March 2025

In March 2025 we clarified replacement fees, added a recipe and card transaction scenario, corrected a field name, clarified some transaction and authorization types, and added three new simulations. Click March 2025 to see the details.

Replacement fee information

To the Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Cards guide, we have added a section about replacement fees to clarify how they work in the context of lost and stolen cards.

New recipe

We have created a new Recipe: Auth API v3: Allpoint ATM Card Load, based on the same transaction that informed Scenario 25, introduced below.

New card transaction scenario

We added Scenario 25: ATM Card Load (Allpoint), which demonstrates a cardholder feeding cash into an ATM to load onto a card.

Corrected field name

We corrected a field name in the ACFC: account_feature_change event from feature_id to feature_type. This is a correction to the documentation, not a change to the event.

Transaction type clarifications

To the Transaction Types enumeration we've added the Discover card-load reversal transaction code ADlc and we've updated the Authorization types table to clarify what each value means.

Card load simulations

We've added instructions to simulate three types of card loads:

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

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