Get Wire History

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Use the Get Wire History endpoint to retrieve a list of wire transfers related to the specified account. If you do not populate startDate and endDate, the endpoint returns wires from the last 30 days.

See Record-Set Pagination for instructions on using the paging parameter.

Input parameters

NameReqData typeDescriptionPatternExample
apiLoginXstringWeb service username, as provided by Galileo.Max 50 characters"AbC123-9999"
apiTransKeyXstringWeb service password, as provided by Galileo.Max 15 characters"4sb62fh6w4h7w34g"
providerIdXint32Galileo-issued provider identifier.Max 10 digits9999
transactionIdXstringA unique provider-generated ID to identify this API call. A UUID is preferred. This value is used for idempotencyMax 60 characters"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
accountNoXstringThe PRN of the sending account.PRN"999101789123"
startDatedateThe beginning date for the date range, either a date or a date-time. Default: 31 days prior to today's date.YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD2023-11-01
endDatedateThe end date for the date range, either a date or a date-time. Must be equal to or later than startDate. Max 1098 days (~3 years) after startDate. Default: End of today.YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD2023-12-31
directionstringWhich direction to return: in, out or bothin, out, bothout
maxTransactionsint32Maximum number of transactions per page to return. Default: 100Max 20020
nextPageTokenstringPass the next_page_token from a previous response to return the next pageToken string

Example request

curl --location --request POST 'https://[URL]/getWireHistory' \
--header 'response-content-type: json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'apiLogin=[redacted]' \
--data-urlencode 'apiTransKey=[redacted]' \
--data-urlencode 'providerId=19' \
--data-urlencode 'transactionId=e7f8365e-0f73-42d5-a69f-a987b2417cd7' \
--data-urlencode 'accountNo=652101062469' \
--data-urlencode 'startDate=2023-08-11' \
--data-urlencode 'endDate=2023-08-11' \
--data-urlencode 'direction=out' \
--data-urlencode 'maxTransactions=2' \
--data-urlencode 'nextPageToken='

Response fields

The endpoint returns only those fields that contain data. Empty fields are not returned.

NameData typeReqDescription
end_datedatetimeXEnd date of the transaction history. Echo of endDate, if provided
max_transactionsintXThe maximum number of transactions to return. Echo of request parameter maxTransactions, if provided.
next_page_tokenstringToken to use to retrieve the next page. When this field is missing, there are no more pages to return.
num_transactionsintXThe number of transactions in the transactions list.
start_datedatetimeXStart date of the transaction history. Echo of startDate, if provided.
transactionsstringXList of the found wire transactions.
transactions.amountstringXTransaction amount.
transactions.wire_transaction_idstringXUUID of the transaction
transactions.receive_datestringXDate the transaction was received by file or API
transactions.directionstringXDirection of transaction relative to Galileo: in(coming) or out(going)
transactions.statusstringXStatus of the transaction
transactions.descriptionstringXDescription of the transaction: "Outgoing wire"
transactions.senderdictA description of the entity sending the funds. Only returned when direction: in. All subfields are optional.
transactions.sender.accountstringSender’s account number
transactions.sender.addressstringSender’s physical address
transactions.sender.bankstringSender’s bank name
transactions.sender.bank_idstringSenders bank identifier
transactions.sender.countrystringSender’s country code
transactions.sender.namestringSender’s name
transactions.receiverdictA description of the entity receiving the funds. Only returned when direction: out. All subfields are optional.
transactions.receiver.accountstringReceiver’s account number
transactions.receiver.addressstringReceiver’s physical address
transactions.receiver.bankstringReceiver bank name
transactions.receiver.countrystringReceiver’s country code
transactions.receiver.namestringReceiver’s name

Example response

	"status_code": 0,
	"status": "Success",
	"processing_time": 0.614,
	"response_data": {
    	"end_date": "2023-08-31 23:59:59",
    	"max_transactions": 2,
    	"next_page_token": "2cXvCmdsR0rJNkYZdJviXcivRBCrUz74foJ9ZU329C8EpG4howC2bv5wqjJRMvzryaFKtwUTbjcm+0cmCyeRqgd//5zyOlzxIcEaEMg7FpTC84HK2TJop7TQChVDE1Iujem5VuxlMsSLCbZe2Qw7kItP6UtSkC+1oOWraQLyDr3/WvEEsik4cE/7/d9MFqQlMp8Z0m6OREA=",
    	"num_transactions": 2,
    	"start_date": "2023-08-11 00:00:00",
    	"transactions": [
            	"amount": "20",
            	"description": "Outgoing wire",
            	"direction": "out",
            	"receive_date": "2023-08-23 08:46:43",
            	"receiver": {
                	"account": "99987654321",
                	"address": "555 Green St. Verdantville NY 10034",
                	"bank": "Wells Fargo",
                	"name": "Bailey Savings & Loan"
            	"status": "POSTED",
            	"wire_transaction_id": "3345df62-3f19-4c21-8b54-f12a3f4f6d3a"
            	"amount": "20",
            	"description": "Outgoing wire",
            	"direction": "out",
            	"receive_date": "2023-08-23 08:45:21",
            	"receiver": {
                	"account": "99987654321",
                	"address": "555 Green St. Verdantville NY 10034",
                	"bank": "Wells Fargo",
                	"name": "Bailey Savings & Loan"
            	"status": "POSTED",
            	"wire_transaction_id": "de359400-e5bb-4d03-9ec4-52b4ccf1a7ee"
	"echo": {
    	"provider_transaction_id": "",
    	"provider_timestamp": null,
    	"transaction_id": "0a8a34ab-96e8-47d3-bb31-546dc14b7d6a"
	"system_timestamp": "2023-08-23 08:58:09",
	"rtoken": "88e4493d-3d22-4795-9993-a9ee613a74e9"

Status codes

See Global Response Statuses for status codes that are common across endpoints.