Scenario 8: Partial Reversal on Authorization

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A debit cardholder requests a ride from a ride-share service. The service obtains a $30 authorization. At the end of the ride, the total comes to $10. The following are true:

  • The initial available balance is $1000.
  • The network is Visa.

Sequence of events

Events in the same step have the same timestamp.

  1. Visa sends an authorization request for –30.00.
  2. Galileo approves the request and places a 30.00 hold on the account. The available balance is now 970.00. Galileo sends a BAUT: auth event message.
  3. When the ride is completed, the total comes to 10.00. Visa sends an authorization reversal for 20.00.
  4. Galileo releases 20.00 from the hold. The available balance is now 990.00. Galileo sends an AAAU: auth event message.
  5. Visa sends a batch file with the –10.00 transaction.
  6. The arrival of the transaction in the batch file causes Galileo to expire the reversal, which reverses out the 20.00 credit. Galileo sends a BEXR: auth_exp_reversal event message. Galileo backs out the original 30.00 hold and posts –10.00 to the account. The available balance is still 990.00. Galileo sends a SETL: setl event message.


These tables show how the transactions are represented by various Galileo systems. For an explanation of the trans_code field, see Classifying transactions in the About Transactions guide.

Auth API

AuthAuth30.005588010002023-10-25 18:31:32
ReversalAuth20.00771155889702023-10-25 18:41:20

Authorization/Settlement Events

BAUTauth30558809702023-10-25 18:31:32 MST
AAAUauth20771155889902023-10-25 18:41:20 MST
BEXRauth_exp_reversal20771155889702023-10-26 10:32:45 MST
SETLsetl10558809902023-10-26 10:32:45 MST

Authorized Transactions RDF

-30.00558850VIA2023-10-25 18:31:32
20.00771155588VIR2023-10-25 18:41:20

Posted Transactions RDF

-10.005588VSA55882023-10-25 18:31:322023-10-26 10:32:45

Get Authorization History response

This endpoint returns only transactions that have not settled, reversed, or expired. These transactions are also returned by Get Account Overview. This table shows both the authorization and the reversal; however, in Production you would get only the most recent transaction.

-3055880L0000000030002023-10-25 18:31:32
2077115588R0000000020002023-10-25 18:41:20

Get Transaction History response

This endpoint returns only settled transactions. These transactions are also returned by Get Account Overview.

-1055880VSA2023-10-25 18:31:322023-10-26 10:32:45

Get All Transaction History response

This endpoint returns the same transactions as the All Transactions screen of the CST.

-3055880VIA5588970Y2023-10-25 18:31:322023-10-25 18:31:32
2077115588VIR7711990Y2023-10-25 18:41:202023-10-25 18:41:20
-20None0VXR7711970NoneNone2023-10-26 10:32:45
30None0BVA55881000NoneNone2023-10-26 10:32:45
-1055880VSA5588990Y2023-10-25 18:31:322023-10-26 10:32:45

Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC 2025

All documentation, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and any other content, are the exclusive property of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of Galileo Financial Technologies, LLC. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of these materials are expressly prohibited.