Scenario 14: International Reversal

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This scenario was updated in Aug 2024 to include the reversal ID. The previous version of this scenario was predicated on older data sets, and so the reversal ID had been omitted.

A debit cardholder purchases $250 worth of goods at a gift shop in Barcelona, Spain. A little while later the cardholder returns one $50 item to the shop. The shop refunds $50 to the cardholder on the card that was used to make the purchase. The following are true:

  • The initial available balance is $1000.
  • The merchant validates the debit card with a signature.
  • The network is Mastercard Banknet.
  • The cardholder returned the item before the transaction cleared.
  • The authorization and settlement amounts are in dollars, converted from the foreign currency.

Sequence of events

Events in the same step have the same timestamp.

  1. Mastercard sends an authorization request for –250.00.
  2. Galileo approves the request and places a 250.00 hold on the cardholder account. The available balance is now 750.00. Galileo sends a BAUT: auth event message.
  3. The merchant sends an authorization reversal for 50.00.
  4. Galileo removes 50.00 from the hold. The available balance is now 800.00. Galileo sends an AAAU: auth event message.
  5. Mastercard sends a batch file with –202.00 as the settlement amount, after applying currency conversion to the remaining 200.00.
  6. Galileo expires the 50.00 reversal and sends a BEXR: auth_exp_reversal event message.
  7. Galileo backs out the 250.00 hold and posts –202.00 to the account. The available balance is now 798.00. Galileo sends a SETL: setl event message.


These tables show how the transactions are represented by various Galileo systems. For an explanation of the trans_code field, see Classifying transactions in the About Transactions guide.

Auth API


Authorization/Settlement Events

BAUTauth250225507502021-04-14 04:18:46 MST
AAAUauth50440022558002021-04-14 04:57:16 MST
BEXRauth_exp_reversal50440022557502021-04-14 09:06:23 MST
SETLsetl202225507982021-04-14 09:09:57 MST

Authorized Transactions RDF

250.00-2255502021-04-14 04:18:46
50.00+4400522552021-04-14 04:57:16

Posted Transactions RDF

202.00-2255SE522552021-04-14 09:09:572021-04-14 09:09:57

Get Authorization History response

This endpoint returns only transactions that have not settled or expired. These transactions are also returned by Get Account Overview. This table shows both the authorization and the reversal; however, in Production only the most recent transaction is returned. The local_amt field contains the sale amount in Euros.

-25022550A0000000237232021-04-14 04:18:46
5044002255R0000000047452021-04-14 04:57:16

Get Transaction History response

This endpoint returns only settled transactions. These transactions are also returned by Get Account Overview.

-20222550SE52021-04-14 04:18:462021-04-14 09:09:57

Get All Transaction History response

This endpoint returns the same transactions as the All Transactions screen of the CST.

-25022550AUA2255750Y2021-04-14 04:18:462021-04-14 04:18:46
5044002255AUR4400800Y2021-04-14 04:57:162021-04-14 04:57:16
-50NoneNoneEXR4400750NoneNone2021-04-14 09:06:23
250NoneNoneBO522551000NoneNone2021-04-14 09:09:57
-20222550SE52255798Y2021-04-14 04:18:462021-04-14 09:09:57