outgoing ACH credits), not the ones that credit it (outgoing ACH debits).

Clarification about returning balances

We clarified that when returning balances in the response to an Auth API message, the balance should reflect the balance before the transaction is performed.

Round Up account closure

We added a section to the Round Up guide to explain how to unlink one or more Round Up accounts from a DDA.

New product guide

Payment Method Switch provides a simpler way for your customers to switch their stored payment method for various billers. This guide provides high-level information on this product in its preliminary stage.

Enhanced provisioning rules retooling

The parameters to enable enhanced provisioning rules have been retooled. Now, each parameter provides the option of sending a tokenization request down either the yellow path or the red path instead of having separate parameters for the two paths.

Returned outgoing wires

We updated the description of Return of an outgoing wire to clarify that the client must initiate an adjustment first in order for Galileo to make the credit available.

Change to fallback action

Because of a change to Galileo's response-code prioritization algorithm (just over a year ago), Galileo changed its behavior with fallback processing. If the APIFB parameter is set to N or is not set, Galileo's response depends on the location of the ledger:

  • When you hold the ledger, Galileo returns 51 (insufficient funds)
  • When Galileo holds the ledger, Galileo returns 05 (do not honor)

Update Payment usage

We updated the description of the Update Payment endpoint to say that it should not be used to update payments created with the Create Account Transfer or Create ACH Transaction endpoints. The description previously said that it "cannot" be used for those payments, and yet it appears to work. In reality, those updates create undesirable results in the backend processing, and so Galileo must advise that this endpoint not be used on those transactions.

Provisioning parameter

We have included the BPAVS product parameter to the documentation for instant issue setup and mobile wallet setup. This parameter is required to provision an instant-issue card to a mobile wallet, but it is set only when you do not capture the address for the cardholder (non-personalized) and when the card is not reloadable (GPR).

Fix to Auth API

In the Auth API (v2 and v3) the entry_type value of Card on File has been corrected to read Card On File.

Parameters page

We added the missing SECRY param to the Accounts parameters table.

Deprecated RDFs

We removed the documentation for the Legacy Base RDFs. They have been discontinued as of 15 Jan 2025. We also removed the Reg Z RDF documentation, because it is unused.

New Reconciliation PDF

We have overhauled the Reconciliation PDF (v 2.0) to make it easier to reconcile the network draw-down amounts with Galileo data. This document is available in the Galileo Console through single sign-on, or you can request it directly from Galileo.

Distinguishing force-posted transactions

Mastercard settlements and force posts use the same trans_code: SE5. We added a note to explain how to tell them apart and also added more information on how force-posts appear in the ledger.

Directory server transaction ID

We added a new optional field to the BAUT: auth event message, ds_transaction_ID, which links 3DS authentications to their authorizations.

Required property removed

We removed the Required property from the status_reason field of DDSE: direct_deposit_switch_event. This is a change to the documentation, not to the event.

Limit on check names

We updated Creating a Billpay Transaction to indicate that the account holder name on a printed check is 47 characters, and any name longer than that will be truncated.

Domestic transaction determination

We updated What counts as a domestic transaction in the International guide to indicate a change in how Galileo determines whether a Mastercard transaction is domestic.

Changed feature name

We changed the name of the Deposit Sweeps feature and its respective guide to Deposit Sweep.

Moved Billpay event

We moved the BPCL: billpay_cancelled event from the Account Events Index to the Transaction Events Index. This is a change to the documentation, not to the event. The description and trigger for that event have also been changed.

Updates to a Service RDF

We updated the Service RDF guide to add multiple field names to the table for the Reg E RDF. The new fields begin with SEC_PRESENTMENT_DATE and go until the last row. This is a change to the documentation, not to the RDFs.

Sample URL update

We updated the example URLs for the various APIs to better represent the URL format that you will be using.

  • Program API and Payment Hub APIapi-{corename}.cv.gpsrv.com/intserv/4.0/endpointName
  • Dispute APIdispute-api-{corename}.{env}.gpsrv.com/endpointName
  • Loan APIlending-{corename}.{env}.gpsrv.com/lending/1.0/endpointName
  • Risk APIrisk-{corename}.{env}.gpsrv.com/prp/1.0/endpointName
  • Public Config API{corename}.config-api.{env}.gpsrv.com/config/1.0/endpointName

With these new URLs you can click the variables in the URL, which are in curly quotes {}, and fill in your values.

  • corename — The name of your core, as assigned by Galileo
  • env — The environment: cv for CV and pd for Production

Updates to Product RDFs

We made the following updates to the Product RDF guide. These are changes to the documentation, not to the RDFs:

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.