Events Triggered by Balance Changes

The Events API messages listed below are triggered by a change in the available balance of the specified account.

DSPC: dispute_pcAccount
BAUT: authAuthorization
AAAU: authAuthorization
BEXP: auth_expAuthorization
BEXR: auth_exp_reversalAuthorization
AUFB: auth_fallbackAuthorizationBalance has changed only if response_code is 00, 10, or 87.
STPA: auth_stip_adviceAuthorizationBalance may have changed if is_stip_denial: N.
STPN: auth_stip_notificationAuthorizationBalance may have changed if is_stip_denial: N.
SETL: setlSettlementBalance has changed only if the settlement amount is different from the authorization amount.
ACRT: ach_returnTransactionBalance has changed only if funds had already been moved into or out of the customer account, as indicated by the BADJ: adj or BPMT: pmt event message.
BADJ: adjTransaction
BPAY: billpayTransaction
CRHD: create_holdTransaction
EXHD: expire_holdTransaction
BFEE: feeTransaction
FREV: fee_reversalTransaction
GDAC: greendot_auth_commitTransaction
BPMT: pmtTransaction
BSPM: pmt_splitTransaction
BSPF: sched_billpay_failTransactionBalance has changed only if the failure took place after the amount was adjusted out of the account, as indicated by the BPAY: billpay event message.

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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